Part 8

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UA on Crack

WhoArtThou: I just realised that I've been quite oblivious to the GC name. Are you guys from UA?

BlondeInLeather: Yes we are!

DevilInaVest: Indeed.

WhoArtThou: Wait… Please don't tell me you're the staff.

DevilInaVest: I'm pretty sure the staff wouldn't just let some stranger stay.

WhoArtThou: True. So you are students? Which year and what course?

<Everyone in mind: Nezu you sly rat>

UA staff Chat

Eraserhead: Alright, Nezu, what the heck?

Midnight: We're… Students?

Nezu: Indeed. Now play along. A rat needs entertainment.

Recovery girl: Did you just call yourself a rat?

Nezu: :)

UA on Crack

DevilInaVest: General Studies. All of us. We are in our second year.

WhoArtThou: Oh okay.

UA Staff Chat

Nezu: You can say that you're from support course, Majima.

Power Loader: Why?

Nezu: I'll explain later

Eraserhead: Seriously? We're all Gen Ed?

Nezu: :)

Everyone: Fine….

UA on Crack

PoorMan'sTonyStark: Support

WhoArtThou: The name kinda gives it away.

DevilInaVest: All of us are from General studies. Except @PoorMan'sTonyStark.

WhoArtThou: Oh, cool!
WhoArtThou: Anyway, I gotta go. Bye. Good night!

BlondeInLeather: Byee!!

NotForInnocentEyes: Bye~

WhoArtThou is offline

UA staff Chat

Recovery Girl: Nezu. Explain.

Nezu: Explain what?

Eraserhead: Don't pretend, Nezu.

Vlad King: Yeah, what the hell was that?

Power Loader: Why am I the only one in support course? Not that I'm complaining..

Nezu: All will be explained in due time. For now, let me enjoy my daily dose of tea :)

Midnight: Since when did you start using those emojis? It's weird to see you do that

Recovery Girl: Nezu, this is not funny. Do you want me to hit you with my cane?


Snipe: Please tell us what you're planning

Cementoss: I am not comfortable with this. We are being left in the dark.

Eraserhead: Nezu, spill.

Present Mic: I may have added them by mistake but can you please tell me why you're playing this game? It's honestly confusing!

Lunch Rush: I don't think you've shown this level of interest in anyone since Sir Nighteye.

Ectoplasm: Please don't tell me…

Vlad King: This is stupid.

Midnight: I'm kinda new here.. what's with Sir Nighteye? I know who he is but what has he got to do with Nezu?

Snipe: Allow me to enlighten you.
Snipe: Sir Nighteye was Nezu's personal student for a while.

Ectoplasm: Yes.

Midnight: How old are you, Nezu? Nighteye's like.. All Might's age!

Nezu: Age doesn't matter when it comes to education :)

Eraserhead: Correction- when it comes to planning for world domination.

Cementoss: Nighteye wasn't exactly a student. More like an assistant. It was years after he graduated. He had worked with Nezu for a case and became a student-like figure due to Nezu's superior skills. Nezu was more like a guide.

Midnight: Makes sense.

Recovery Girl: That's well and good but we are forgetting the elephant in the room, dearies.

Midnight: Oh yeah! Nezu?

Nezu: I'll tell you this much- this person is very interesting and I'm sure they'll be interacting with Majima in the future. I wanted to narrow down the interactions.

Snipe: Why?

Nezu: Because I'm enjoying the game! And I set the rules :)

Ectoplasm: This is getting weirder by the second.

Nezu: No more questions or there will be no fun. Let them reveal themselves.

Eraserhead: Is this some sort of revenge? Or are you just plain sadistic?

Nezu: You know the answer.

Cementoss: Sadistic it is.

Midnight: Wait.. they might be interacting with Majima? Why tho?

Nezu: No more questions

Lunch Rush: Are they a student?

Nezu is offline

Present Mic: Is it natural for a pro hero to be terrified?

Snipe: This just makes things worse

Eraserhead: I'm too tired for this. I'm napping.

Eraserhead is offline

Snipe: There goes the only person who can handle this mess.

Midnight: I wouldn't be so sure.

Uh... Hello? (UA staff Chat)Where stories live. Discover now