Chapter 6

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You guys hop in car,and stiles tries to start the car multiple times but gets angry and upset,"wow wow stlinski,get out I'm driving,you need a calm down"you undo your seatbelt"no y/n it's fine I I got it"he said"no stlinski get out" he looks at you,sadly smiles and gets out of the car,you get into the driver seat and turn the car on the first time,you rise your eyebrows at stiles,he chuckles and rolls his eyes,you feel good that you got him to slightly laugh,you are driving to the hospital when you stop at a red light,you look over at stiles and see he is biting his nails,you chuckle "so we both still bite our nails then"he looks over at you and stop,he dissent say anything,"stiles it's ok,your dad will be fine"you Say as you start driving again"how do you know,and we,I saw him before it happed I should of stoped him from going tonight I should done something"he say looking out the window,you look over at him"stiles quit it,we couldn't have knew,your couldn't have know,your dads strong he will get though this"you say "I can't lose both of my parents y/n,not both of them"he says sadly,you put your hand on his thigh"you won't"you say sadly,after driving for a while you arrive at the hospital,stiles doesn't get out of the car,you can tell he is scared"come on stlinski,let's go see your dad"he looks at you and nods,you both hop out of the car and walk into the hospital,and head over to the front desk,stiles doesn't say anything,you can tell he's nervous,"um hi is Melissa maccall here"you ask,the girl behind the desk picks up the phone,stiles starts to get fidgety,you look at him,he looks at you and get scared so he stops,the lady hangs up the phone"um she will be down to see you in a second"she says "ok thank you so much"stiles smiles at her,you wait for a second and then Melissa come around the concer,and walks up to you guys,"hey stiles,hey y/n"she says"hows my dad can we see him"he asks her nervously "ok stiles,your dad is doing great,but he's still in surgery he should be out in about an 1hour and 30 minutes,you should go home get some rest and I'll call you when you should come back"she says putting her hand on stiles shoulder"no no I have to stay and wait for him to to get out of surgery"he says shaking his head,Melissa looks at you for help"stiles come on,we can't do anything and we need sleep it's,like 3:00 in the morning,it's ok he will be fine,I'll let you drive"you say,Melissa look and smile thankfully at you,stiles looks at you,then Melissa"call me if anything happens Melissa,I-I can't lose him ok he's my dad"he say to Melissa "I will call you stiles I swear now go with y/n"she says walking away,you guys walk out and hop in the car,stiles get in the drivers seat,and sighs,you hop in the car and get on your phone and see missed calls from Lydia"shit"you say quitely,you go to call her but hear stiles sob you look up at him to see him crying with his hands over his mouth,you don't know what to,"hay hay,stiles it's ok"he doesn't stop you get out of the car and walk to his side and open the door,you grad him and hug him tightly and stroke his hair,"hay hay it's ok it's ok,im here"you say still hugging him,you start to feel safe and warm in his arms,he feels safe in your arms as well"it's ok" you kiss his head without thinking,you guys stay hugging for and 2 minutes after that,you let go of your embrace,you make eye contact with each other "wow I really wanna kiss her right now" he thinks "wow I wanna kiss him right now"you think,"Lydia."you say bluntly "what" he says confused,you break the eye contact "um I have to call her when we get back"you say as you walk back around to your seat,and hop in,stiles is driving home,"actually do you mind if I call Lydia now she's called me like 16 times"you ask looking at him"Ye Ye sure"he say"thanks" you say dialing her Number,you put the phone to your ear and wait for her to pick up,she dose"y/n where are you are ok"she says worried,"hay Lydia Ye I'm fine I'm um" you hesitate"I'm with stiles"you say putting your hand on your head"what,your still studing at 3:30 in the morning"she says"um no somthing happend to stiles's dad,I'm um gonna stay with him tonight"you say,stiles looks at you and says"your staying"you quickly put your hand over the speaker"yes now shut the fuck up" you say "your staying like the night"she asks sadly,you lean over to the window so stiles doesn't,hear you"Ye but it means nothing ok I promise nothing will happened nothing I promise"you say "ok whatever y/n,just stay safe goodnight"she says not waiting for you to say bye,she just hangs up,you look at the phone "shit" you think to yourself "everything ok"stiles asks "um Ye Ye it's fine" you look at him,"hay I can put music on so I don't have to talk to him Ye yes I'll do that"you think to your self "hay I'm gonna put some music on though my phone ok,ok cool"you say not caring if he says no,he looks at you,"ok" he says confused,you scroll though your playlist on Spotify you pick the song"sweater weather the neighbourhood"and you play it,you can sence stiles looking at you but you don't look back at him,you guys get home,and go back up to stiles room,you plot onto the bed,and stiles sits on the bed,then gets up,you get a pillow and lay on your stomach watching what he is doing,he gets his crime bored out and starts to try to figure out what happened to his dad,he dose this for about 5 minutes before getting angry and slamming the pen at the board,you qickly get up and pick the pen up for the floor"stiles you don't have to figure this out" you say,"no y/n you don't get it's the fucking supernatural word"he says "shit" he says after relizimg what he said you laugh"you think I don't know that my fucking sister is a banshee and my best friend is a werecoyaote"you say giving stiles the pen"you know" he say look at you"duh,and you think I don't know what's happened to me"you say,he looks at you"happened!you didn't say it had already happened y/n"he says looking at you"shit stiles I-" you say but he cuts you off"first are you ok second what are you third you should talk to Scott fourth you didn't tell me!!!he says pacing the room"wow stiles your making me dizzy quit Pacing,first yes I'm fine I've kinda get control of it,and it's been like a couple of months since I you know became a it,and I'm also a banshee,I guess it runs in the family"you joke,he Dosent laugh"not funny ok,and I've already talked to Scott he helped my though the phone,and I didn't tell you cause we are not friends we hate each other"you say turning away from him and leaning on his desk,he walks up behind you and brushes you arm"I don't hate you"he says as he kisses your neck,"you put your head back a little bit"well I don't hate you either"you say moaning quietly,"oh yeah" he says as he picks you up and sits you on top of the desk facing him,you come apart and look at eachother,you kiss him hard,you kiss as he lifts up the bottom of your shirt and you undo his belt, he moves back down to your neck,he kisses it as you grab his hair and sigh/moan,it takes you a moment to relize what your doing,"SHIT"you say as you push him away and fix your shirt"what y/n" he says confused "Stiles I cant"you say walking and sitting on the bed,you put your head in your hand and pull your hair out of your face"what why"he says doing his belt back up"Lydia stiles my sister"you say lying on your back"what why dose Lydia matter"he says confused "SHE LIKES YOU STILES ALOT AND I PROMISED HER NOTHING WOULD HAPPEN"you snap,and then you crawl into a ball on the bed and start to cry"I cant believe I did this to her I promised I wouldn't she's my sister"you say sobbing,he goes to walk over to you but then his phone rings,he walks over to it,and picks it up"um hello,ok be there in 10 thanks Melissa cya"he says hanging up the phone,"my dads out of surgery and awake,um are you gonna come or stay here"he say putting a jacket on"umm I'll come back can I um borrow somthing warmer then a flannel"you ask,"Ye of course"he walks over to his wardrobe and pulls out a black hoodie"um do you want to change the skirt to or are u ok"he asks"umm yes sure"you say he smiles at you and pulls out some grey sweats"thanks stiles"you say,he just looks at you,you spin your hand in a circular motion,gesturing for him to look away as you get changed"oh right sorry"he say spinning around,you put the jumper and swears on"ok you can turn around"you say he turns around, "how do you still look good In my clothes"he says,you walk towards him and go yo kiss him,but you know you can't so you just put the top of your head on his chest and curl up the sleeves of his jumper,"we should go"you say as you look up at him"he strokes your hair,"Ye we should"he says grabbing your phone and handing it to you,you smile at him,and you guys walk out and head to the hospital,you guys get their and walk in to see Melissa waiting for you guys"hay Melissa um can we see him"he asks walking up to her"hi stiles yes he is still a little drowsy from the pain killers but he should be fine"she says walking you guys to his room"here guys"she says as she walks always,stiles is nervous to go in you look at him and you can't tell he is scared you put your hand into his"come on"you say as you smile and lead him into the room,he comes in behind you,you guys walk up to his bed,you stand there and you realised your still holding his hand you slip yours out of his and grab the chairs for the corner of the room"here"you say to stiles"thanks y/n"he says as you guys sit down,Noah's eyes start to open"stiles"he says sleepily,stiles looks up and grabs his dad hand"Ye hay dad"he says sighing in relief"hay son"he says as he sits up in the bed,you,smile and rub stiles back for a sec,Noah looks around and sees you,you smile at him,he sees you rubbing stiles back,you relize and take it off,he just smiles and chuckles at you,you chuckle as you put the top of your head onto the bed"so how you feeling dad"stiles asks "Ye pretty good,I mean as good as I can be after being stabbed"he says you look at stiles"dad I'm so sorry I should of stop you from going to work When I got home I'm so so sorry"he says Noah looks at stiles"don't be stupid how could you of known"he says,you and stiles chuckle"what what's funny"Noah asks (fomo)you look at Noah"stiles said the same thing to me"you say"and she told me the same thing" you look at eachother,Noah sees you guys"HAY get a room you guys this is mine"he says you guys laugh"don't worry son,you still got me"he says to stiles,stiles tears up"I thought You where gonna die dad"he says a tear running down his face"oh don't be stupid,I'm not going anywhere"he says yawning"good,I don't want you to"stiles says"putting the hop of his head on the bed he looks up to relize his dad is asleep "night dad"stiles says as he lays his head on the bed,after a while he falls asleep,your still awake your scrolling though your phone,you hesitate but press the camera app,you look at stiles sleeping,you snap a photo of it,and send it to the gc you have  with only malia and Allison in it,to make sure Lydia didn't see,without thinking you send the photo of him to them and you send"he's so cute" to the gc as well not relizing what you had done till it was to late you just quickly turn your phone off and try to forget about it,after a while of laying your head on the bed,facing stiles,you fall asleep,after about 5 hours of sleep you feel somone playing with your hair you slowly open your eyes,and rub your eye,you see stiles still lying down facing you,you relize it's Him playing with your hair,you smile at him"he is actually perfect"you think to yourself,you guys look at each other you check your phone to see the time and see it's 8:50,you sit up"SHIT STILES WE ARE SO LATE FOR SCHOOL" you say as you sit it"so what just skip with me,I mean my dads in the hospital"he says pouting at you,you look at him"ok fine but I have to get home to Lydia She can't get suspicious that anything ok we need to pretend it happened ok"you look at stiles's dad sleeping you put your head back down on the bed "fine I'll take you home before school Ends"he says as he tucks a peace of hair behind your ear,and holds your cheek,you don't ask him to stop,you close you eyes as you smile,"didn't I tell you 2 to get a room"stiles dad says,stiles takes his hand off your cheek"um sorry Noah i-I"you say nervously "what are you doing"stiles says with a grin on his face,you shut your shoulders,you quickly stand up,"um I'm going to get some breakfast do you guys want anything"you ask"um I'll just have a coffee and cereal "Noah says"I'll just have the same "stiles Says smiling at you "ok cool I'll be back" you walk out of the room and to the cafeteria
"So is their anything there"Noah asks stiles after you leave,he looks up at his dad "well she just git home and we did kiss when we got home,but she told me she couldn't cause Lydia likes me so,it's complicated"he says looking at his dad"haha that dose sound complicated now I'm not trying to be nosey but just remember if you do anything with Anyone please be safe and don't get her pregnant please"he says "oh my for dad I'm not going to get her pregnant"he laughs and puts his head down,you walk though the door trying not to spill anything,you walk over to the bed,and give them the food and drinks"hay sorry I spilt coffee on your jumper"you say showing him"oh that's ok you can have it"he say as he puts a spoon of cereal in his mouth,he looks at you confused and says,"what are u having for breakfast"you look at him"Oh um I'm not hungry"you say biting your nails"mm ok"stiles says,the guys are eating when a doctor comes in"oh mr.stlinski,how you feeling"he asks"Yes ok I guess"Noah says"ok well we want to hold you till atleast tomorrow night,just to watch your recovery,"he says"yes that's fine thank you"Noah says and the doctor walks out,Noah looks at you and stiles"ok you 2 now I'm guessing your not going to school today,that's fine but y/n you have to call your mum,and you 2 can't stay here you have to go do somthing get some fresh air or something"he says before putting another spoon of cereal in his Mouth,you look at stiles"well what do you wanna do"you ask him"he looks at you"umm we could go back to mine and get the project done,or we can just go straight to your if you want"he say looking at you"Ye we could go to mine,do you wanna study there or just watch tv or somthing"you ask him,he looks at his dad"dad do you want me to study" he asks "um I don't mind as long as you get the project done in time" he says "ok we will go to yours and get our stuff like our project and notes and Take it to mine and if we wanna study we can and if we don't want to we don't have to how about that"you say"Ye that sounds good,you good to leave when im done eating"he asks"Ye that's fine"you say smiling at him"oh and also dad I'll come around tonight"he says looking at his dad before finishing his cereal and coffee,you guys said goodbye to Noah and head out the door,you run into Melissa "hay Melissa,thank you so much for the help stiles feels so much better knowing he's alright,also he is coming back tonight"you say to her"are you gonna be here to"she asks you"oh um I don't think so"you say awkwardly,you look over to stiles waiting for you at the front of the hospital,he gestures for you to come over,you look back to Melissa "thank you so much,tell Scott I said hi"you say as you smiles and walk away you jog up to stiles,you guys walk up to the car and hop in"god I'm so exhausted"you say putting your hair up into a low messy bun,"so my house then"he says jokingly,you chuckle"yep" you say,he starts to drive!

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