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20 Days in Captivity

Connor kisses Margaret's breasts as they lay on his bed.
Margaret moans as his tongue flickers on her breast.
She grips his brown hair and pushes him in between her chest. "Oh baby, just do it," her Jersey accent is cute, Connor thinks.
"Alright, get ready," he smirks. He sees Margaret take off her bra completely and let her black hair loose as he walks towards the bathroom.
He goes to the mirror and opens it trying to find condoms. He doesn't find any. "Darn, maybe she won't notice," he says.
"What the hell?!" Margaret screams.
Connor quickly gets out and sees the room door open. "You have another girl?" Margaret pushes Connor. He notices her putting her clothes back.
"No!" Connor walks towards the door and sees Jasmin running towards the kitchen. "Jasmin!"
Jasmin quickly gets into the empty bottom shelve. "No, no, I'm so stupid!"
She hears footsteps and this Margaret screaming. "Fuck you! You a liar!" The door is opened and then silence.
"Jasmin, where are you?" Connor says calmly.
Jasmin closes her eyes. "I didn't mean it. I wanted to know if I could eat," she thinks.
Connor notices a string coming out of the bottom shelve. He slowly walks towards it.
"I need to teach you a new lesson: don't be snitching around," Connor says. He is upset. He doesn't have a girlfriend anymore thanks to Jasmin.
But now, if Margaret sees a missing poster of Jasmin, he is doomed to get caught.
Connor puts his lips against the wood of the shelve door. "You can come out peacefully or I can drag you out by your fucking hair."
Jasmin let's out a cry and immediately covers her mouth. She is panicking. Connor hasn't laid a hand on her since she was put in a box.
"He's going to kill me," she thinks.
She sees Connor's fingers gripping the door, opening it. He forcefully opens the door and Jasmin yells.
He takes her from the right leg and drags her out.
Jasmin yells and kicks him with the other leg. She misses and Connor takes it as well.
He gets in between them and on top of Jasmin. He punches her cheek.
Jasmin gasps loudly and then yells in pain. Her face feels sore. Then another strike to the other side of her face is felt.
Jasmin's vision is blurring.
"You fucking kid! I told you to not get into my room," Connor whispers. He slaps her. "You are going to get me into trouble."
"S-sor" Jasmin coughs out blood. Her lower lips is cut.
"You better be," he slaps her again. Jasmin grunts in pain. Connor stands and walks away to the attic. He gets the handcuffs and goes back to the kitchen.
Jasmin is trying to stand. She is reaching for the sink. "I didn't see the Margaret woman come in. I didn't know," Jasmin says. She looks at Connor shirtless and with the handcuffs. Connor charges to her and squishes her between him and the sink.
She gasps so loudly. The air has been kicked out of her lungs and her stomach feels like it has been broken in half. Connor turns her around and puts the handcuffs on. "Stop please," Jasmin whimpers.
He gets his lips close to her ear. "Why did you go to my room? We were getting along and now you just ruined everything. Tell me why I should keep you alive," he whispers.
Jasmin shuts her eyes. His breath hitting her ear makes her skin crawl. Her thoughts are the same. He is going to kill me. He is going to beat me to death.
She can't talk. She is shaking in fear.
Connor punches her side. "Tell me!"
"I wanted to eat!"
Connor turns her to see her. He puts his arm against her throat while his other arm is holding her tight on him.
Jasmin's throat is slowly getting crushed and her lungs are crumbling with the lack of oxygen.
She gasps and tries to get out of his deadly grip.
Connor smiles as she sees her fair skin turn red and her eyes wide open. He begins to laugh at her. "Where's your daddy now huh? You gonna die and he has no idea where and when he will find you bones. Isn't that sad?"
She gags as his arm is already all the way against her throat.
"Daddy, please, help me!" She cries in her head. "Please god, please help me." Tears fall down her now light blue cheeks.
Suddenly, there's a loud knock on the door. Connor releases Jasmin and she falls to the floor gasping so loudly for air.
"Yo! It's me," Steven exclaims. Connor immediately goes to the door, unlocks it, and sees Steven with a bottle of whiskey. He is drunk.
"I-I saw Margaret's car going 100 mph away from here!"
"Leave Steven," Connor says.
"Wa-wait, I came here to say that I saw a poster of your maid. It said they give $5000 for her," he burps.
"You better not say anything you idiot. I swear I will blow your brains out," Connor growls at him.
Steven nods and puts his hands on the air to surrender. "I know man! Just telling you. Here," he hands him the bottle, "from my wife." Stevens waves goodbye and wabbles to his car. Connor closes the door with all the locks and goes back to the kitchen where Jasmin is passed out. He puts the bottle on the counter and carries her to his room. He drops her to the bed and she wakes up.
"You need to tell me why I shouldn't kill you," Connor says.
He walks to the side of the bed and stares down at her. "If Steven saw the missing poster then Margaret can too. I need to move out quickly. We are too close to the soldier's house," Connor thinks.
"I'm sorry. I do anything please don't kill me," Jasmin whimpers.
"That's it?"
"And-and I will clean your house everyday,"
"And I won't yell and escape anymore."
Connor sits next to her.
He chuckles as he pets her hair away from her face. "How can I trust you?"
"I don't know,"
Connor lays down and looks at her. Her face is swollen and there's blood on her cheeks. He smiles, "Poor you, you are going to die."
Jasmin shakes her head no rapidly. "No no, please, no, Connor, please I don't want to," she exclaims. "I'll do anything please please."
"You promise?"
She nods. " promise."
"I need to get out of here alive. I need to turn him into the police. He almost killed my father. I can't just let him ruin my life," Jasmin says to herself.
"Fine, I won't kill you not yet," Connor grins. "Get rest, we will leave tomorrow morning."

21 Days in Captivity

"She's in the box," Connor tells Steven.
"She ain't gonna die?" He asks.
"No idiot, she is asleep. I gave her some pills, now drive to this location," Connor hands him a piece of paper.
Steven nods, "okay."
22 Days in Captivity

Jasmin wakes up on a plain bed with no sheets or pillows.
She isn't tied at all. She sits and sees a slide glass door to her left. She sees lots of trees and grass and fluffy clouds between the blue sky.
She looks at the rest of the room. There is nothing. The white walls are naked and no furniture just the bed. Jasmin quickly goes to the door and it is closed. She runs to the glass door and it is locked from the outside.
"Where am I?" She asks. She touches her head and feels her cheeks are swollen. Jasmin notices her reflection on the glass. She still has the same clothes. Her right bone cheek is a bit purple while she has a cut on her lower lip.
The door opens and Connor walk in. She sees his reflection on the glass.
"Trying to escape?"
She turns to him. "No."
"Pretty isn't it?" He asks. He walks towards her. He looks out the window. "Thanks to you, I needed to move. Thankfully the company transfered me here very far away. Though, I hear lots of white rich folks live here, so bussiness might increase."
He turns to her. "Go shower now. You start working today remember? Or you want to shower after?"
"After," she answers.
Connor takes her hand. They begin to walk out of the room into the hallway. "I'm going to need you to wash all the windows then mop all the house. Then..."
"I'm going to die from all the work."

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