Part 16

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1 day later

UA Staff Chat

Midnight: I know the kid's probably busy and all that but I'm really really reeallllyyyy worried.

Present Mic: Yeah! I'm worried too! I miss the little listener ;(

Eraserhead: Nezu, is the kid alright?

Midnight: <Sniffle> You do care, Sho.

Eraserhead: So do all of you. He's a kid.

Present Mic: You're not denying? YOU DO CARE :D

Ectoplasm: I'll be honest, it's different when it comes from you.

Eraserhead: What am I? A monster?

Midnight: Nope! But you most certainly are a grouchy cat.

Present Mic: A grouchy cat that's high on caffeine and hates everything.

Eraserhead: Will you two shut up?

Snipe: I mean, they're not wrong.

Lunch Rush: You're only saying that because you aren't with him.

Snipe: No, seriously. Have you ever seen Aizawa having a favourite student? All of us have someone.

Cementoss: Except Nezu

Ectoplasm: Thank god for that.

Nezu: I was summoned?

Recovery Girl: No. Shoo.

Midnight: Did she just?! Oh my god! I CAN'T-

Present Mic: Damn.

Nezu: :)

Recovery Girl: You do know that doesn't work on me, right?

Nezu is offline

Ectoplasm: Our hero.

Snipe: So yeah, Aizawa being concerned about someone is a surprise.

Eraserhead: You're still onto that one?

Present Mic: And the kid isn't even his student!!!

Eraserhead: I can't deal with your crap. I'm gonna nap.

Eraserhead is offline

Midnight: hE rHyMeD
Next Day:

Nezu: I hope everyone is working diligently on framing the question papers for the entrance exam?

Ectoplasm: Majima finished framing his.

Power Loader: It is one of the toughest papers I've ever prepared.

Nezu: Do bring it to my office so we can check it.

Power Loader: Alright but I'll tell you, even I would have to think about one or two of the questions. Any harder and the students won't make it.

Midnight: Sounds harsh.

Vlad King: I don't think our opinions matter. Our works have constantly been rejected.

Eraserhead: Hate to admit but Vlad is right.

Nezu: But it's necessary that you prepare the paper together. The hero commission would not appreciate you stopping doing so.

Eraserhead: Like our efforts make any difference. The commission already has their papers printed. Our work is just a formality and will not even be looked at.

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