𝖁𝖎𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕰𝖗𝖓𝖘𝖙 𝕱𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖑𝖞

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"Don't worry they can't see us. Who is that girl anyway? Do you have a sister?" A small boy responded with dull ruby red eyes. The jewelled eyed girl flinched by his words. The blonde haired and jewelled eyed girl tilted to look at what the ruby eyed and black haired boy had said.

'UWAAAAAAAAAH!' The girl thought with amazement. 'Whats up with Jennette? She's super cute and super pretty!' she complimented the girl thinking at her head. 


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"....That's odd. Her mana waves are not pure emperial bloodline no matter how you look at it" the boy thought and it was lucas "Its like something is mixed in it" Athanasia the jewelled eyed girl asked "What mixed in it?" with an annoying face "do you know about this girl you don't look surprised" he thought 

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"really? you don't need to go?" I smiled with delight, acting as an 7 year old is quite hard. "I'll them for you. Uncle and Auntie would understand" Ijekiel responded. For half of days I started to grow close to him. "So all you need to do is tell them you don't want to right?" I asked. "I have to go, even if you say that" he looked at me disappointed

I made fake tears falling out of my jewel eyes "Why? Why must you go? You'd do everything for me before.. But why not now?" I asked lots of questions. I then flinched as I felt there were two people. "I'm not leaving forever. I'll come back to see you even during the semester" He looked at me try to comfort me. "Alright! Well then, why not I join you?" I smiled

He looked at me with confusion. "what do you mean?" He asked "Just go back i'll be right back and meet uncle!" I commanded him "alright.."  he agreed. And went back. I then turned around. I opened the bush and made a glare to the two people. 

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"those kids are melodramatic" Lucas said with disgust, "Agh! that's why I told you we should just go- wait!" Athanasia heard the conversation and thought. Didn't she just stayed at the household? "So should we go or what?" Lucas asked "Wait just for a while!" then Lucas babbled which made them both not see the Burnette girl infront of them

"You both shouldn't be here." The brunette hair glared at the two chaotic kids "Atleast I'm not that chaotic or noisy much." Both flinched and looked at the girl who was looking at them with cold and glaring eyes. 

"KYA-" Athanasia was about to scream but Jennette covered her mouth. "You know princess, you both don't want to get caught right?" I made a soft grin and Lucas said "If you knew she was a princess then why shouldn't you respect her ?" He smiled "Well, I won't interfere your life princess if you don't interfere mine" I looked at her

"Yes. The princess agreed now we will get going!" Lucas made a encouraging face. 


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"LUCAS!" Athanasia yelled "What?!" he asked "I WAS THE ONE WHO IS SUPPOSED TO AGREE OR DISAGREE!" 

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Since I've dealed with it, now, I can live freely. For these years. I really grew close to Roger and Ijekiel and knew that I wasn't Claude's child but the former emperor. Roger gave me good education which made me be able to go to Arlanta and meet the Ernst family.

I have to go before its too late!

"UNCLE!" I yelled "Jennette?" he looked at me "please! I wanna go to the Arlanta province!" come on say yes! "But Jennette you don't have a place to stay at Arlanta." I looked at Ijekiel "She can live at the Ernst house" Ijekiel made a recommendation. Roger looked at me and I made the cutest and brightest puppy eyes "Fine.. pack fast" he ordered me scratching his hair "YAY!"

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me and Ijekiel are now inside the carriage on our way to Arlanta. I can't wait to meet the protagonist! "stay safe you two" Roger smiled softly "Of course uncle" I made a soft grin. Ijekiel looked at me "Don't feel nervous about the Ernsst family they are nice" He made a soft smile "Alright!" 

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"Children!" The blue haired lady, the Duchess of Vasita called the kids. "I'm here!" Hari smiled "UNNIE!!" Louise called "Well I see you are all here. Where's Cabel and Enrich?" she asked "Here!" they both stood up straight. "Alright lets welcome them and make sure to be nice" 

"Yes mother" Johannes smiled. As the door opened. They saw a white haired and golden eyed boy and saw a beautiful brunette brown haired lady with beautiful jewelled sapphire soft eyes "Welcome!" they all yelled "Thank you for welcoming us." Both beautiful divine kids infront of them shinned.

And the children and duchess and duke look at them with amazement. Especially, Cabel looking at the beautiful Burnette haired girl.

"Its a pleasure to be here" Jennette smiled putting her palm on her chest. 

My life is about to change

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My life is about to change..

I became Jennette Margarita!? (WMMAP) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now