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A year and 21 days in captivity

1 day of escaping

Freddy has been driving non-stop. Thankfully, he saw signs dedicating they are 3 miles from a city in Michigan.
"We are free," Jasmin says out loud. Her mind has realize she isn't with Connor anymore. They are free. She is moving closer to freedom to her family.
"Yes, I told you," Freddy nods. The car suddenly slows down and begins to shake.
"No, no, shit," Freddy complains. He drives to the side and the car turns off.
"Why did it stop?" Jasmin asks.
"No more gas, we are lucky we made this far," Freddy says. He gets out and stretches, but his side hurts. He inspects his body and it is full of bruises and cuts. He sees his reflection on the window and side mirror. "Darn, I'm a mess," he thinks.
He looks inside at Jasmin and she is even worse. Though, her bruises have gotten less swollen. "Can you walk?"
Jasmin looks at him. "Yes." She gets out of the car. She closes her eyes and feels the wind. She is free.
"Let's go," Freddy walks as Jasmin follows him.
"Thank you," she whispers.
"No need, we needed to get out of there," Freddy answers. He sees the sun setting east. It is going to be dark soon.
"Jasmin, we need to be quick okay? If you get tired just hop on my back. We can't stop," Freddy says.
"I know."
They continue to walk for an hour while the sun's last rays of light paint the sky orange. Jasmin's bare feet have cuts and sores now. They hurt her, but she keeps on walking. "I have got worse beatings than this. I can handle it," she thinks.
Freddy's side hurts from the constant movement. He finally stops but sees a sign.
"We made it!" Freddy hugs Jasmin. She yells to put her down. He holds her, "we just need to walk a bit more. I can sort of see some buildings."
"Okay, let me go please," she says.
Freddy holds her hand. "Let's go." They run towards the small city.
Connor sees Jasmin running with Freddy hand in hand to their freedom.
"No way, you won't escape me that easy," he says. He stands straight from the tall grass. He points his rifle towards Jasmin's right leg. He is just 30 feet away from them. Jasmin stops as her ankle begins to hurt. Freddy begins to carry her when Connor fires.
Freddy yells in pain and falls with Jasmin in his arms.
"What happened?!" Jasmin yells. She sits and looks around. She spots a shadow.
"My leg!" Freddy yells. "Run! Jasmin! Run please. It's Connor! Who else is out to get us?"
Jasmin can't believe it. She is staring at the shadow walking towards her. Freddy manages to sit and hold Jasmin's face. "Jasmin, snap out of it! Run please. Look at me," he says.
Her eyes are full of fear. "I can't move!" she thinks, "I-I can't run. He's is going to kill us if I do."
"Well, well, you really thought I gave up on finding you?" Connor exclaims. He is 5 feet away from them.
Freddy looks at him. "You bastard, you were stalking us."
"You are so smart Freddy," Connor says. "And you barely figured out my plan?"
"Ple-please, just leave us," Jasmin finally speaks. "We won't tell anyone."
"Jasmin stop, don't give in," Freddy says.
Connor places the rifle on Freddy's head. "Get up dear Jasmin, let's go home."
Jasmin cries."Stop."
Connor sets the rifle. "Come on Jasmin."
She immediately stands. "Okay." Connor turns to rifle on Freddy's head and fires.
"No!" Jasmin yells as she falls to her knees. Freddy begins to tremble as blood falls from the hole on his head to the paved street. He stops.
Connor grabs Jasmin from the waist but she is resisting. "No!"
"Let's go!"
Connor tries to get his rifle but Jasmin spots him and gets it. Yet not knowing how to shoot, she fires and hits Connor on his upper leg.
He falls to the ground. "What the hell did you do?"
Jasmin drops the weapon and begins to run to the city.
"Jasmin!" Connor yells.
Jasmin cries and closes her eyes as she runs. "I want it to stop!" She thinks.
In the distance, a young male officer is driving to the outside limits of the city. His boss instructed him to invistagte the sudden, what seemed to the citizens, gun shots.
"What the hell?" He asks. He sees a girl running frantically towards the car.
He stops and gets out of the car. "Miss, please stop!" He orders.
"Please!" Jasmin stops with her hands up. "Help!"
The young officer walks towards her. "Calm down miss."
"Freddy is dead!"Jasmin yells. "Please, he's coming."
"What's your name miss?"
"Jasmin Mayer."

We found her. I'm looking through the glass window of the police office as she hugs for dear life her parents and little brother. They are crying non-stop. I can hear Mrs. Mayer cries for God.
"Are you okay?" Ken comes to my side. I turn to him and back away from the window. "Yes. We finally found her."
"We were right all along. We were just a few miles away from them," Ken says.
"Is Freddy okay?"
"Yes, miraculously he survived the gunshot," Ken smiles. "He is a survivor after all."
"Im glad. He saved Jasmin after all. I wish I did the same when I saw her. I could have p-"
"No. You did good to wait. People like Connor would have just killed you once he connected the dots," Ken says. "You did to wait."
"I guess, I just wished I could have done something better," I frown.
"Son, she is alive. Freddy is alive. You did well," Ken pats my back and leaves. I look back and see Jasmin hugging her mom while siting. Mr. Mayer signals me to go in. I open the door and wave hi to him.
Mrs. Mayer smiles at me. "Sweetie, someone special is here to see you."
Jasmin finally looks at me. "Phil?"
"Hey," I lightly smile. She quickly stands and hugs me. "Thank you so much. You helped me."
I hug her tight. "I wish I could have done it sooner."
"You never gave up on me," she pulls away and touches my cheek. I see her pretty face is tired with scratches and bruises. "We are best friends right?"
She nods. "I owe you such a huge favor."
"No. It's fine. Besides, Freddy did a huge part in rescuing you. You should thank him once he is better,"
She smiles. "He isn't dead?"
"No," I answer.
She begins to tear up again. "Thank goodness."
Her little brother hugs her. He has grown a lot just like her. "I don't want to see you cry anymore."
Jasmin returns the hug. "I'm crying because my friend is alive."
She looks at me and smiles. "I can finally smile."

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