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"Let's take a nap," he says.
Connor gives her a towel and Jasmin wraps it around her. Connor wraps a towel around his hips. He takes Jasmin's hand and they walk back to the bedroom.
"If you behave, we will go shopping later okay? I'll buy you some pretty clothes, shoes, and we will fix your hair. Is that a deal?"
Jasmin sits on the bed. "So I am going with you?"
He nods. "If you behave of course."
"I can finally get help," she thinks.
She nods. "Okay."
Connor sits next to her and touches her hair. "You need to brush it before it gets tangled." He looks around for a hair brush and handles it to her once he finds it.
Jasmin brushes her hair and sees Connor getting his underwear on. She quickly looks away and fixes her hair.
"Let's nap," Connor drops to bed. Jasmin lays next to him but keeps at least an inch of space in between.
He turn his head towards her. "You knew the Phil guy huh? His eyes said everything. He must be going crazy looking for you."
"You want him to find me?"
"It will be fun, but too dangerous. I rather just let him run out of hope in finding you,"
Jasmin frowns. "He won't never loose hope, my family either. Even, if they find my bones, they will find you."
Connor sits and looks down at her. Jasmin slowly makes eye contact with him. He smirks, "You really have spunk."
Jasmin sits and fixes the towel closer to her. "You will keep me alive and with you?"
He touches her cheek gently. Jasmin nerves quick in, but she maintains calm outside. "Yeah, even if my bussiness is over, I will still need someone to keep me company."
He kisses her without permission. His body squishes into hers and they fall into bed.
Jasmin puts her hands on his chest and pushes, but he immediately gets her wrists and pins them on top of her head. Connor pulls away, "Why haven't you learn all these months who is in charge here?"
"Don't do it, please," Jasmin whispers. She knows if she screams, she will get beaten. He can kill more people too.
Connor smiles, "I won't, I rather you beg me to."
Jasmin thinks, "He's disgusting. I won't never beg him to make me his. He's evil, so evil."
Connor kisses her neck. Jasmin looks to the side and closes her eyes. Connor plants another kiss on her collar bone. "You stop saying no?"
"I don't want it,"Jasmin whispers.
Connor turns her head towards him. "Who cares what you want?"
"Just leave me alone, please,"
"Oh Jasmin, we are stuck with each other, don't you get it? Phil won't find you, and your parents have no clue where you are. I can't let you run off and tell the police what I did. So for your benefit, you should just relax and enjoy the life I will give you."
"Just kill me, your life will be calm if you kill me. You won't have to be worrying about me telling people what you done,"
"We have gone over this Jasmin. You will be my pet. Besides, you will come in handy these days. I won't have a job right away and the money is running low," Connor lays next to her.
"What do you mean?"
"You rather give me your virginity? Or let a stranger steal it?"
Jasmin quickly sits. "What?"
Connor rolls his eyes and stands. "You heard me, you will be an escort, if you rather me sell your virginity or let me take it," he says.
Jasmin shakes her head no. "No! You can't do that!"
"Ssh, don't scream," Connor places a finger on his lips. "Be happy I'm letting you choose."
"He's crazy," Jasmin thinks. "I need to get out of here. Phil won't help me. I need to do this alone."
"Get your clothes on, we are going shopping."
They arrive to the small mall in town. Jasmin and Connor walk into a teen shop. Connor takes Jasmin's hand and chooses her clothes. Connor approves of the clothes and pays. He does this in every store they go. He doesn't let Jasmin out of his sight.
Jasmin changes to a yellow summer dress with wedges. Connor also changes into new jeans and a white t-shirt with black shoes. He then takes Jasmin to a beauty salon and she colors her hair into a light red. Her hair is chopped off to her shoulders again.
"Beautiful," Connor sees her final look.
Jasmin can't help but to blush. He seems sincere.
Finally, they go to the food court and order pizza.
"Hey," suddenly Freddy is behind Jasmin in line. Connor turns to him. "Hi."
"Remember me? I'm the waiter at the diner you guys were yesterday,"
Jasmin nods.
"Hope you liking the town," he smiles.
"Thanks," Connor says. He notices Freddy wearing a Rolex watch. "Nice watch."
Freddy looks down at it. "Thanks."
He smiles at Jasmin. "Love the hair."
"Thanks," she replies.
"So what are your names?"
"Karen and Jeff," Connor replies.
Jasmin furrows her eyebrows at him. He changed their names.
"Cool," Freddy says.
"Sir, can I take your order?" It is Connor's turn to order. Jasmin takes the opportunity and whispers in Freddy's ear. "Help. Call 911." She quickly goes to Connor's side and he pays.
"Let's go sit, they are going to bring the pizza to us," Connor takes her hand and says goodbye to Freddy. Freddy waves goodbye but is left confused by "Karen's" words.
"I need to call the police?" He asks himself. He follows the pair with his eyes. "Is she in danger?"
"Sir, can I take your order?" The cashier asks Freddy. He orders but is conflicted.
He takes his slice of pizza and sits near "Karen". "Jeff" doesn't see him but "Karen" notices him.
"She doesn't seem in danger. He said she was his girlfriend. Though, she is quite shy and quiet,"Freddy thinks. He takes out his phone and searches for any missing poster for "Karen" in his state. But nothing appears familiar to him.
Connor notices Jasmin eating as if she isn't hungry. "Eat."
"I'm not hungry," she says.
"Jasmin please eat," he says gently.
She looks at Freddy who is looking at his phone.
"Fine," she says and take a bite of the pizza.
Connor finishes eating and stands. "Let's go."
"But," Jasmin stands, "can we stay longer?"
Jasmin knows Freddy hasn't called the police. She needs him to.
"Let's go," Connor gets the shopping bags and her hand. He pulls her away. Freddy notices them and follows behind.
Connor and Jasmin arrive to the parking lot and go into the truck.
Jasmin looks behind but doesn't spot Freddy.
I lost her again. I'm so stupid. Why did I think I was Batman? I couldn't just save her by myself. Now, they left the state and Connor killed two cops. That was 2 days ago, so there is still time to find her. Connor might have driven to our neighbor state of Michigan.
Mr. Mayer is in the passenger seat of my car.
"Where are we going again?" I ask.
"To one of my friends from the army, he is now a private investigator," he says. "Now that we know how the guy looks like, what was his real bussiness, address, and the time, he can help us locate Jasmin."
I nod and continue to drive. We finally arrive to his friend's house.
A tall man opens the door and welcomes us in.
"Hey Ken," Mr. Mayer shakes his hand.
"I got your email, I'm so sorry," Ken says.
"Well, can you help us?" I ask.
"I think so," he says. We walk into his office.
"The man's name is Connor correct?" Ken asks.
I nod.
"I search for the police sketch of him, he looks like one of the brother's I dealt with on a drug case," he says. He shows us a picture of a guy looking like Connor. "His name is Drew, he was killed in Tijuana by a cartel. He was one of the co-suppliers, but started stealing from them and they found out. In one of the meetings to get more coke, Drew was kidnapped and killed. He was a traitor."
"So you think he might be Connor's brother?" Mr. Mayer asks.
"Yes, he looks like him, Connor dealt coke and crystal meth, and they have the same last name,"
"So where do we go from here?" I ask.
"Let me try to see if he still has buyers around. Also he might have gone to a small town, though, if he did, he will pop out. People will know he isn't from there, so start posting Jasmin's and his picture on social media. If he is around Michigan, people will take notice."
"What would the buyers tell you?" I ask.
"They will tell me the last time they seen him and if they owe him any huge favors, maybe one of them lend him their house,"
"Okay, let's get started. I want my daughter back."

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