UA on Crack
WhoArtThou: Hello
BlondeInLeather: Hello @WhoArtThou!!
NotForInnocentEyes: Hello~
DevilInaVest: Good afternoon.
WhoArtThou: I hope I'm not disturbing any of you. I just have a few questions.
BlondeInLeather: Not at all! It's Sundayy!!
DevilInaVest: Go ahead. Ask away!
WhoArtThou: Well, first of all, since you asked me to stay in this group… um.. I can ask you any questions, right? I mean, not the personal ones.. just..
OneKissIsAllItTakes: Of course you can!
NeonHoboCocoon: As long as they aren't breaching our policies
WhoArtThou: Your policies?
MineCraftManButGrey: As students of UA, we have a specific code of conduct. We do not wish to breach UA's privacy.
WhoArtThou: oh..
NotForInnocentEyes: What happened to the sassy WhoArtThou? You seem timid~
WhoArtThou: @NotForInnocentEyes, I assure you that I'm the same person. However, my behavior depends on the situation. I have business here, so isn't it prudent that I show some decency? If you want, I can sass my way out.
DevilInaVest: Ah, clever manipulation I see.
PoorMan'sTonyStark: That sounds creepy.
TalkToMe: It's natural for a person to resort to slight manipulation in order to get their job done. Every individual, including heroes, have their own techniques of manipulation. Logical ruses, for example.
NotForInnocentEyes: <snort>
NeonHoboCocoon: Did you seriously type "snort"?
NotForInnocentEyes: Yup! You have to know that I did that because you can't see me.
PewPewPew: That was a good one.
VampiresSuck: Indeed.
NeonHoboCocoon: Do you want me to recite your lame and useless techniques?
WhoArtThou: Erm.. I have no idea what's going on here but can I ask my question?
DevilInaVest: Of course, please do.
WhoArtThou: Okay, first of all- Is discussing the UA curriculum with outsiders forbidden?
TeethAndTrenchCoat: The Hero Course curriculum?
WhoArtThou: Um.. not specifically. How about in general?
DevilInaVest: It's not forbidden. It's natural for ex-students or existing students to discuss the curriculum with their friends and family. However, the Hero Course curriculum cannot be discussed due to the fact that it keeps changing. The other courses are almost constant and aspiring students use the knowledge to prepare themselves for their future.
WhoArtThou: Good to know.
IntoTheUnknown: Are you an aspiring student, @WhoArtThou?
WhoArtThou: Yes and that'll probably be the only personal thing you'd know about me now… or at least until I trust you enough.
ResidentRamseyButNicer: Oh! You seem to be sharp.
NotForInnocentEyes: Can't we at least have your name? We can give you ours if you want!
UA staff Chat
Eraserhead: Nemuri no.
Nezu: Midnight, please refrain from revealing yourself.
Recovery Girl: Kayama!
Midnight: Fiiiine.
UA on Crack
WhoArtThou: No thanks, @NotForInnocentEyes. I'm not comfortable with sharing my identity and would like it if you just use my eerily fitting chat name. I suggest you do the same for yourselves if you want to remain anonymous.
NeonHoboCocoon: The kid knows their business.
BlondeInLeather: Alright but can you share your pronouns at least?
WhoArtThou: Nope.
DevilInaVest: Is that what you wanted to ask, @WhoArtThou?
WhoArtThou: Actually, that was just to get a go for my question.
VampiresSuck: Which is?
WhoArtThou: Well, since all of you, except one, are from Gen Ed, I was hoping I could get some insight into the exact subjects we'll be dealing with. I have a fair idea about them from the UA official website but getting to know it from students who have experience is good, right?
DevilInaVest: That's not a problem at all! In fact, @BlondeInLeather is the best when it comes to the curriculum.
UA staff Chat
Present Mic: Because I'm the 1-C homeroom teacher, duh.
Nezu: Indeed :)
Snipe: I hate to admit but now I'm actually interested in this game of yours.
UA on Crack
WhoArtThou: Oh cool! If it's not much trouble, can you please share some details, @BlondeInLeather?
TeethAndTrenchCoat: Wait, you aren't aiming for the hero course, kid?
NotForInnocentEyes: It's actually weird. Most kids aim for the hero course and not Gen Ed.
WhoArtThou: No, I'm not @TeethAndTrenchCoat.
DevilInaVest: Why? if I may ask
WhoArtThou: Let's just say that my quirk isn't suitable.
NeonHoboCocoon: Not suitable for hero work?
WhoArtThou: No. Not suitable for the entrance exam.
BlondeInLeather: You could at least try?
WhoArtThou: I'm confident I can't get it. Let's face it, the UA hero course entrance exam is biased.
DevilInaVest: Would you mind elaborating?
(Let's see how our dear green bean throws light on the issue that our favourite sleep deprived hero has always been wanting to deal with. Will this make Aizawa bond with the sassy greenette? Find out in the next episode of Dragon Ba- wait a min! Ahem- Uh.. hello? (UA staff Chat))

Uh... Hello? (UA staff Chat)
FanfictionMidoriya Izuku, our sassy broccoli, gets added to the UA staff Chat by accident. The sly teen soon finds himself becoming the centre of everyone's attention. What happens when an ordinary teen with extraordinary talent get's virtually adopted by pro...