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A year and two weeks in captivity

Connor stops at a poor motel off of highway 55.
He has been driving non-stop in a police car at first then in a old red truck he bought at a lot. He wakes up Jasmin by pouring cold water.
She yells. "It's cold!"
"Shut up," Connor grabs her neck. She gasps for air and looks at him.
"I'm fucking tired and hungry. I swear, I will go kill you and your family if you don't let me sleep tonight. I'm tired of you fucking up everything," he says.
She nods, "He knows where they are then. I can't let them be killed," she thinks.
Connor let's her go and exits the car. He opens the door and pulls Jasmin out of the truck. She still has the night dress so Connor takes out a long men button shirt from the back seat. "Here, put it on," he says.
Jasmin puts the shirt. Connor fixes his hair and hands her his belt. She ties it around her waist to make the outfit more casual and decent. Connor gives her brown sandals as well.
"Your name is Karen," he says as they walk to the hotel office.
"Okay," she says. His hand is gripping her hand very tightly. They walk in the reception and a white male smiles. "Howdy, room for couple?"
Connor smiles, "Yes."
"Okay, we have the king suite or a normal room?"
"Normal room will be fine," Connor gets out his wallet. "How much?"
"45 dollars sir," he says.
Connor pays and sign in with a fake name. "The lady has to sign in too," the receptionist says.
Jasmin nods and writes down Karen as her name.
The receptionist hands Connor a key. "Hope your stay is good."
They enter their room which is a small bed, a tv in front of the bed, and a small bathroom.
"Take off your clothes," Connor says.
Jasmin stops in front of the bed. "I don't want to," she thinks.
Connor gets behind her, putting his hands on her hips and brushing his lips agaisnt her ear. "Don't worry, I just need you to sleep. Besides, you owe me big time. I killed for you."
Jasmin closes her eyes. She remembers the dead cops. Poor men, why? She thinks about how they might have been married or had kids.
"Is she breathing?" Connor thinks. He goes in front of her and sees her with her eyes close. Connor pokes her cheek and she opens her eyes. "Where you doing yoga or something?"
Jasmin shrugs.
"Look just get in bed. I'm going to the restroom," Connor says. He walks to the small bathroom. Jasmin quickly looks for a phone but there isn't any. What hotel doesn't have a room phone? Wait, where am I? There isn't any windows in the room, so she can't look around.
The toilet flushes and Connor steps out. "Trying to escape?" Jasmin turns to him. "No."
"Get in bed." Connor turns all the lights and pushes Jasmin to the bed. He lays next to her and grabs her waist tightly. "You aren't getting anywhere this time."
Connor stands in front of Jasmin still sleeping soundly. He takes a sip of his coffee. "Wake up," he says. He slaps her cheek. Jasmin quickly sits and covers her cheek.
"Let's go." Connor puts the coffee mug on the tv stand and pulls her leg and she falls off the bed. "You didn't have to do that!" Jasmin gets up and puts her sandals.
Connor gets her arm and they leave to the motel office.
"Thanks," Connor gives the receptionist the keys.
He goes to the truck and drives away.
They drive and drive until they arrive to a town.
"This will be our home," Connor says. Jasmin looks around the town as Connor parks near a store. "It looks so peaceful," Jasmin thinks.
"Let's go eat," Connor says.
They get off and walk into a small dinner.
"Hi, what can I get you?" A young blonde boy smiles at Jasmin and Connor.
"I want pancakes with egg with orange juice," Connor says.
"Okay sir, how about you miss?"
"Just a waffle," she says.
"Okay, and to drink?"
"Apple juice please,"
He smiles at her, "Good. It will take about 5 minutes." He gets the menus and walks away.
They wait in silence. Jasmin looks out the window. She hasn't been outside in a year. She hasn't seen other people her age.
"Here are your drinks," the boy comes back and places the drinks. "Oh by the way, I'm Freddy," he smiles.
"Good, and she's my girlfriend," Connor smiles at Freddy.
Jasmin covers her face. She feels weird with Connor's words.
"Okay," Freddy walks away again.
"You are lying," Jasmin says.
Connor smirks, "I'm not. You're my pet remember?"
"I'm not!"
Conner hits her leg under the table. "Shush idiot!"
Jasmin yelps in pain.
"Here you go," Freddy places the food on the table.
"Thanks buddy," Connor says. He turns to Jasmin who wants to cry. "Eat, this is the only meal you are going to get for the week if you continue behaving this way," Connor whispers.
They finish eating and move along. Jasmin asks Freddy for napkins before leaving.
"Do you have a social media account?" He asks.
"Well, what about a number?"
"Sorry, I can't-"
"Let's go!" Connor yells from the entrance. Jasmin gets the napkins and walks out.
She enters the truck and gives the napkins to Connor. "What was he asking huh?"
"Nothing," Jasmin insists.
"You better be saying the truth," Connor says. They drive to another motel. Connor checks in and they go into a room.
"This will be our home for a while," Connor says.
Jasmin sits on the white cover bed.
"Let's shower," Connor gets her hand and forces her to the bathroom. It is nicer than the other motel. It is bigger and has a bathtub.
Connor begins to take off his clothes and demands Jasmin to do the same.
"I don't want to shower," she says.
"I didn't ask you," Connor pushes her to the wall. She yells in pain as her head hit the wall hard. Connor takes off the belt and underwear.
"No," she says. "Please."
Connor ignores her and unbottons the shirt. Jasmin covers her dress with her arms to prevent him from taking it off.
"Take it off," he says.
Jasmin shakes her head, "please."
Connor turns on the water and the tub begins to fill up. "You need to look normal Jasmin. Smelling like sweat and mud isn't normal."
Connor takes off his underwear. Jasmin looks to the side. "I'll shower after you."
"No," Connor gets in front of her and pins her to the wall. Before she can scream, Connor puts his hand over her mouth. "We are just going to shower. Why can't you just help me wash my back?"
Connor let's her go slowly and gets in the tub. "Come on, it's good for you."
"Jasmin, please, if you don't really want me to loose my temper, get in," he says.
She thinks, "I'm scared. He killed two men in front of me. I can't die. I don't want to die. He says he won't do anything to me." She slowly undresses and gets in the tub. It is full already so she sits down. The warm water makes her muscles relax. Connor sits and pulls her arm. He sets her on his lap. "See, what was so hard about this?"
Connor wets her hair with water in his hands.
He gets the shampoo and washes her hair. "Man, you're hair grows fast. I need to cut it again."
"Are you going to color it?" Jasmin asks.
"Yes, strawberry red? Do you like that?"
Jasmin shrugs, "I have no choice right?"
Connor kisses her shoulder. "Good girl, see you do understand." Connor gives her a bar soap and let's her wash herself. Once they are done, they stand. Jasmin covers her breasts with her arms and cross her legs to hide her personal place. The shower head turns on and Connor washes himself. "Man, I needed this," he says. He pulls Jasmin towards him. He looks down at her. "Remove your arms." He gets her arms and roughly places them on her sides. He keeps his hands on her wrists. He looks at her small breasts. He smirks, "They grown huh? Cute."
Jasmin closes her eyes. She is too embarrassed and scared to see his face.
A sudden push gets Jasmin agaisnt Connor's body. He kisses her. Jasmin opens her eyes and tries to push him away. She feels something in between her legs. His hands travel to her bottom.
"Stop!" She tries to yell in between his lips. He pulls away, "Relax, enjoy it, your skin is sensitive, you won't be able to control how good it feels."
He let's her go and touch her breasts. He pushes her to the wall.
"Ouch!" Jasmin yells. "It hurts."
Connor let's his grip but still holds her breasts. "Like that?"
"He won't stop. Is it better to be raped gently than hard?" She thinks, "wait no, rape is not good. I don't want it. I can't give him that liberty. I can't let him win. But what can I do?"
Connor takes advantage of her day dreaming and touches her, kisses her neck gently.
Jasmin suddenly feels warm all over. She stops thinking and feels him touching her. His lips meet hers gently. "Let's take a nap," he says in such a peaceful matter it scares Jasmin more than if he would have screamed.

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