Chapter 14

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Your running in the well basically snow,your legs feel like they are about to cave beneath you your tears burning as they run down your face but you have to get to stiles you have to get to the boy you think you love,you shove past people walking not even thinking you stop and stand still getting to your destination becon hills hospital you want to crumble to your knees and cry but you run though the glass doors and look around "hay y/n" you hear you turn to your side and see Melissa "hay Melissa" you say panting "stiles stiles where's stiles wait no what happend to him first I wanna know" you say tears running down your face "hay clam down he was fighting something supernatural I guess he has a couple of  gushes in his arms  he has a very sever cut wound in his stomach also an concussion and a sprained wrist" she says putting her hand on your shoulder "but he has already been though surgery he's going to be alright y/n" she says you look at her and just cry letting out a deep sigh of relief you hug her "thank you" you say crying into her shoulder she rubs your back "hay it's ok also y/n your like the daughter I've never had I want you to know I'm here for you about anything ok" Melissa says to you,you break the hug and nod at her "room 306,he will most likely be asleep but you are welcome to stay as long as you like" she says smiling at me "thank you again thank you I'll see you soon" you say she rubs your arm and you walk though the hospital halls you try to distract your self thinking about the memories you had when your mum would work late and you and Scott would hang out here talking about anything and everything you walk into the elevator smiling to yourself,your throw out if your memory's when you hear the doors opening you walk out into the floor and head to room 306 you get to the door and sigh nervously you shake your hands trying to prepare yourself you slowing push the door open trying to be quiet you poke your head in to see Scott sitting on a chair next to stiles he looks up and smiles sadly at you as your walk in "he y/n" he says hoping up you can't stand to see stiles like this and you start to cry again scott walks over to you and pulls you into his arms "hey he's ok,he going to be ok" Scott says to you "I know it just hurts to see someone you love in pain" you say he lets go and looks at you "so you do love him" he says playfully you laugh putting your head down "ye Ye I think I really do" you say looking at him asleep on the hospital bed scott smiles at you "I'll give you some time,I love you y/n your like a sister to me and I'm here for you" he says "mmm funny your mum said the same thing" you say "well that's what you do to comfort someone y/n" he says you chuckle and smile at him "all jokes aside thank you Scott I love you to and your sorta like a brother to me I guess" you says he chuckles and holds your shoulder before he walks out closing  the door behind him you look back over at stiles his body also looks lifeless but you see his chest moving up and down you smile sadly and sit down in the chair beside his bed Leaning your elbows on the bed and putting your Chin in them him you chuckle "you know we need to stop seeing each other in hospitals" you say looking at him you grab his hand and put it in between your and kiss it and lean your head on it "stiles I thought I lost you,I don't know if you can hear me but I know they all said your fine but I'm asking you right now not to leave me please" you say tears down your cheeks you hear the door open and finch and drop his hands you see Melissa "hay sorry I just brought you some blankets you look like you ran though this weather" she said jokingly you chuckle " I did" you say she looks at you "mm the things you do for love" she says handing you the blankets "Ye the things you do" I says grabbing them off her "thank you Melissa" you say "that's ok y/n just try to rest" she says walking out and closing the door you wrap the blankets around you and you kiss stiles forehead and move some stray hair pieces of his face and smile you lean your head onto stiles bed and face him before grabbing his hand again "good night stiles" you say quietly before you Let your eyes seal shut knowing he is safe you begin to drift off to sleep you are exhausted and quickly fall dead asleep
The next morning
The door to stiles creeks open you don't hear it at first but it closes and your prop up "I'm up I'm up" you say before looking up and seeing Lydia you eyes widen and you drop stiles hand "hay Lydia it's no-" she cuts you off "it's fine y/n I've been here all morning I've already seen it,I just went to get us some coffee" she says handing you a cup you smile at her "I get if you want me to leave" you say "no no I um actually want to talk to you" she says as you sip your coffee "oh really um what's up" you ask her she sighs "I saw Scott and he told me what you said to him last night" she says you sigh and go to talk "just let me finsh y/n" she says and you nod "so he told me what you said and I'm not gonna lie it hurt it still does but I I just want to tell you that I love you both so so much,and I want you both to be happy that's all I've ever wanted,and if you are happy with him and he is happy with you then I need to let that happen,I love him but he loves you and I need to let him go,with you" she says "plus I'm Lydia Martin there are boys lining up for me" she says you laugh and look at her "Lydia are you sure" you ask her she smiles "positive I love you y/n" she says you hop up and hug her "I love you Lydia,thank you and I'm sorry it turned out this way but I can't help how I feel and I really appreciate you letting this happen" you say as you slide your hands Down her strawberry blond her "i know you can't help it,and also your not a whore or the worst sister you not your really not" she says you laugh causing her to laugh to you put your forehead on hers "your not to bed either,but really thank you I think really really love him" you say she smiles "I'm happy for you y/n I am" she pulls away and looks over your shoulder "speak of the devil" she says you turn around to see stiles sorta starting to wake up you laugh at his grunts "I'll leave you 2" she says you hug her "thank you" you say sniffing she kisses your head "I miss you I need you your my big sister" you say "and your my little 1" she says smiles before Leaving the room and closing the door,you go sit on the chair again looking at him as his eyes flicker open you run your hand over his hair "morning sleeping beauty" you say he looks at you "y/n" he says tiredly you smile at him "hi" you say crying happy tears this time "what are you doing here" he asks you "well I couldn't let my boyfriend ever alone in the hospital" you say he sits up quickly "boyfriend" he asks excitedly you nod and smile at him he grabs you off the chair and pulls you up to him you laugh "hay careful your still hurt mister" you say looking at him he sits you next to him on the bed "I I don't understand how" he asks looking at you "Lydia said she just wanted us to be happy and if it's with each other then she can learn to live with it,and stiles...I'm really really happy with you" you Say looking at him he smiles at you and leans down to kiss you it's loving he cups your cheek and you smile against his lips you pull away but only when you lungs beg for air he puts his forehead against your and tucks a piece of hair behind your ear "and I'm really really really happy with you y/n" he says "wait why are you crying" he asks just noticing the tears rolling down your face you laugh "I'm just happy you didn't fucking die" you say "Ye will me to believe it or not"says you chuckle you pull your head away and look at him "stiles....I think wait no I'm like 100% sure that I'm totally and utterly in love with you" you say he smiles and kisses you "and I'm totally and utterly in love with you y/f/n" he says you sigh "well good that" you say laughing he chuckles and holds your cheek "come here" he says pulling you under the blanket you put your head on his chest feeling his head beat he runs his hand though your hair "so y/n will you be my girlfriend like for real this time" he asks you look up at him and pull him into another kiss "yes stiles stlinski I will be you girlfriend" you say he smiles looking down to you "good" he says you chuckle "I really do love you stiles" you say "hmm the feelings mutual" he jokes "seriously stiles you can't be serious for 1 minute" you say "fine then y/f/n I love you so much" he says "better" you says kissing him and you feel him smile against your lips kissing stiles was the best feeling ever especially now that you are actually dating "you know I would totally fuck you right now" he says "hmmm well if you were not hurt I would not object" you says chuckling "fuck y/n don't tease me" he says you sit up "hay it's not my fault you nearly died you only have yourself to blame stiles stlinski" you say trying to sound serious "m no i can blame scott" he says you both laugh " Ye I guess so,but still Maybe another time handsome" you say "promise" he asks you you look at him "now that is a promise I can definitely keep" you say "that's good then cause I'll be expecting it when I get better" he says "you know what stilnksi it sounds like you are just using me for sex" you say he looks at you "no no y/n tha-That's not it-at-at all I swear" he stutters out you laugh into the crook of his neck "I was kidding stiles I wouldn't want it another way" you say kissing him "can we sleep now I'm really tired" he asks you giggle "Ye I think that sounds like a good plan" you say "I love you" stiles stiles "I love you" you say as you rest your head on his chest he stokes your hair and by no time your both fast asleep.
A little while later
You and stiles and still fast asleep in each other arms scott and Lydia walk in and look at us Scott chuckles "ya know Lydia it was really good of you to let me be together" Scott says "thanks Scott I know I did the right thing I love my sister and I've never seen her so happy" she says scott looks at her "well I could say the same about stiles,he really loves her,well we should leave the happy couple to sleep" he says Lydia looks at him "Ye and you know what I'm not even sad" she says supriesinly "ah Ye cause I think you got over stiles a while ago" Scott says "I think your right I was just holding onto him I didn't really like him anymore" she says smiling "Ye come on lyds" he says opening the door "bye guys" she whispers as they walk out.

This is the end becausei don't really know how else to end it so idk if it was a heaps bad ending but I think it makes senses idk just let me know,well thank you guys for reading this story I really appreciate it I might start a book with like a face clam and a name book but idk but Ye thanks for reading love you all<33

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