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"And you will need to go to therapy just to make sure you will be able to handle the stress," Dr. Mark says.
"Okay, well, I'm already going to counseling, could that count?" I ask.
He smiles, "Yes. Great."
"Thank you," I stand and shake his hand.
I leave the doctor's office and into the waiting room where Phil is with my mom.
"So what did the doctor say?" My mom asks we head to the parking lot.
I stop and turn to them. "It's a girl."
Phil chuckles, "We are having a baby girl?"
I nod.
Mom hugs me. "That's great."
I pull away. "He recommended more therapy and counseling for me to handle the stress."
Phil holds my hand. "That's a good idea. I can help you find a group."
"It's fine. I like Dr. Michelle. She has been a great help."
He nods. "Okay. Let's go home. I can prepare you lunch."
I see Phil cooking with my mom as I sit in the dinner table. I look down at my stomach and place my hand on it. It's a girl.
I wonder if she will look like me. Or him.
"Sweetie, I'm here," Dad yells. He walks towards my mom. I go to them. "Hi dad."
He kisses my cheek. "Your mom texted me saying it's a girl."
I nod. "Yeah."
He touches my cheek. "You are such a brave young woman. I'm proud of you."
"Thank you."
Phil finishes cooking and we all eat. Gregory is at a friend's house finishing his homework, but I wish he was here too. He loves pasta.
"Okay, how about some dessert?" Mom asks.
"No thank you," I stand. "I'm so full."
"I will skip too," Phil stands. "Excuse us."
"It's your house," Dad says.
Phil takes my hand and we walk towards my room. I sit on the rocking chair while he kneels in front of me.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
"Why do you want to marry me?" I ask. I look down the pink diamond ring he gave me just last month. He has been with me through everything. He loves me. Phil wants me to marry him and be the father of the baby.
"Because I love you and want to help you," he says. I look at his eyes, "But why?"
He smiles with warmth in his eyes. "Since the day we kissed, I felt in love with you. When you were missing, I broke down. I felt so out of place and confused. I wanted to see you again and kiss you. I wanted to take you to the school dance. I lost it for a second. I kept looking for you even if I did dated other girls; you were always in my mind. I promised to find you."
He touches my cheek. "I'm glad I never lost hope."
He is so sweet and patient. I do care about and like him but I can't seem to fall in love with him.
I wish I can.
"I love you and I will love this baby as my own," he says.
"But we are still young, I'm afraid you are just being nice to me. I don't want you to regret marrying me. I don't want to regret keeping this baby," I say.
He looks down at my stomach. "Don't say that. It's not her fault."
"I know, but I'm afraid I'm going to see his face when I want to love her," I frown. "I'm barely 17 and carrying a baby of a rapist and killer."
"Jasmin," Phil whispers.
"I am right."
He looks at me again. "You are but how can you judge her without holding her and let her grow? She isn't Connor."
"I know," I sob. "I'm just scared."
Phil holds me. "Don't be."
"He is still hunting me. I just want to be in peace. I thought I could leave it behind me but then I discovered I was pregnant. I felt into a hole again."
I pull away from his hold. "I'm trying to move on, but it's hard Phil."
He kisses my forehead. "I know. But we are all here for you."
I hold him again. "I thank you for that."
4 months later

"Her name is Brenda," I say to Charlotte. We reconnected after months of me escaping. Phil said she moved to Iowa after I got kidnapped.
"She's so cute," she giggles. I turn the camera phone towards me. "I'm happy you can make it here for Christmas," I smile.
"Me too. I can't wait to see you all again in person. I really missed you," she says.
"Me too."
I look at Brenda laying on her crib. She is finally asleep.
"I need to go bestie. My boyfriend has arrived," Charlotte says.
I wink. "Go get him."
She chuckles and waves goodbye before hanging up.
There's a knock on the door and Phil comes in.
"Ssh, Brenda is asleep," I whisper.
"Sorry, but I got good news," he smiles.
I push him out of the room. "What?"
"Connor got a life sentence," he says.
"Really?" Oh my gosh, I can live on
"Yeah, finally after all these months we can sleep better," Phil says.
I hug him. Thank goodness! He isn't going to be free.
"I called your parents. They are delighted and Wil come soon. They want to see Brenda."
I nod. "That's great."
He pulls back. "We can get married now. We already live together."
I kiss his cheek. "Yeah, but just give me a month to get my health back. I did deliver Brenda just a week ago."
He chuckles, "Okay."
I smile. "Kiss me."
He leans and places his lips on mine. "I love you."
I hug him. "I'm falling for you just like I did before."
"Hey, Freddy emailed me," he pulls back. "He is recovering very well and knows about Connor."
"So great! He has been in intensive therapy," I say. "I'm glad he is doing better."
"We all are."
I sigh. "I can't never forget what he did but I won't let him win. I will move on."
Phil nods. "You are the most bravest and greatest woman i know."
I am. I will prevail. I have support and things to live for. I'm still young and free.
Meanwhile, he is now a prisoner. He is now the way I was. It is what he deserves. He didn't win at the end.

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