𝑯𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒖𝒕

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WARNING: second hand embarrassedment 

NOTE: I used gifs to make it more interesting, just imagine Jennette with green eyes and brown hair 

====. * ・ 。゚☆ [] ☆。゚・* .==== 

I was slowly blinking since I felt somebody's presence. When I opened my eyes i saw sislain crouching, I was the side of the bed and he smiled. it was literally 1:00 in the morning. "oh good you are awake!" He said "no im not.." I said "But you are talking" he responded "just.. what do you want?" i asked. "remember your promise to take us out when the sunrises"

"is that.. it?" I said with a tired tone "I have one more important thing to tell you" He said. "remember to let the other guys to eat popsicle ice cream as well. Its important for our research" 

"is that just an excuse for you to eat ice cream?" I asked "yes" his eyes sparkled "Im going back to sleep" I closely closed my eyes. Sislain then stopped crouching "Don't forget!" he opened the door and went away

After a few minutes I heard rustling and when I opened my eyes I saw Heinley, "What the f- fudge are you doing?" I stuttered looking at him slapping my phone. "Trying to get the Heinley from your magic slab at to show him who is more superior!" He said looking at me

"Why are you guys so dumb.. stop punching my phone!" I said in a quiet tone at first and then yelled as I could. "make me!" He stopped for a while and I took the opportunity to take my phone and hid it behind my breast. "uh.. what is that supposed to do?" He asked "make you not wanna grab it from my boobs because you respect my private boundaries?" I said "I RESPECT NOTHING!" He yelled. He was about to grab it and I yelled "its behind my source of power. touch it and you die!" I closed my eyes covering it. He then chuckled "I respect that you put death in all your spells. Makes me respect you" He then hop out of the bed and opened the door

"wait you just said-" I was cut off "Watch your back little crumb"  He said and walked off "god he's stupid." I mumbled and went back to sleep 

It was 3:70 am and I opened my eyes. I then saw Cabel lying on the bed with me looking at me "wh-what are you doing?" my eyes widened as I turned red. "Do you think humans will think I'm a threat to them?" Cabel asked "Their personal space.. yeah?" I said

"what does that mean?" 

"That means you're uncomfortably close to me right now. If i didn't know you, I'd be very scared." I  explained and he gasped "really?"


"Good. Thanks for the advice Aisha" He then hop out of the bed and went away. "God, thank you for giving me hot men, but why do you have to make them so freaking stupid and interrupting my sleep" I closed my eyes while talking to myself

4:45..  I opened my eyes because of a smell of fire. "What are you doing..?" I asked the man who was about to flame my cabinet. "don't try to stop me" He said "Heinley told me where you hid the phone so im destroying all of your-" I cut him off, i was too tired to listen. My eyes were sore red. "Okay.." I closed my eyes. trying to get back to sleep. "She fainted at the sight of my deed" His eyes widened. He turned around and took all my bras "I'll take all of these and destroy them" He said and went away

It was finally 5:45 and Lucas went inside "The sun has risen" Lucas scoffed "I haven't gotten any sleep" I said "But you said you would take us out" Lucas told "I can't do it without sleep.." I mumbled. He looked at me with pity "sleep." he said with sharp eyes. "I can't.. I've been woken up so much that I can't even sleep" I told. He then started stroking my hair as I started to close my eyes. "thank you" I mumbled back to sleep 

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