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A year and a week in captivity

"How did you find me?" Jasmin asks Phil in such a low whisper.
"I just did," he replies.
Jasmin looks behind her shoulder and sees Connor joking with Phil's girlfriend.
"He's going to kill you," Jasmin says. She gets the bottles of beer and goes back to the living room.
Melissa, Phil, Connor, and Jasmin are playing poker as if they have been friends for a long time.
Melissa met Connor two days ago at a restaurant. She needed a job, so Connor will give one to her.
Jasmin sets the beers down for each and sits next to Connor.
"So you will pay be 700 dollars a week just to be your assistant at your office?" Melissa asks. Phil comes back and looks at Connor.
"Yeah, you are a good girl and smart. I will give you a chance," he smiles.
"Okay, thanks man," Melissa chuckles and drinks her beer.
"How about we start now?" Connor asks as he shuffles the card deck.
"Sure," Phil smiles. He looks at Jasmin who is looking down at the table. He thinks, "Why did he kidnap her?"
"Babe, come on," Melissa snaps her fingers at him. Phil takes the cards from Jasmin's hand.
They begin to play. Jasmin is so relief but scared for Phil. He found her. She can go home. She puts her cards on the table. It is a winner.
"Aw man," Melissa whines, "Jasmin won again."
Connor kisses Jasmin's cheek. "That's my girl."
She sighs, "I'm tired."
Connor stands, "Yeah me too, how about we all call it a night?"
The others stand as well. "I need to get her to safety," Phil thinks.
Melissa hugs Jasmin, "Bye girl. Nice to meet you."
"Likewise," Jasmin says.
Melissa drags Phil to the exit. Connor opens the door. Phil notices the two extra locks on it. He thinks, "Weird, those look like they need keys to unlock."
Melissa pulls Phil out and Connor locks the door. Jasmin is putting the cards away as Connor gets behind her. He takes her hair and pulls it. Jasmin shrieks in pain.
"Why did Phil go with you to the kitchen? What did you tell him?" He asks.
"Nothing, please it hurts," Jasmin whines. He let's go and turns her around placing his hands roughly on her arms.
"For your own and his sake, you better stay quiet," Connor says.
Jasmin nods quickly. "Good, now clean this shit up."
Connor sees Jasmin clean until everything is in the right place. He gets her arm and drags her to his bedroom.
"What's going on?" Jasmin thinks. She gets push on the bed and quickly stands. Connor closes the door. He turns to see her. "You are sleeping with me from now on."
She shakes her head. "No. Why?"
Connor grabs her chin. "You are going to marry me."
Jasmin's legs become weak and she falls to the bed. "No. What? No!" She thinks.
Connor pushes her down and gets between her legs. He pins her hands on top of her head. "I saw how that Phil looked at you. Are you sure you never seen him before? Said anything to him?"
"Yes. I-I never seen him, please don't do anything to me," Jasmin fearly whispers.
Connor smells her neck. "Why are you scared?"
Jasmin begins to cry. Connor chuckles against her throat. "You aren't that bad to look at but you aren't 18 yet."
"Is he playing with me?" Jasmin thinks.
"That will be when you become my wife," Connor kisses her. His lips disgust Jasmin and makes her skin crawl. She tries to push him but he is too heavy. He pulls away, "Am I your first kiss?"
Jasmin doesn't answer. She is looking away at the walll.
"Don't be rude," Connor slaps her. She yells. "Yes!"
Connor stands, "Good. Now go change into your night ware. We are going to sleep now."
Jasmin sits, "I don't have pajamas." She cleans her lips with her arm.
"They are in my bathroom idiot," Connor pushes Jasmin to the bathroom. She sees a brown bag in the sink. She takes out a pink satin night dress with white panties.
"Come on," Connor exclaims. Jasmin looks at herself in the mirror. "Phil please save me," she whispers. She changes into the satin dress and walks to the bed. Connor is waiting for her in the bed. He pats the place next to him. "Come on."
Jasmin nervously and slowly walks towards the bed. She sets herself far away from him and lays on her back.
Connor rolls his eyes and wraps his arm around her, pulls her towards the middle, and tells her to lay on her arm. "Let's cuddle sweetie," he gives Jasmin an evil smirk. He shakes her once and she quickly turns. She feels his "warmth" on her back. His arm is tightly holding her close to him. His hand gets her left breast. Jasmin squirms as she gets surprised and scared by his touch. No one has touched her this way.
"Ssh, don't move," he whispers agaisnt her ear.
His hand squeezes her breast very hard; it hurts Jasmin. She closes her eyes and thinks about something else. "I love the way the sun hits my face when I can open a window lightly. I like to bake. I remember the time my mom and I got into a flour fight when we tried to bake a cake."
Jasmin is lost in thought as Connor becomes gentle on her breast. He closes his eyes. "It is melting in my hand. She is so warm and soft," he thinks.
Soon, Jasmin doesn't feel threaten anymore. She then hears a light snore coming from Connor. Jasmin gently turns to her back and sees Connor sleeping. It is dark outside but the lights are still on the house. Jasmin manages to get out of bed and turns off the lights of the room. She has never been free at night. Connor always locks her inside her room and ties her arms on the bed frame.
"I can leave now," she thinks. "But how? The windows are close completely. The doors have locks inside and I don't know where Connor puts the keys. There's no phone or computers either."
She paces back and forth in the darkness trying to think. "Wait, his cellphone!"
She slowly walks towards his jeans which he took off before sleeping. She searches inside the pockets and finds it.
"Darn. It is locked," she says. But there's an emergency button. She click on it and it dials to the police.
She hears three rings and then a woman's voice. "This is 9-1-1, what's you emergency?"
Jasmin's heart is racing and her hand shakes. She quickly puts the phone on her ear. "Help," she whispers.
"What's your emergency miss?"
"I'm Jasmin Mayer."
"Okay, what's going on Jasmin?"
"Help me. Kidnap," she says. She is afraid to speak too much and loudly. She turns to Connor who is still sleeping.
"Okay, miss, what's your address? Do you know where-"
Suddenly, there's a loud bang coming from the living room. Jasmin quickly hangs up and puts the phone inside the jean pocket. Connor hears the banging sound and wakes up. Jasmin gets on top of Connor. He gets surprised. "I'm scared," Jasmin whispers.
"You heard the sound?"
She nods. Connor tells her to get off as he is going to investigate the sound. Jasmin sighs, "He didn't notice."
Connor comes back and turns on the lights, "It was a bear, but it ran away, it was hiting the door."
"Did you turn off the lights?"
Jasmin shrugs, "I can't remember, I was too sleepy."
Connor turns off the light and settles in the bed. "Go back to sleep."
Jasmin settles in and Connor puts his head on her breasts. He notices her heartbeat going crazy. "Why are you scared?"
"I-I am not scared," she says.
"Police!" A man screams. Connor stands, "what the hell?"
"They found me!" Jasmin thinks.
The police knocks loudly on the door. Connor turns on the light and stares at Jasmin very coldly. "I'm going to kill Phil. Even if they lock me up, I will kill him," he whispers. He walks to the living room. Jasmin shakes her head and runs towards him.
Connor arrives to the kitchen and gets the keys from the secret spot to open the door. He opens it and smiles at the police. There are two male cops standing.
"Sir, we received a call from this location, we are asking around the neighborhood if someone called," the right cop asks.
Connor shrugs, "I have been asleep for a long time. I didn't call anyone."
"Any complains about the neighbors?" The left cop asks.
"No sir, I really don't talk to any of them,"
The left cop tries to look around for anything suspicious. "Anyone else living here?"
"N-" Connor doesn't answer completely as he hears Jasmin running behind him. He turns to her and she stops running. His stare freezes her entire soul and body.
"Hi miss, what's your name?"
"Karen Wallerstein," Connor answers for her. The right cop turns to Jasmin. "Can you tell me your name?"
Connor tells the police to come in. They do. Jasmin doesn't know what to do or what he is doing.
"Miss, are you Karen?"
"Sorry guys," Connor says before grabbing one of the cop's gun shots him in the head and the other in the chest as he turns to him trying to pull his gun but it's too late. They are on the floor. The second cop is still trying to get up and reach for his radio. Connor puts his foot on his throat.
"No!" Jasmin yells and pushes him away, but it is too late. The cop is dead. Connor recovers and points the gun towards Jasmin. She stops.
"Look what you done Jasmin," Connor says, "I killed these men. It's your fault. You called them huh?"
"No, why? I should have said something! I was so scared. Why?" She thinks.
Connor grabs her arm and puts the gun on her neck. She yells. "Shut up!" He hits her head with the gun and she passes out.
"We have to leave," Connor says.

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