𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑭𝒖𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒓𝒆

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The seven men looked at the girl which the moon was reflecting her. They were in a calm quiet bedroom, the window balcony was reflecting the girl's face. "Its almost time for the eclipse" Ijekiel looked at the sky, putting his hand on the balcony door and looked around to see the boys. 

"How do you know Annette?

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"How do you know Annette?.." Sislain looked up to Ijekiel, Cabel and John "We were friends when we were childrens... childhood friends.. but we are still friends.. What do this guy mean by, Jennette being his wife or your wife?" Cabel looked at Vinter 

It was so windy but there was a figure outside that nobody noticed, Somebody was watching them 

Athanasia's POV

I never knew Jennette had lots of boys liking her.. why don't people like me, like that? I mean yes I am loved by the whole empires but never the zenus family. Not even half of the Arlanta people. 

I looked down and saw about seven boys worried about my own cousin, I mean.. she is the Heroine of the story but why do I have a feeling I am the one who is suppose to be the one to have the attention?

It was quite windy and cold, my hair was flowing like gold. I don't know why I am here looking at them.. maybe father would figure out I am not at the ball

 maybe father would figure out I am not at the ball

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He would get worried.. Should I go back? I mean there isn't anything interesting yet, I wonder where Lucas is, he didn't come to the banquet. Its so noisy at the other side. Only here is so peaceful, while the other way has lots of light and is so cheerful. 

I wonder what the eclipse does. I wish I was Jennette.. to be loved by lots of boys, to be honest, I never knew Jennette would be capable on having a harem. This wasnt even at the book.  Jennette doesnt really pretty as much as me or should I say Athanasia.. 

Jennette has brunette hair that looks like the ground and dirt.. I have blonde hair.. golden locks like gold that was treasure.. Jennette has blue eyes that shines but mines different because it glows and it looks like the sea..

Whats so good about her? 

Suddenly I saw something that made me shock

Suddenly I saw something that made me shock

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It was so bright "what the

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It was so bright "what the.." I mumbled as I saw Jennette's fake golden hair glow. How even is that possible? 

No ones POV

No ones POV

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"Wh.. why is her hair glowing?" Vinter looked at the girl sleeping peacefully, such hair could glow? They looked up and yellow flowers were falling slowly. Ijekiel looked outside in shock "Theres flowers are falling here too" He looked at the outside and saw a figure

"Huh?.." Suddenly the hair grew brighter and brighter that they couldn't see each other anymore. 

Such brightness were shown outside the balcony.. Curiosity took Athanasia. So she decided to look more closely, to look closely she went to the balcony and hid behind the pillars. To her surprise no one was there


Jennette then slowly felt something

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Jennette then slowly felt something.. she is awake! She slowly opened her eyes, and suddenly she was in an unknown place! "Hello?.." She replied. But what sent her was echoed hello of her ask. 

She saw pink butterfly and touched it, she accidently pinched it and she got surprised and felt pity but suddenly she teleported again, she felt dizzy.

 She opened her eyes again and saw her apartment. "i'm back again.." She mumbled "no.." She turned around and saw 7 men on her apartment and screamed "KYAAAAAAAAAA!"

I became Jennette Margarita!? (WMMAP) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now