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He wraps wire around her wrists behind her back.
"Ssh, it's alright," he whispers in her ear. Her head wobbles to the front. She is weak and very dizzy. Jasmin mumbles to him to stop and it is hurting. But the words don't sound like what she wants.
He finishes. Jasmin can feel her skin getting cut and she feels it stings.
She can't think straight. Her head begins to hurt.
"You saw, I need you to be here. I can't have you running around telling people what I did or want I wanted tried to do," he says with a worried smile. He touches Jasmin's cheek. "Be a good girl okay?"
He stands and walk away. A door is closed.

"Jasmin!" Mrs. Mayer exclaims from the front porch of the house.
Jasmin is riding her red bicycle with her younger brother Gregory. Her brown hair is in the air as she rides and her fair skin cheeks are turning red from the sunlight. She is 15 years old.
"Mom is calling," Jasmin says. She paddles to the right and gets to the front of the house. Gregory follows her behind.
"Yeah?" Jasmin asks her mom.
Mrs. Mayer smiles, "Your dad is coming."
"Finally, he is here!" Jasmin thinks. She giggles as she gets off the bike and runs inside the house. She hugs her mom.
"Is he okay?" Jasmin asks her mom. Gregory comes in and he is smiling wide. He has a tooth missing in the front. "When is he coming?"
Jasmin pulls away from the hug and begins to get choked up.
"Tomorrow," Mrs. Mayer says.
"Yay!" Gregory cheers.
"Woo!" Jasmin says. They all chuckle.
"Let's go to the store to buy a ham to make a special dinner tomorrow," Mrs. Mayer says.
Jasmin nods, "Totally. And remember the bake potatoes."
"I see him!" Jasmin yells. She gets closer and sees her dad in the third column. He looks handsome with his Army uniform.
Jasmin waves eagerly at her father. He is serious looking like everyone else.
Then the command is said by one of the captains. Mr. Mayer quickly walks towards his family. Jasmin jogs towards him and hugs him.
He chuckles, "I miseed you too kid."
Jasmin can't help but to cry. She cried even more as her mother and brother join the hug.
They stay there for a while and finally separate. Mr. Mayer kisses his wife passionately.
"Finally, we are together," Jasmin thinks.
The couple pull away and chuckle happily.
"Let's go home already," Gregory says.
"Of course, buddy" Mr Mayer hugs him.
They walk out of the building and go home.
The Mayer family is having a chatty dinner.
Mr. Mayer is now wearing a simple black shirt with jeans and his military boots.
"Oh sweetie," mrs. Mayer places her hand on top of mr. Mayers, "we are so happy you are finally with us."
"Is this permanent?" Jasmin asks her dad.
"Really?" Gregory asks.
Mr. Mayer nods quickly, "Yep, my contract ended."
"And what are you going to do?" Jasmin asks.
"We will see," her dad answers.
"Ring," the doorbell rings. Mrs. Mayer goes to the door. She opens it and sees a young man standing with a similar army uniform her husband had.
"Hi," he smiles, "Mrs. Mayer?"
She lightly smiles, "Yes?"
He puts the bag on his right shoulder down. "I'm Erick Woods, your husband is a friend of mine, he invited me over."
Mr. Mayer hears a familiar voice as he eating. He excuses himself and goes to the door. Mrs. Mayer steps to the side. "Hey, Erick, come in."
Erick gets his bag and goes inside the house.
"Sorry dear, I forgot to tell you a friend was coming over," Mr. Mayer says.
Mrs. Mayer shakes her head, "It's fine." She turns to Erick. "You can set your things on the couch."
Erick nods, "Thank you." He puts down his belongings. They walk to the dinner room.
Jasmin and Gregory see their new guest. Erick warmly smiles at them. "They are bigger than the picture you showed me," Erick chuckles as he sits in front of Jasmin.
"Kids, they grow up very fast," Mr. Mayer smiles. They sit.
"Who is this?" Gregory asks.
"He's a soldier that I helped train and was with me in the field," mr. Mayer answers.
Mrs. Mayer serves Erick a plate. "Thanks, it looks yummy," Erick says.
Jasmin thinks for a second. She is looking at Erick. He is quiet good looking. He isn't a Hollywood handsome guy, though he has bright blue eyes. His black hair is very short and his figure is that of a low weight wrestler.
"What?" Erick asks jasmin.
"Nothing, sorry, I was trying to guess your age," Jasmin says honestly.
"I'm 19," Erick smiles.
"Wow, young," mrs. Mayer says.
"He's a good soldier. He has a lot of potential," Mr. Mayer.
Erick blushes, "Thanks. I try to be the best."
They eat in silence after that. After, Mr. Mayer sends the kids to their rooms.
Jasmin says bye to Erick. She goes to her room. She turns on her Ipod and listens to the Beyonce concert her best friend Charlotte recorded for her.
Meanwhile, Erick is talking to the mayers.
"I am sorry," mrs. Mayer frowns, "but we cant."
"Sweetie," Mr. Mayer touches her leg, "Erick is a good guy. He has a job at a restaurant already."
"I will follow all the rules," Erick says, "I just need time away from my parents."
"Well, it's your choice Calvin," mrs. Mayer says.
He nods, "you are welcome to stay as long as you need."
Erick chuckles in relief. "Aw, man, thank you sir. I swear I won't be a bother."
"I know."

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