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"It has been 3 hours now," Jasmin thinks to herself. Freddy hasn't called the police nor found her. He might have think Jasmin was paranoid.
Jasmin taps her bare foot on the hotel carpet. She is siting on the bed's edge. Connor is laying while watching tv.
He turns to her and pokes her back. "Lay down."
Jasmin sighs and lays.
"What's wrong?" Connor asks.
Freddy is walking towards their room. He finally decided to go in and investigate himself what's wrong with "Karen".
He stops in front of the hotel door. He hesitates knocking at first, but knocks once.
Connor hears the knocking and quickly stands to see through the peephole of the door.
He sees Freddy. "Jasmin, did you tell Freddy where we were?" He turns to Jasmin who is sitting scared.
"Open it," Connor tells Jasmin. He steps to the corner. He snaps his fingers at her. Jasmin stands and goes to the door.
She thinks, "What is he going to do? Did Freddy call the police?"
Freddy knocks again.
Jasmin sighs and opens the door.
Freddy lightly smiles, "Hey. Are you alone?"
Jasmin looks at Connor who is hiding behind the door. He nods to her.
"Um, what do you want?"
"You said to call the police, are you alone?"
Connor pushes Jasmin and pulls Freddy in. He punches his face and kicks his stomach with the knee. Freddy gasps for air and drops to the floor. Jasmin yells for Connor to stop. He takes out a small blade and points it at her. "Shut up."
Freddy reaches to his pocket and gets his phone. He dials 911 and locks the phone.
"What are you doing?" Connor steps on his hand and the phone bounces off his hand.
Meanwhile, Phil and Mr. Mayer arrive to the town. Someone tip them off in the social media page they set up for Jasmin.
They go to a diner and ask for the manager. "Hi," a chubby man comes out of the kitchen. Phil shakes his hand, "Thanks Nate."
"Are you sure you saw this girl?" Mr. Mayer asks him while showing him a picture of Jasmin on his phone.
"Yep," he nods. "Freddy was talking about her with the other waiter. I got after him."
"Did you see her with a boy?" Mr. Mayer asks.
"Yeah, a guy in his late 20s. But I didn't get a good look at him."
"Thank you," Phil hands him a check. Nate takes it. "Hope that helps you guys. I haven't seen them again but once Freddy comes to work, I'll ask him if he seen the girl."
"Thanks," Mr. Mayer says. They walk out and look around the mall. They ask some employees and random people they see. Only one employee at a hair salon says she saw them. "Yeah, I colored her hair and cut it. She said she wanted to impress her fiancee."
"Was his name Connor?"
"No, she said his name was Dillard."
"He's changing names," Phil says on the side.
"And indication of him being abusive?" Mr. Mayer asks.
"Not really. He even called her beautiful afterwards."
"Thanks," he says.
"You think I'm stupid?" Connor stabs Jasmin on her leg. She screams against the sock tied around her mouth. Her arms are behind her back with tape and her legs are tied to the end posts of the bed spread widely.
Connor smirks as he sees the blade go out of her skin and the blood stains her skin.
"Why would you be risking other people's lives? I think you are the cruel one. I wouldn't let other people in knowing they will be killed," Connor says. He gets on top of her. He traces the blade across her chin. Jasmin closes her eyes in fear. Her tears rolling faster down her cheeks.
"They are coming," Freddy says.
Connor looks back at him. He is tied on the corner with blood coming out of his nose and lower lip. "I called the police. They can get my location since you never turned it off."
Connor smiles. "If they did, don't you think they would have come now?"
"I quickly turned if off before I beat your ass. They might know someone called but since no one spoke and they couldn't get a signal, they aren't coming."
"You're wrong!" Connor gets on his feet and kicks Freddy in his jaw. He gets knocked out. Jasmin yells again. Connor takes off his belt.
"You will be punished," Connor raises her dress. Jasmin moves like a worm to avoid his touch. He touches her personal space and begins to rub it.
"No no! Please!" Jasmin thinks. "Please, I'm sorry!" She screams against the sock.
Connor smiles and sits. He takes out the blade and cuts off her underwear. He sees her naked personal space. His fingers get in her lower lips.
"You're so warm," he chuckles. He shoves his fingers in her and she screams in pain.
"Darn, so tight Jasmin," Connor says. He takes them out and notices blood on his finger tips. He cleans them off on her cheek.
"Let's get this over with," he stands again and fixes the belt. "Bad girl." He hits her personal space roughly with the belt. Jasmin aches her back in pain. Her tears becomes a river on her cheeks. She never cried like this before.
"Two more," Connor hits her again. It stings and hurts her so badly.
Connor hits her for the third time and Jasmin almost blanks out of the pain. Connor laughs arndnd gets in between her legs. He takes off his clothes.
"Your punishment continues dear," Connor places himself and pushes himself inside of her and takes her virginity.
Jasmin becomes numb all over. She feels pain but she is so weak, she can barely express it. "He's inside of me. No. No!!" She thinks. She feels his breath on her neck. He's grunting and moaning. His hands are on her butt cheeks gripping them tightly.
"I'm going to come!" He yells. Jasmin suddenly feels warmer below but it ends in seconds.
Connor takes her chin and forces her to look at him. "You're mine now. No man will ever want you Jasmin. You're a slut now. You let me take your virginity. You did this. It was your fault."
Connor gets off of her and goes to the bathroom.
Jasmin is neutral. "It was my fault? Yeah, if I didnt tell Freddy. He promised me not to hurt me like this. He was acting nice. I made him angry. I did this. Oh gosh, I'm stupid! Why?"
"You got a call?" Ken asks the sheriff of the town. "Yes, but we couldn't get the location. We are looking at the number to see who it belongs to."
Phil shakes his head, "it must be Jasmin. Maybe she couldn't speak. You said the operator heard a lot of movement but no voices."
"That can be possible," the sheriff says.
"Well, I got information. Connor's last buyer gave him $10,000 a day after he escaped with Jasmin. The buyer gave me this address," Ken gives a folder to the sheriff.
"We will check that out,"
"What can we do now?" Phil asks.
"Just look," the sheriff says. "The town knows now. They are good folks, they will call the police once they see them."

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