Chapter 3 - She Will Be Loved

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Welp. This is it, I suppose.

Don't get so down, peeps. I don't want to change the ending, as much as I'd love to, it wouldn't be SWKNU then. It's supposed to tug at your heartstrings, so I will do what I can to pull myself back together after writing this last chapter.

I said I wouldn't change the ending, but what about the bit before it.. ;)

What you should do though, my beautiful readers, is wait for the OVA's release - MAY 17th!! Until then, we'll just have to deal with crappy fanfiction like mine! :P

Up above, we have the amazing Animenz Piano Sheets and his cover of Hikaru Nara (光るなら) by Goose House - The first theme song of SWKNO. The way he plays is mind blowing; I've listened to this cover too many times to count. I will probably cry legit tears if I listen to it again.


Arima Kousei

I check the time on my phone and let out a sigh of contemplation.

It's 9 PM.

What will they think when they see me with her in the morning?! A foolish blush spreads across my cheeks as I purse my lips, making my way inside the hospital.

It's dark..

The same scent of antiseptic and ultra-strong hand sanitizer lingers in the lobby as well as the flight of stairs, except it smells almost dusty in the stairs area.

The moonlight pours in through the windows, the twinkling stars outside almost like fairy lights. I rest my hand at the back of my neck as I walk towards her hospital room where she resides, my footsteps continuously echoing through the night.

"Come in," she says to me in a low voice after I knock on the door quietly. I freeze when the door lets out an unnecessarily loud creaking as I push it open gently. I hold my breath entirely as I continue to do so, repeating the process as I shut the door.

I turn to face at her only to find her beautiful and pale face staring at me. She's just as beautiful at night as she is in the day. The moonlight from her window seems to give her skin a sort of glow, or maybe it's just me. Her honey blonde hair appears to have faded out, making it appear slightly duller.

Her azure blue irises continue to look at me; a small smile plays on her lips. "So, you came after all, Kousei," she says finally.

I suddenly feel self-conscious, nervous that she might criticize me for my choice of wardrobe; a plain blue short sleeved collared top and a pair of dark grey trousers. If I'm going to stay the night, I might as well be comfortable.

I set my canvas bag onto the seat by the window and seat myself on her bedside, cocking my head to the side as I look at her.

She makes me nervous.

Always has, always will.

She chooses to break the silence and announces, "This may be the last time I'll be seeing you again before the surgery."

I purse my lips as I stare down at my lap before replying, "I know." My dark hair continues to fall into my eyes the longer I look down, poking at my eyelashes.

I go stiff when I feel her nimble fingers brush away the hair poking at my eyes; her small fingers gracefully dance across my forehead as she pushes away the last of the strands, tickling my face.

I gently take ahold of her wrist and look at her, her eyes level with mine.

Her nose reminds me of a button, small and tempting to press because of its size. The bags under her eyes are evident, signifying her exhaustion. The way she furrows her eyebrows in confusion is adorable, bringing a small smile onto my face. Her lips are the palest pink, small yet full.

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