1 day later
UA Staff Chat
Midnight: I know the kid's probably busy and all that but I'm really really reeallllyyyy worried.
Present Mic: Yeah! I'm worried too! I miss the little listener ;(
Eraserhead: Nezu, is the kid alright?
Midnight: <Sniffle> You do care, Sho.
Eraserhead: So do all of you. He's a kid.
Present Mic: You're not denying? YOU DO CARE :D
Ectoplasm: I'll be honest, it's different when it comes from you.
Eraserhead: What am I? A monster?
Midnight: Nope! But you most certainly are a grouchy cat.
Present Mic: A grouchy cat that's high on caffeine and hates everything.
Eraserhead: Will you two shut up?
Snipe: I mean, they're not wrong.
Lunch Rush: You're only saying that because you aren't with him.
Snipe: No, seriously. Have you ever seen Aizawa having a favourite student? All of us have someone.
Cementoss: Except Nezu
Ectoplasm: Thank god for that.
Nezu: I was summoned?
Recovery Girl: No. Shoo.
Midnight: Did she just?! Oh my god! I CAN'T-
Present Mic: Damn.
Nezu: :)
Recovery Girl: You do know that doesn't work on me, right?
Nezu is offline
Ectoplasm: Our hero.
Snipe: So yeah, Aizawa being concerned about someone is a surprise.
Eraserhead: You're still onto that one?
Present Mic: And the kid isn't even his student!!!
Eraserhead: I can't deal with your crap. I'm gonna nap.
Eraserhead is offline
Midnight: hE rHyMeD
Next Day:Nezu: I hope everyone is working diligently on framing the question papers for the entrance exam?
Ectoplasm: Majima finished framing his.
Power Loader: It is one of the toughest papers I've ever prepared.
Nezu: Do bring it to my office so we can check it.
Power Loader: Alright but I'll tell you, even I would have to think about one or two of the questions. Any harder and the students won't make it.
Midnight: Sounds harsh.
Vlad King: I don't think our opinions matter. Our works have constantly been rejected.
Eraserhead: Hate to admit but Vlad is right.
Nezu: But it's necessary that you prepare the paper together. The hero commission would not appreciate you stopping doing so.
Eraserhead: Like our efforts make any difference. The commission already has their papers printed. Our work is just a formality and will not even be looked at.

Uh... Hello? (UA staff Chat)
FanfictionMidoriya Izuku, our sassy broccoli, gets added to the UA staff Chat by accident. The sly teen soon finds himself becoming the centre of everyone's attention. What happens when an ordinary teen with extraordinary talent get's virtually adopted by pro...