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She had not been looking forward to this.

Jennette didn't want to die. Not before somebody looked at her with loving eyes. Not before someone had brought out the words, "Jennette I love you,". She was only 18 for god's sake. She hadn't been married. She hadn't found true friends. She hadn't had her father play with her. Jennette went up to the guillotine silently.

The people whispering, "Such a shame, she was a beauty," "She tried to assassinate the king! Evil!" "She was trying to steal the king from our dear princess, what a bitch," "I heard her mother betrayed the king and slept with his brother instead!" "No wonder her family despises her, born from a common whore,"

After Claude did not believe Jennette was a royal he got angry but let Jennette stay at the palace. The next thing you knew, they had a tea party only Jennette, Claude and Athanasia when Jennette showed them the tea she ordered, They sensed it was poison and thought Jennette tried to poison Claude. However, Jennette took the opportunity of being accused. She knows she wasn't the victim but she only did it to actually continue the story and because of the fake tea poison, Athanasia would be uncomfortable with Jennette..  They then also figured out that Jennette had black magic

Jennette did not want to die after she knew what she would loose but it was too late for making that decision

She heard those accusations quite clearly. It hurt just as much as when the voice in her head said it. Her mother was a whore? But how was that her fault? Tried to the assassinate the king? She didn't even know she had black magic in her till just now! I tried to poison the royal family? I would never! Her family despises her? That couldn't be...she thought as she grit her teeth.

Rage engulfing her in sorrow and misery. Tried to steal the king from the princess? "Why couldn't we just be family..." Jennette whimpered as her head was pushed onto the guillotine. A tear making it's way down her cheek, she'd always been such a crybaby. 'Jennette I love you' said the voice

'well its too late now.. I am gonna die' She gave a small smile as the sharp edge of the guillotine was about to touch the back of her neck. 

。o°✥✤✣    ✣✤✥°o。

"I can't help it, huh? You are so weak and helpless."

That soft, deep husky voice was ringing next to Antacious's ear. The Obelian Emperor was still laying on the bushes, almost losing his consciousness completely. Before he closed his eyes, he stared at a boy who spoke to him. A raven-haired boy, with ruby eyes and a beauty mark below his right eye. The boy was smiling. He then put his hand on Antacious's forehead. "Let me help you ease your pain."

Antacious felt his headache subsided gradually, but his consciousness was also subsiding along with the pain.

。o°✥✤✣    ✣✤✥°o。

15 minutes had passed.

The poor princess was already standing on the execution stage. She kept covering her face.

"No... Jennette." Antacious shakingly muttered.

Where is that fricking warlock!!?

Suddenly the ceiling was cracked a little by a little. The whole ground was shaking. Everyone was screaming and running away, some of them were escorted to the safe place, including another 'Antacious' and his adored daughter.

Lucas was 2 meters away from Antacious's sight, smiling at him. He was planning this earthquake all along in order to save the princess. Antacious saw his daughter sat on the ground.

She was stiff.

She couldn't even stand up straight.

Antacious was urged to help her daughter survive

He held her shoulders.

He tried to make her focus.

Unexpectedly, that  Jennette could feel his touch.

"Ah, right. I have to escape now.." The princess mumbled.

Antacious then carried Jennette. They ran towards the forest and Jennette was saved. She managed to run away from the execution.  

Her ankles were bleeding uncontrollably due to the shackles.

She was unable to shed any tear. Her eyes were dry.

Antacious then made Jennette crouch and lean on the tree.

She still felt like someone was next to her, continuously stroking her back, and then, stroking her brunette hair. "Forgive me.." Jennette then flinched it was the voice of Antacious her father! But then she thought, Her father was nowhere to be seen though.. "Papa?"

"It is my fault though.." Athanasia muttered.

"If i were not born, maybe right now papa would be happy with mama. Without me.."She smiled faintly.

Right after she said that, she heard a loud whimpering sound. Wind blowed her face intensely.

She saw a figure next to her.

A golden-blonde haired man, whose face was soaked with tears.

Jennette looked at him for while.

She laughed her lungs out regardless of that man's dejected expression. "I must be dreaming. I must be dreaming. I must be dreaming. I must be dreaming-" She kept muttering to herself, grabbing her hair, burying her face to her knees. Antacious stroked his daughter's hair gently. Her father's look-alike might be transparent, but Jennette could feel the gentle touch of this man.

It felt so real.

"It is not your fault." 


Antacious said those words with indescribable expressions in his face, while stroking his daughter's hair. When he glanced at his daughter, the girl's eyes were litting up gradually. She was shocked. Antacious's chest throbbed looking at his daughter's expression. Antacious flinched when Jennette held his hand which was stroking her hair. "Woah, this dream feels so real." Jennette smiled widely.

Her face was as pale as a living dead. Antacious panicked. Antacious crouched and grabbed Athanasia's shoulders. "Jennette" He kept calling her name, trying to make sure his daughter didn't lose her consciousness. "Father?"

"Yes. Keep calling me like that. Don't close your eyes."

Antacious bit his lip hard.

"Is this real?"


"I see."

。o°✥✤✣    ✣✤✥°o。

Antacious couldn't control himself anymore. He leaned on Jennette's narrow shoulder. His daughter could feel her cloth was soaked wet. "Father.. I feel sleepy. Can I-"

"No. Don't close your eyes..

"Please..I will call that magician. He will help you."

"He will protect you. You will not die. You will survive. Jennette.." Jennette held her father's wide shoulders, trying to see his face for one last time, before she lost her consciousness. The princess stared at her father's face. She realized how handsome Jennette's father was when he was gentle. He was even more handsome when he smiled gently. Jennette's jewel eyes were sparkling. "I am the happiest girl in the world." She chuckled while touching Jennette's Father wet cheek. Her hand was so cold.

Antacious bursted into tears once more, in front of his daughter.

He then embraced his daughter tightly.

She clutched to Antacious's cloth tightly. She felt comfortable in his warm embrace. "Thank you, father..." Antacious's eyes widened. His daughter stopped moving. Her hands which were holding to his back the whole time had fallen. 

and now reincarnated Jennette died.  "AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Antacious screamed the loudest he could scream, holding his dead daughter in his arms even tighter. Antacious was slowly dissipating, leaving his daughter's soulless body laying on the ground.

I became Jennette Margarita!? (WMMAP) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now