Chapter 8

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You wake up to a alarm on your phone you jolt up "what the fuck" you say confused you stop the alarm and swing your feet of the bed slowly getting out to bed,you walk into the bathroom attached to your room you wash your face and look at yourself in the mirror before you hop into the shower you stand in there your forehead against the tiles "what am I supposed to do" you whisper to yourself as tears start to form in your eyes you start to cry but you shake your head and wipe the tears away from your eye and face "it's just a boy don't cry over it" you think to yourself but you can't help yourself you turn you back against the cold tiles and slide down and sit with your head in your knees and cry for a while and whisper ideas to yourself ,you realise that it's probably getting closer to school so you quickly wash your self and your hair before hopping out and wrapping a towel around your body,you walk over to your closet and go to pick something to wear you look down and see the bra stiles had held the day before you start to get upset again you kneel down and pick it up and close your eyes remembering the day you had with stiles,put it on without really realising you just wanted to wear it cause stiles had held it you just pick out a sweatshirt and a pair of denim baggy jeans and you grab a pair of black sunglasses and put them on you don't want Lydia to see you have been crying you grab your bag from your door and chuck on your doc martens and your phone and head down stairs "hay Lydia I'm gonna catch the bus today" you say not stopping to look at her "oh ok" she says sipping a coffee "cya" you say walking out the door you open your phone to see stiles has texted you
Hay do you want to ride to school??
You look at the message and start to get upset you put your head back and shake your head before text him back
Taking bus.
You say and close the message app put your earphones in and listen to music as you hop onto the bus,you start to cry again you just feel so confused you look out the window and watch cars and trees past you by, with tears slowly rolling down your face you get to school and hop out of the bus,you walk into school and to your locker you get out the books and things you need,malia walks over and taps you on the shoulder you jump and her sudden touch "wow someone's jumpy" she teases you don't say anything "hay you ok why the fuck are you wearing sunglasses did you start to wear then when you left or something" she asks opening her locker you shake your head "well then what is it" she asks you, you get annoyed so take the classes off and look at her "happy now" you say she looks at me shocked and worried "y/n I'm sorry I-I didn't know are you ok" she asks you slam your locker "I'm fine I'm just feeling confused" you say putting your forehead on your locker "stiles" malia asks "it's not even just him I mean I stared crying because of him but I I just feel so off and I don't know" you say "Maybe your getting your period" malia jokes trying to get you to laugh,you don't "I gotta get to class,I'm gonna hand in the project before stiles gets there" you say she looks at you sadly and nods you walk off you are on your way into maths when the bell rings you start to jog and get there before stiles you run up to the teacher "here's mine and stiles project" you say as you hand him a binder of paper "thank you miss y/l/n" he says smiling at you you plaster on a fake smile and sit down in the back of the class your head in the table all the students start to walk in your relived when the seats next to you fill up and see stiles walk In and sit diagonal from you he doesn't recognise you because you don't usually don't look like this the class starts and you grab your things from you bag "miss y/n can you please ditch the classes thank you" he says stiles looks back to you realising it's you you look at stiles you are filled with embarrassment as stiles still watches you "now please" the teacher says more sternly you roll your eyes and take the classes off to revel you red puffy eyes stiles looks confused he tried to mouth something to you but you ignore him he pulls a angry face and starts to write on a small piece of paper and reaches his hand out to pass it to you when the teacher isn't looking, you look at him and push his hand away along with the paper you put yours arms leaning on each other on the table you rest you Chin on them looking at the opposite wall to you as you fight your tears you do this for the rest of the lesson and as soon as you hear the bell ring you rush out of the room quickly,stiles follows you "y/n" he yells out but you keep walking he starts to run to you and grabs your wrist,you try to pull away from his grip but you cant "let go stiles" you say "no what's wrong" he ask turning you towards him "nothing" you say looking away from him he goes to pull you in a hug but you put your arms on his chest blocking him for doing so "stiles stop please" you say your voice breaking "y/n I'm confused what happened,I mean the last 2 days have been amazing and when you kissed me I mean what's going on" he asks "stiles I just need space ok I-I can't see you anymore ok so just leave me alone" you say as a tear rolls down your cheek he goes to wipe it with his thumb but you grab his hand and pull it away to stop him "y/n I don't understand" he says sadly "you don't have, to Goodbye stiles" you say walking away from him as you leave him standing there you walk away crying your heart breaking but you know it's the right thing to do,you run home.
Stiles pov:
What the hell just happened he thinks to him self he's so confused he gets and idea he pulls his phone out of his back pocket and scrolls though his contacts hovering over "banshee girl" you hesitates but he presses it and calls her,he puts the phone to his ear "please pick up" he whispers to himself "hello" stiles hears "um hay Lydia its me" he says "oh um hay stiles" he can hear the excitement in her voice "um do you know what's up with y/n" he asks her "y/n" she says sadly "um Ye I tired to talk to her but she kinda shooed me away and it's looks like she has been crying" he says "umm no I don't know sorry stiles maybe she on her period or something" she says "ok well thanks Lydia" he says "Ye always" she says "bye" he says and immediately hangs up "I need to fix this"stiles says
Your pov:
You run home crying you rush though the front door and burst into tears leaning against the door and locking it "what am I doing it's a boy get over it" you say to yourself you run up to your room and sit on your bed, your phones buzzes you look over to see stiles is calling you,you come up with a new plan and pick up the phone "hay y/n" stiles says though the phone "hay stiles I'm sorry about before I'm on my period I'm so emotional" you say lying you try to sad as happy as you can,he sighs in relief "oh ok good I thought your were mad at me or somthing" he says "no no I'm fine we're fine" you say lying again "well that's good cause I was wondering if you wanted to come to this glow party thing tonight with me and my friends" he asks "shit" you think to yourself "um I was already going with malia so I'll see you there" you say lying yet again "oh ok cool well Ye I'm glad your not mad or upset with me" he says you bit your lip trying not to tremble "nope all good stiles bye" you say before quickly hanging up before giving stiles a chance to say bye "shit it's ok just go to the party and act like everything is fine" you say to yourself,malia did actually mention it yesterday You Shake your head and close your eyes "guess I'm going to a party with my sisters crush" you say laughing at yourself  instead of crying "god what am doing" you say putting your head into your pillow you decide your going to go to sleep and rid yourself of before and to get rested for the party you lean to your bed side table and put your phone and charge and hop under the covers before slowly but surely falling asleep for the party...

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