Part 18

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UA on Crack

Last time:

WhoArtThou: Eeeek!!!


BlondeInLeather: YEAHH!! That's amazing!!

ResidentRamseyButNicer: Nice!

PoorMan'sTonyStark: Good job, kid!

IntoTheUnknown: Yay for you!

NotForInnocentEyes: Aww! Congratulations sweetie!

MineCraftManButGrey: That's good to hear.

NeonHoboCocoon: Are they trustworthy?

NotForInnocentEyes: <( ̄︶ ̄)↗

BlondeInLeather: Aww!

NeonHoboCocoon: Shut up. Both of you.

WhoArtThou: XD
WhoArtThou: @NeonHoboCocoon, I met them just a while ago and I'm not sure but hey! You can't know if you don't try, right? ;)

TalkToMe: That is indeed good news but if you don't mind me asking, did you not have many friends growing up?

WhoArtThou: @TalkToMe, nope! The last time I had friends, if you could call them that, was when I was four.

NeonHoboCocoon: That's the age when most kids get their quirks… they abandoned you for your quirk, didn't they?

WhoArtThou: Sorta.
WhoArtThou: I wouldn't have minded if they just abandoned me and ignored me but noooo! They stuck around to bully the life outta me (눈‸눈)

NeonHoboCocoon: Names.

NotForInnocentEyes: Names, kiddo.

BlondeInLeather: We just want to talk :)

PewPewPew: ^

MineCraftManButGrey: ^

DevilInaVest: I would like to know as well.

WhoArtThou: Nope! It doesn't matter anymore. I don't want anything to do with them.

OneKissIsAllItTakes: That's right, dearie. Now that you've moved on, just focus on your dreams. Your success will be the biggest punishment for them.

WhoArtThou: @OneKissIsAllItTakes, you're literally the sweetest person ever (after my mom of course, hehe)! Thank you :)

OneKissIsAllItTakes: You're welcome, dear.

NotForInnocentEyes: So… who's the lucky person? (~‾▿‾)~

WhoArtThou: I'm obviously not going to reveal anything about them when I haven't told you guys much about myself in the first place XD
WhoArtThou: But they're really amazing! Although the way we met is… weird, for the lack of better words.

DevilInaVest: Interesting!

WhoArtThou: And they didn't judge me for my quirk!!! That's like, super rare!
WhoArtThou: In fact, they want to help me!! Isn't that amazing?! (^∇^)

BlondeInLeather: Okay, I know this is out of context but you sound like an excited little puppy!

NotForInnocentEyes: AnD iTs AdOrAbLe!!

NeonHoboCocoon: Please do tell us if they ever hurt you.

NotForInnocentEyes: Kiddo, @NeonHoboCocoon is going to replace your dad soon.

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