Chapter 7

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"Hay can I put music on again"you say happily at stiles,he looks at you quickly before looking back at the road"sure y/n"he says as he chuckles,you clap excitedly,you scroll though your Spotify,and put the song on"I DONT WANNA FALL IN LOVE by KYLE"you look at stiles,you start to sing the words and dance,stiles chuckels,and gets quick glances at you,as you are dancing you lean over to him and put your back to his shoulder look up and roll your hands down your body,before you say"god wow"you flick a piece of hair "sorry I love that song"you say as you lean back into the seat and tap your foot to the beat,he looks at you"nope it's fine"he says you smile and look at your phone,you see all these notifications from Allison malia,Scott and Lydia,you immediately get nervous thinking Lydia has seen the text you sent Allison and malia,you open her and yours messages to see"morning y/n hope your safe wherever u are,I'm guessing we are not seeing you and stiles and school so have a good day and I'll talk to you when you get home<3" you look at it but don't answer,you scroll out to look at the other messages,malia has texted you"omg y/n shut to fuck up are u falling for stiles,I knew this would happen,I told u Allison!"you roll your eyes and see what Allison has said"omg you totally did tell me that malia,y/n that's so cute you guys are so cute together like fr!"you get nervous figuring out what to reply with,you look at stiles and then back at your phone,you are still figuring out what to write,but then you feel stiles touch you,you jump,"woah sorry,but I told you we were at mine and you didn't listen so,but we are at mine"he says taking the keys out "umm Ye ok"you say still looking at your phone,you look at your Phone while you hop out if the car,and while your Walking into the house you start to type"omg guys shut up I don't like him,he is the worst it was a joke like it meant it sarcastically,Ed I have to spend another day with him,but I don't like him guys ok"you send and,then all of a sudden your phone gets a call you look at it,as your walking up the stairs to stiles room,you see it's Scott,but you ignore it,and put your phone away,you guys walk into his room and get your stuff,"so do you want me to bring my books ams stuff to yours"stiles asks "Ye just incase"you say glenching your books to your chest,he nods and grabs his books and you guys walk out of the room,you forget your clothes are still here,and your still wearing stiles clothes,you guys walk over to the keep"hay do u wanna drive"stiles asks you,you look at him,"really"you say excitedly,he Throws you the keys,you Catch them and smile widely at him and run to the drivers seat,you turn the car on put your phone in the cup holder,and smile at stiles before staring to drive,you have been driving for while,you look at stiles fighting with a broken bit of the bash-bored and your getting annoyed with the sound it's making,"STLINSKI,quit it" you say annoyed,he looks at you and rolls his Eye,after a little while longer of driving in silence you get to your house,you guys hop out"hay stiles,have u ever been over for like Lydia or something"you ask as you unlock the font door,he looks at you"um Ye for some of the pack meetings,why"he asks confused,"oh i mean she likes you a lot and I just wondered"you say walking inside,you kick your shoes off next to the door,so dose stiles,you walk over to the couch not waiting for stiles,you flop down on your back,closing your eyes,stiles walks over and puts his stuff on the coffee table infront of you,you open your eyes,"umm sorry"you say putting a piece of hair behind your ear"did you want something to drink or eat"you say getting up,you walk over to the kitchen,"umm Ye if your having something"he says Leaning on the kitchen island,you look in the pantry and see there's nothing to eat,"you turn around and look at stiles and suck air though your teeth,he chuckles,you close the pantry "OHH LETS GET PIZZA"you say excitedly,he nods"pass me your phone"you say putting your hand out"umm why"he say confused "so I can order it,my phone is all the way over their just give it to me"you say with your hand still out,he rolls his eyes"what do you want"you ask stiles "um I'll get have a pepperoni"he say looking at you you nod,you dial up the number and place the order,and hang up the phone "er I'm so excited I'm starving"you say sliding the phone back to stiles
Later that day
"Shit I'm stuffed"you say holding your stomach,he looks at you and burps in you face,your eyes widen"are you fucking kidding me,you are disgusting" you say laughing and shaking your head,he chuckles"so what do you wanna do"he asks you,you shrug your shoulders,"movie"you ask him,he passed you the remote,you guys pick a movie,you move closer to stiles not really releasing ,you end up leaning your head on his chest and,you yawn,he puts his arm around you,you guys finally get comfortable when you hear a car pull up in the driveway,You spring up,and walk to look out the front door,yo turn around quickly "stiles up now move your ass"you grab his hand a pull him off the couch and lead him upstairs "y/n what's wrong why are you dragging me up the stairs" he says panting,"LYIDA,Lydia is home"you say as you make it to the top of the stairs and going to your room,you close the door and look around your room for somewhere for him to hide"the closet the closet"he doesn't hear you as he is dictated looking around you room"STLINKSK IN THE CLOSET NOW"you shout as as he jumps and the front door opens"y/n you home"Lydia shouts from downstairs "YEP IN MY ROOM"you yell,you look at stiles in the closet "not a word"you say sternly,you hear Lydia walking up the stairs you jump onto your bed and try to make it look like you have been sitting their all day,you get your phone out of your jumper pocket"wait shit"you look down at the jumper"FUCK IM STILL WEARING HIS CLOTHES"you look to your self,Lydia walks in and plops into the bed next to you,she looks at you expectedly waiting for you to say something,you don't she rolls her eyes "so I haven't see you in 2 days" she says looking at you,you look up from your phone, "umm Ye it's been hectic"you say Turing your phone off, "y/n your my sister so you would feel me the truth  right" she asks you,you move towards her and grad her hand "Lydia of course I would"you say nodding at her,she moves her hand out of your grip and looks away from you, you get confused "y/n do you like stiles,and did anything happen between you the last 2 days" she says not meeting your gaze,you look over at the closet knowing stiles is in their,and you want to tell Lydia the truth so much but instead you just say "no Lydia I don't like him and nothing happened at all I would never do that to you ever I love you and I know you like him so so much and he'd be crazy not to like you Lydia"you hold her in an embrace for a minute,she lets go,she looks at the clothes your wearing "new clothes,are they stiles"she asks "no Lydia they are Scott's he lent them to-me when-we went to his-house on the way to the hospital"you say stumbling trying to put a lie together,she nods, "ok well I'm glad to see you we safe and ok" Lydia says hopping up from the bed,you smile at her she smiles back and walks out of the room,as soon as you hear her walking down the stairs you shut your door.
Stiles pov*
Y/n shoves him into the closet,he sits their in the dark trying to see though the lines in the closet doors,he sees Lydia walk in,and tries to not make a sound,it's silent for a while,he hears Lydias sorta muffled voice "so I haven't seen you in 2 days" her voice breaking the silence and scaring him,he puts his hand onto the floor,he can shoo hear your muffled voice say "Lydia of course i would" he starts to relizes his hand is on something,he can't really see but he picks it up and feels around the outlines to see what it is,he can still hear your voices,it takes him a Moment to relize that he is holding 1 of your bras,he goes at laugh,but hears "y/n do you like stiles,and did anything happen between you the last 2 days" his head perks up fast to see what you reply with,he sees you look over at the closet "no Lydia I don't like him and nothing happened at all I would never do that to you ever I love you and I know you like him so so much and he'd be crazy not to like you Lydia" his face drops,hearing you say that but he tells himself he knows why and that it didn't matter anyways,he starts to drift not remembering what was in his hand ,he has no idea of what's happening until y/n opens the closet door and he snaps back into,you look down at him sitting on the floor and see what he is holding your cheeks immediately going you, you want to scream at him but you know you can't you snatch your bra out of his hand,and close the door again you walk over to your phone and open messages and you text stiles,

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