The Debute

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I  looked at the palace that's so large I can't even explain it! It's beautiful too, we all walk inside and it's full of people there, By the looks of it Athanasia and Claude haven't been introduced yet to the crowd

Well might as well eat while I wait, I went to find desserts and I probably look like a maniac for being happy for food but it's not my fault that I'm food driven very easy, I stuff my face with all the pastries there and enjoy the food

And then again I was took away by Roger Alphesus to be introduced with other nobles

But I was saved! "Make way for His Majesty, Emperor Claude De Alger Obelia and Her Highness, Princess Athanasia De Alger Obelia!!" They're here, as I looked up and see the two blondes coming down the stairs while Claude giving out the death glare to the crowd

"Wow they are much more beautiful in person" I whisper to myself watching them doing the first debutante dance

No wonder Jennette wanted to join in so bad it was like hunger for love and affection from a family but her real father is an evil man so I must watch out. I then slowly went back to eat some food but I was saw by the nobles I interacted with. We were quite close so we communicated very well!

.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.

I saw Sir Rogers from the corner of my eye, where's Jennette? Is she dancing with Ijekiel? The second song ended? The third dance is with all the girl whose debut is today. 

"Go ahead" daddy said, he was the only I truly love and I'm grateful for every moment with him, "Daddy thank you for being here today" I looked at him and smiled walking where all the other girls are.

While I was dancing I heard a voice and turned around slowly I saw a brunette hair and blue eyed lady talking to daddy!

is that.. 

.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.

I then bumped into somebody.. oh no! It was the cold blooded emperor! And.. I lost my ring! Where is it?! I- 

"Who are you to dare bump into the emperor? Look at me." He said with a cold voice I have no choice but to lie I could not even tell I was Antacious's daughter I would be doom for real!

I started to get shivers through my spine goosebumps! I looked at him "I-.. I am sorry!" I bowed down. I can feel his eyes looking at me and the others "How.. How did you get those eyes.?" Oh no! I thought he would not really see it but this was plan B I would pretend to be his daughter from now. Just in case, I hope I would not die for pretending but at the same time I would die if I told the truth. 

"I-.." Then sir Roger came in "She's your daughter." He looked shocked "What do you mean?" 

"Meet Jennette.. You're other daughter. Your first daughter" the crowd started to whisper behind me I can see Athy being surprised  

 Your first daughter" the crowd started to whisper behind me I can see Athy being surprised  

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he looked at me with first glance

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he looked at me with first glance. He is quite handsome- What- NO- He is older than Jennette what was I thinking why can't I just be Diana TT-TT 

He then said "Fine. I accept you.. but Sir Roger. I would like you to talk to me tomorrow for more information" 

"Yes you're majesty"

.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.

Back to my comfy bed, I flop down on it and take off my shoes, while maids then come in and change me into my night gown, I lay in bed thinking of all of this

I'll make Athanasia happy I won't let Anastacius cause Claude to loose his memories of her not ever I'm gonna give this story a happy ending

But after the situation that just happened...



I became Jennette Margarita!? (WMMAP) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now