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Jasmin can hear music downstairs. The guests did arrive after all.
Jasmin can't move though. She is inside a box like a cat. She can't yell because of the handkerchief inside her mouth gagging her.
"I don't want to be here. I can't breath!" Jasmin begins to panic. Her body starts to move any way it can.
Jasmin sees the box closing in, it is slowly crushing her body. The temperature is getting hotter.
She yells against the cloth.
Charlotte is walking with Phil to Jasmin's house.
Phil is Jasmin and Charlotte friend since 9th grade.
"Why can't they find her? She shouldn't be so far away from here," Phil says.
Charlotte shrugs, "Mr. Mayer says the Erick guy didn't know his boss's name, so they can't begin to find where Jasmin is. They are focusing on the guys name."
They arrive to the Mayer's house. Gregory is outside kicking a soccer ball around.
"Hey Greg," Phil lightly smiles.
Gregory runs to him and hugs him. "Bro, you are here."
"Bro? You guys already at the level?" Charlotte questions Phil. She has suspected that Phil might like Jasmin. He has come over without Charlotte to the Mayer's house. "
"Yeah, we are good friends," Gregory says.
"Is your mom home?" Phil asks.
Gregory nods and runs inside the house. He yells for his mom and says Phil and Charlotte are there. Mrs. Mayer gets out of her room and sees the teenagers standing near the door.
She gives them a faint smile. "Hello, how are you guys?"
Phil steps foward and takes her hand in a gentleman way. "Mrs. Mayer, is there anything my family and I can do for you?"
"Oh Phil, it is fine. I just want you to keep praying and looking for Jasmin."
Phil nods and let's go of her hand. "Of course."
"Is Mr. Mayer okay?" Charlotte asks.
"Yes. He went with a group of police men to search the woods near by," she answers.
"Mom, can we have milk and cookies? That can help us feel better," Gregory says.
Mrs. Mayer smiles, "Yes, that's a great idea."
Phil excuses himself to the restroom. He sets his backpack next to the door before going to the restroom.
Though, he quickly walks towards Jasmin's room. He opens the door and steps in closing the door behind him.
He frowns as he remembers Jasmin the last time he saw her. She kissed him lightly on the lips. Her first kiss.
Phil pulls his light honey brown hair back in frustration. "Why? Why did they take you?" He asks out loud.
He sits on Jasmin's bed and pets the side. "I'm going to find you Jasmin. I promise to bring you back."
Connor takes off his clothes and gets in the shower. He has his personal bathroom in his room.
"Man, awesome party," he whispers. It is 5 in the morning.
He begins to wash his hair when he remembers Jasmin.
"Fuck, the kid might be dead. Great, need to buy black bags," he thinks. He quickly showers and gets decent. He goes for jeans and a white shirt. He sees his reflection on the bathroom mirror. Connor pats his round stomach. He weights 200 lbs, but since he is tall the fat doesn't look accumulated.
"I think I need to work out," he says. He shakes his head and remembers what he needs to do. He goes to the attic and opens the big box. Jasmin is passed out and sweaty.
He checks her heart beat. She is alive.
Connor begins to shake her and call her name. "Come on wake up."
He carries her and drops her to the floor. She yells in pain as her head hit the floor. She opens her eyes and sees Connor standing next to her.
"Thanks for being in a good behavior Jasmin," he grins.
Jasmin is cussing in her head. She hates him.
Connor gets on his knees and unties her arms and legs. He takes out the handkerchief out of her mouth.
"I hate you!" Jasmin yells.
He slaps her. "You don't learn? Man, what a brat."
Connor gets her hair and forces her to stand. "No food for you today."
"I don't care,"
Connor pushes her to the door. "Fine."
Jasmin yells as he gets her leg and drags her back to the box. "No no! I don't want to get back in!"
Connor stops and gets on top of her. "Then shut up and behave."
She nods. "Okay okay."
Connor gets up and tells Jasmin to sit in the corner.
"Tomorrow you will begin to clean the house. I won't just have you to eat my food. Do you understand?"
"Good. Now if you don't make a sound and don't do anything stupid, you might get a mattress and food by noon," Connor pets her hair like a dog.
"I need to gain his trust back," Jasmin thinks as he leaves the room.
12 Days Of Captivity

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