UA staff Chat
Vlad King: Okay, I'm being honest with you. I was stupid.
Eraserhead: Now you realise?
Midnight: Whatcha talkin' bout?
Present Mic: ?
Power Loader: I mean, you were always kinda stupid.
Vlad King:....
Vlad King: I'm going to ignore that.Hound Dog: Please explain, Vlad.
Vlad King: Look, I'm not saying this twice or explaining it further but I was an idiot in the kid's case. I showed bias which isn't hero-like and acted like a fool.
Vlad King: Kid's been through a lot and still has the spirit. I don't think I have the right to wrong him having been given it easy for myself.Eraserhead: So, you regret it?
Vlad King: Ugh yes.
Midnight: So you will apologise?
Vlad King: Yes.
Nezu: Eraserhead, please unmute Vlad King in the other chat so he can convey his apologies.
Eraserhead: Fine.
Eraserhead: But don't even dare to pull something stupid again.Vlad King: Whatever.
Snipe: Looks like Hound Dog has been of immense help.
Hound Dog: We only had one session.
Ectoplasm: That worked so effectively!!
Lunch Rush:...
Hound Dog: It was Vlad's own decision.
Ectoplasm: What in the world?!?
Vlad King: I'm surprised that I'm not surprised that it's a surprise to you.
Power Loader: Please stick to apologising to the kid. I can't wrap my head around your words.
Lunch Rush: Okay, what about Aledra?
Nezu: I have checked the school records and I'm disappointed that they are clean. All the students in the kid's class have a clean record except the kid himself.
Eraserhead: What did his record say?
Nezu has sent an attachment
Nezu: Delinquent behaviour, getting into fights, cheating on tests and more. His scores are graded the lowest.
Nezu: The kid is far more intelligent than any other his age.Midnight: It's evident.
Present Mic: Can we raid the school like, right now?
Eraserhead: We must.
Nezu: Unfortunately, not yet.
Eraserhead: WHY?!
Snipe: ^
Cementoss: ^
Midnight: ^
Power Loader: ^
Nezu: Because if we shut down the school, the press will be after us. The kid's identity will be under threat.
Nezu: Also, I may have found the other kid @WhoArtThou had mentioned. He indeed has a powerful quirk. I would like to observe him.Eraserhead: That brat's going to be in 1-A, isn't he?
Eraserhead: I don't want a bully in my class.Vlad King: I won't take him in either.

Uh... Hello? (UA staff Chat)
FanfictionMidoriya Izuku, our sassy broccoli, gets added to the UA staff Chat by accident. The sly teen soon finds himself becoming the centre of everyone's attention. What happens when an ordinary teen with extraordinary talent get's virtually adopted by pro...