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It has been a year, Connor reflects as he sees Jasmin sleeping on the now yellow mattress on the floor. He is leaning against the door of the room. His eyes go to the wood planks that cover where the glass door used to be. He pushed Jasmin too hard when she yelled for help as a police officer entered. Someone tipped the police stating Connor sells drugs, but unfortunately for Jasmin, he didn't get caught.
"N-no, no!" Jasmin yells and waves up from a nightmare. She looks around and sees she's still in it.
"Bad dream?" Connor asks.
Jasmin rolls her eyes and ignores his remark. She stretches and yawns. She moves her leg but can't get further than an inch. She looks down at her ankle and she is tied to a very heavy metal bar.
"So you won't move," Connor says.
"No shit," Jasmin says.
Connor smirks, "You have a potty mouth now?"
"I'm not going anywhere. Get this thing off," she says.
Connor kneels next to her. "I know, you can't."
Jasmin thinks, "It has been a long time now. I don't know how long but it has been more than months. My body and face has changed along with his."
Connor touches her cheek, "Remember the promise I made after I pushed you through the window?"
Jasmin nods. "I wouldn't escape anymore."
"And I will give you a special gift," Connor says.
"You said it could be something I want,"
"Today is the day, so if I take this off and you behave, I will make the promise true," he caresses her cheek gently. It makes Jasmin worry. "He might be playing me. He is testing me."
Connor's hand leaves her cheek. "You need to wash my clothes and clean the bathrooms."
"Okay," Jasmin replies. Connor takes off the bar and carries it like nothing. His body is now very healthy and appears more young. His muscles are tone and sculpted too.
Jasmin stands and fixes her white loose jeans and black tshirt. She doesn't owe shoes anymore.
She proceeds to do her chores. Connor doesn't spy on her anymore. There's no way out. No knifes freely in the kitchen. No heavy things Jasmin can use as a weapon. Connor is careful what he gives Jasmin.

"I'm finished!" Jasmin yells from the bathroom. She walks out into the hallway and sees Connor walking towards her.
"Did you fold my clothes?"
"Yeah, I'm not stupid. I know how to do the chores around here," Jasmin says.
Connor smirks, "You are the perfect maid."
"Shut u-" Connor slaps her. Jasmin whines and covers her cheek. "Sorry."
Connor grabs her arm. "I thought you were going to behave."
"I am,"
"Then," Connor pulls her towards him and embraces her. "Fucking behave."
Jasmin nods quickly. "Yes."
"Take a shower," Connor looks down at her.
He pushes her to the bathroom. Jasmin goes into the shower and closes the curtain. She takes off all her clothes and takes it out of the shower.
Connor hears the water go off. He sighs and looks at his watch. "You have 5 minutes now."
"That's three more minutes since last time," Jasmin thinks.
Connor goes to his room and grabs a big brown bag. He returns to the bathroom and sets Jasmin's new clothes, black flats, and underwear on top of the toilet. He takes out a box of color dye and barber scissors.
"Two minutes left," Connor says.
"Okay," Jasmin hurries washing the conditioner off her hair.
Connor takes out a package of special razors. "I'm going to shave your legs," he says. Jasmin takes a look out the curtain and says what.
Connor smirks, "We are going out, isn't that what you want?"
Jasmin eyes widen, "really? Out?"
"Yeah, you finished washing your hair?"
Jasmin nods, "I can shave myself."
"No, let me do it. You never shaved, you can cut yourself. Come on."
"Here," Connor hands her a towel, "put this on."
Jasmin turns off the water and puts the towel. Connor moves the curtain to the side and puts Jasmin on top of the sink. He gets her leg and begins to shave her legs. Jasmin notices the hair dye and clothes. "He's going to change how I look," she thinks.
Connor is focus on not cutting her legs. "They are smooth now," he whispers.
Finally he finishes and orders Jasmin to get ready. He steps out and Jasmin puts on the black strapless crop top and white skirt. Connor knocks and gets in. Jasmin is looking at herself in the mirror. She notices her breasts have grown fuller but she is still very slim.
"Im going to cut your hair," Connor says. He gets behind her and gets the scissors as he gets her hair. He begins to chop her hair just below her shoulders.
"Done," he says. He cleans her back and combs her hair.
"There let's go out," he wraps his arms around her naked tummy. Jasmin shivers as goosebumps travel all around her body.


"Let's go," Melissa pulls my arm to the night club entrance.
"But I'm only 18," I say.
She rolls her green eyes. "Really? I don't care. I want to have fun. Ever since we got to this small city, you been grumpy."
Melissa is 19 years old and my girlfriend.
I kiss her cheek. "Sorry." We enter the club and the electronic music invades our ears. The colorful lights hit the walls. People are drinking and having a good time. Melissa drags me to the VIP section.
We get escorted to a round table.
"Two beers please," Melissa hands the waitress two fake ID's and money.
I comb my long hair back and look around. So this is what a night club is all about.
The waitress returns with the beers and leaves to attend someone else in the corner. I notice a girl with short hair siting on a lap of a guy.
Her facial features look familiar, but I can't point where I know her from.
"Babe," Melissa pokes my arm. "Drink up and get loose."
"Do you know anyone in this city?" I asks.
"No, only my co-workers," she says.
I drink the beer but keep on looking at the girl. "She's pretty," I think.
Soon, four beers later, Melissa and I begin to dance in the middle of the room with the rest.
I have her grinding her lovely ass against my lower body. She's such a good dancer.
"S-Stop it Connor," I hear her voice behind me. There's no doubt about it.
I turn around and see her back. This Connor guy has her tight against him with his hands on her hips. It's Jasmin, the girl I saw earlier, it is her.
I found her. She's fine.
"What are you looking at?" Connor pulls Jasmin to his side. He looks upset. I see she has make up and her hair is shorter. She is super skinny, but her body has grown. Her eyes widen as they lock to mine.
"Your girl is asking you a question man," Connor breaks my thoughts. I turn and see Melissa walking away.
"You better keep your eyes away from her and keep them on your girl idiot," Connor pushes me. He gets Jasmin's hand and they walk into the crowd.
I pull myself together and follow them.
I loose track though. Did Connor figure out I know Jasmin? Wait, why is she out with him? He's her kidnapper. Why are they out clubbing?
I exit the club and try to find them outside. I walk towards the cars. I find Connor and Jasmin kissing against a car.
What the hell? I rush towards them but stop myself. I can get her into trouble. I need a plan to help her.
Jasmin pulls away and looks like she's crying.
My phone rings and it's Mr. Mayer. I walk behind a car and keep an eye on them. "Hello?" I answer.
"What do you mean you found my daughter?"
I look back but they are gone. Darn it, I can't loose her again. "Phil, answer me right now," Mr. Mayer uses his military voice.
"Yes, I found her," I say.

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