UA on Crack
WhoArtThou: I just realised that I've been quite oblivious to the GC name. Are you guys from UA?
BlondeInLeather: Yes we are!
DevilInaVest: Indeed.
WhoArtThou: Wait… Please don't tell me you're the staff.
DevilInaVest: I'm pretty sure the staff wouldn't just let some stranger stay.
WhoArtThou: True. So you are students? Which year and what course?
<Everyone in mind: Nezu you sly rat>
UA staff Chat
Eraserhead: Alright, Nezu, what the heck?
Midnight: We're… Students?
Nezu: Indeed. Now play along. A rat needs entertainment.
Recovery girl: Did you just call yourself a rat?
Nezu: :)
UA on Crack
DevilInaVest: General Studies. All of us. We are in our second year.
WhoArtThou: Oh okay.
UA Staff Chat
Nezu: You can say that you're from support course, Majima.
Power Loader: Why?
Nezu: I'll explain later
Eraserhead: Seriously? We're all Gen Ed?
Nezu: :)
Everyone: Fine….
UA on Crack
PoorMan'sTonyStark: Support
WhoArtThou: The name kinda gives it away.
DevilInaVest: All of us are from General studies. Except @PoorMan'sTonyStark.
WhoArtThou: Oh, cool!
WhoArtThou: Anyway, I gotta go. Bye. Good night!BlondeInLeather: Byee!!
NotForInnocentEyes: Bye~
WhoArtThou is offline
UA staff Chat
Recovery Girl: Nezu. Explain.
Nezu: Explain what?
Eraserhead: Don't pretend, Nezu.
Vlad King: Yeah, what the hell was that?
Power Loader: Why am I the only one in support course? Not that I'm complaining..
Nezu: All will be explained in due time. For now, let me enjoy my daily dose of tea :)
Midnight: Since when did you start using those emojis? It's weird to see you do that
Recovery Girl: Nezu, this is not funny. Do you want me to hit you with my cane?
Snipe: Please tell us what you're planning
Cementoss: I am not comfortable with this. We are being left in the dark.
Eraserhead: Nezu, spill.
Present Mic: I may have added them by mistake but can you please tell me why you're playing this game? It's honestly confusing!
Lunch Rush: I don't think you've shown this level of interest in anyone since Sir Nighteye.
Ectoplasm: Please don't tell me…
Vlad King: This is stupid.
Midnight: I'm kinda new here.. what's with Sir Nighteye? I know who he is but what has he got to do with Nezu?
Snipe: Allow me to enlighten you.
Snipe: Sir Nighteye was Nezu's personal student for a while.Ectoplasm: Yes.
Midnight: How old are you, Nezu? Nighteye's like.. All Might's age!
Nezu: Age doesn't matter when it comes to education :)
Eraserhead: Correction- when it comes to planning for world domination.
Cementoss: Nighteye wasn't exactly a student. More like an assistant. It was years after he graduated. He had worked with Nezu for a case and became a student-like figure due to Nezu's superior skills. Nezu was more like a guide.
Midnight: Makes sense.
Recovery Girl: That's well and good but we are forgetting the elephant in the room, dearies.
Midnight: Oh yeah! Nezu?
Nezu: I'll tell you this much- this person is very interesting and I'm sure they'll be interacting with Majima in the future. I wanted to narrow down the interactions.
Snipe: Why?
Nezu: Because I'm enjoying the game! And I set the rules :)
Ectoplasm: This is getting weirder by the second.
Nezu: No more questions or there will be no fun. Let them reveal themselves.
Eraserhead: Is this some sort of revenge? Or are you just plain sadistic?
Nezu: You know the answer.
Cementoss: Sadistic it is.
Midnight: Wait.. they might be interacting with Majima? Why tho?
Nezu: No more questions
Lunch Rush: Are they a student?
Nezu is offline
Present Mic: Is it natural for a pro hero to be terrified?
Snipe: This just makes things worse
Eraserhead: I'm too tired for this. I'm napping.
Eraserhead is offline
Snipe: There goes the only person who can handle this mess.
Midnight: I wouldn't be so sure.

Uh... Hello? (UA staff Chat)
FanfictionMidoriya Izuku, our sassy broccoli, gets added to the UA staff Chat by accident. The sly teen soon finds himself becoming the centre of everyone's attention. What happens when an ordinary teen with extraordinary talent get's virtually adopted by pro...