𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑯𝒖𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒔【Side Story】

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The 6 men went inside the elevator. "what is this?" Vinter asked "This is Aisha's Alavator, it can take us to the exit" Sislain explained "Say what now" Lucas chuckled lightly  "Wow! How does it work?" Cabel asked "Just press the buttons there and it will transmit us down" 

Vinter then pressed a few random buttons and yelled "TAKE US TO AISHA ALAVATOR!" 

While Lucas was there laughing his butt off. "WAIT THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS! ONLY PRESS ONE!" Sislain yelled. Suddenly they all panicked and screamed together while Lucas just stared at them 

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"LET ME DOWN!" Jennette yelled. Heinley put her down after. "You are the worst! The absolute worst! I'm sure a ton of people saw you! And we will be in so big trouble!" Jennette was mad.  

"Oh i live for trouble" Heinley's eyes sparkled and Jennette started to blush "NO YOU LIVE TO BE AN IDIOT!" Jennette said. Heinley then took his dagger out " Now then, get me more human likes from this place more than Vinter"  He threatened Jennette. "You'll kill me?" Jennette said with a effortless face "You catch on quick" 

Jennette made a sigh and took a leftover drink. "Here take this" She shoved it to Heinley. "Now pose near the fountain, this picture is so basic nobody would resist but to like" Jennette said

 "Now pose near the fountain, this picture is so basic nobody would resist but to like" Jennette said

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"Did i get more likes than Vinter?" He asked "Yes you did" I looked at it sparkling, Heinley than happily made a grin "i knew nobody can resist my smile and looks." Jennette turned to look at him 'When I saw you with your smile for the first time you looked scary' She looked at Heinley with a non believing face

They both then hear sounds, it was familiar to Jennette "wait.. thats" 

"Huh?" Heinley was confused and Jennette grabbed his hand tightly and hid behind the big bushes. They both then saw 3 people walking by. "Steve this shortcut is terrible!" The blonde haired and blue eyed girl scoffed. "The movie is gonna start soon!" The guy with blonde and brown hair covering his eyes complained. "Just trust me!" the Mohawk brown haired and blue eyed guy explained

"i'm just gonna google the route." The girl said "no!" The guy shouted

Jennette groaned "ugh.. not them" Heinley turned to look at Jennette " who are they?" Heinley asked as he turned back to look at the 3 idiots. Jennette sighed since she had to lie "powerful humans, when these typical humans get together they form a conflict. they prey on your emotions and confidence" 

"your what?" Heinley was confused and Jennette sighed "just.. take me home"

"You look odd" Heinley observed "Huh?" Jennette turned to look at him "I can kill those humans for you if it makes you not do that" Heinley said  as he took out his daggers"N-no! no!" 

'Even if he is serious, I can't risk them seeing me alone with Heinley. They might report it to my dads!' Jennette thought nervously "uhh, hey! how about you take me home the way that you did!" Jennette nervously laughed "finally an order that is exciting!" Heinley said and hid the dagger using his magic and grabbed Jennette's waist "Lets go!" 

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Heinley made a big jump and went through the big window. He then put down Jennette carefully "You're seriously crazy" Jennette had a wide eye. "You're so lucky nobody else saw that" 

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"everyone saw that right?.." The man looked at the other friend of his while half of the others looked at the window "Yeah just ignore it, it was probably a drone" The guy said and they all walked away. Since Heinley was so fast nobody could see him properly, or maybe it is because the people are blind. 

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"Huh?" A ding was heard, Jennette gasped "Oh no!" 

"what?" Heinley asked

"My dad is asking about my Instagram account! How did he even find me? No! NO! NO! NO! I have to delete your pics before he gets the wrong idea like Ms. Oats!" 

"WAIT I WON RIGHT?" Heinley asked "YOU DID!" Jennette looked nervous as she yelled and "HAHAH! I KNEW I WAS BETTER THAN VINTER!" Heinley laughed. Jennette calmly sighed " Okay, all your pics are gone except for mine! Which now has a millions of likes" Jennette snickered "Haha! Yay!" As both of them looked around "Wait, where are the others?" Jennette was confused

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The others were still at the elevator they were sitting around it while Lucas and Sislain were standing up. "We've been here for an eternity!" Vinter stood up and complained. "We must've done something wrong.." Sislain said "but you said you fixed it!" Ijekiel said 

"I feel sick.." Cabel was laying at the ground tired "HEINLEY I'LL KILL YOU!" vinter yelled. 

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