(A/N: The above picture was drawn by me! I absolutely love art and all things related. I just wanted to share it here. What do you guys think of it?)
"Ready Mei-chan?"
"You bet I am!"
"Problem Child... NOO-"
Shouta had no idea as to exactly when and how he had ended up as a guinea pig for whatever his problem trio liked to term as "Experimenting" but he sure as hell didn't enjoy it. Especially since either Nemuri or Majima always found a way to sneak some pictures and post them into the group chat. He did NOT like being laughed at.
Right now, the poor sleep-deprived hero was being flung into the air while Mei, Majima's devil-spawn, aimed what looked like a lazer at him.
"Fly still Mr. Scruffy! I gotta aim"
Izuku stared at the flying hero with wide eyes practically shimmering with unbridled excitement.
Shinsou, standing right next to his green haired brother-figure, maintained his 'I'm-too-tired-for-this' exterior but inside, he was far too excited to see how Mei's new gun worked.
Shouta never regretted teaching his purple haired carbon-copy how to use his scarf as much as he did now. Yeeted into space by his very own scarf... Traitors.
A blue-ish ray flew towards him and even before he could blink, he was encased in a floating pewter-hued gooey ball... In mid-air.
"YESSSS! I'VE DONE IT!!" The pink-haired demon yelled in triumph. "MY NEW BABY IS READYY"
"How are we gonna get him down now?"
Izuku paused mid-celebration and looked at a slightly worried Shinsou. He turned to look at Mei who was scribbling some crazy codes onto a piece of paper.
"Oh, I dunno"
"WHA-" Izuku and Shinsou sweat-dropped while said inventor stood oblivious to the piercing glare directed at her from the sky.
Izuku shook his head and looked at his floating mentor. "Hang in there, Aizawa-san! We'll figure something out"
"Well, thank you, problem child. I was really planning to get some coffee from across the street"
"Well don't. You can do that after we- oh" he was kinda late at realising the sarcasm.
If he could, Aizawa would have face-palmed himself hard enough to knock himself out. Since he couldn't, he chose to groan out loud instead.
"Mei-chan, do you know how to get him down?"
"I told you, I don't!" Mei exclaimed in slight irritation, "but we can try to develop an anti-anti-gravity-freeze-ray!"
"An anti-anti-what?" Shinsou and Izuku asked at once, horrified by the mere prospect of hearing more about whatever that was.
Izuku started sweating and eyed Mei warily. "Uh... Mei-chan? What exactly is this gun made for?"
Her unique yellow eyes sparkled as her hair blew with the sudden wind and Shinsou badly wanted to smack her. 'Now's not the time, Mei'
"I thought you would never ask! This is my new Anti-gravity-freeze-ray! I thought I'd come up something innovative to catch villains who can fly. You know, especially after the whole 'flying-Nomu' thingy. I basically combined anti-gravity with-"

Uh... Hello? (UA staff Chat)
FanfictionMidoriya Izuku, our sassy broccoli, gets added to the UA staff Chat by accident. The sly teen soon finds himself becoming the centre of everyone's attention. What happens when an ordinary teen with extraordinary talent get's virtually adopted by pro...