[Chapter 7]

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a/n: pic Caroline on the media tab




"Can we talk?"

Endless questions and worry begin to cloud my mind as to what Caroline would be wanting to talk about. Since the first time I've met her, I've never seen her so sad before. I'm always so used to her smiling alot.

"Sure, we can talk."

Enrico shifts in his position abit. "I'll just wait in the car-"

"Rico, you can go home. I'll drop Naomi.", Caroline insists.

I switch my head between the two worried looking siblings before Enrico spares a quick glance at me.

"I'll see you at home then?", Enrico smiles.

I nod in response before thanking him for taking me out today.




We decided to make a quick stop at another small cafe to have this talk.

"So what did you want to talk about?"

"I know Ric talked to you about the whole you moving in thing."

My went suddenly dry and I was speechless. A sudden feeling of guilt sprawled throughout me and I didn't know how to stop it. I don't even know why I'm feeling so guilty all of a sudden, I hadn't done anything wrong. Infact, I did everything right to get out of harms way.

But still, the way I moved out so suddenly makes it look like I'm guilty. Like I've done something wrong and I'm running away from the issue.

"And what's that?", I ask plainly.

Caroline sighs,"Look Naomi, you're a very sweet girl and I'm very fond of you. Ricardo is just very worried about me sometimes, and that's his true nature since he was young. I can't make him stop caring about me, its impossible. Everything just became a whole misunderstanding. Sure, I was worried about a young girl moving into the apartment but that was before I knew how much a great person you are."

I stay quiet in shock as to how serious this conversation is. Is she telling the truth? Does she really think of me in that way? But Ricardo, what did he mean when he said everything about Caroline?

"I want you to move back in with Ricardo and Dane."

"I can't." What? Did I just say that?

Caroling looks confused, "But why?"

"I just can't move back in right now. I'm trying to give them their free space, I don't want to be the awkward bump between them."

"You're Danes younger sister. How could you think that way?"

"Its been five years since we last talked and I think I'm contemplating whether or not I made the right decision to make this effort.", I feel my eyes become watery as it blurs my vision. "I just need to be by myself for a moment."

Caroline doesn't say anything instead she gives me a sympathetic look before cupping her hands over mine. A familiar gesture between the two siblings.




"Thanks for the coffee date.", I say to Caroline as she pulls up in front of Enrico's building.

She mumbles something and I turn in curiosity to see that she'slooking at something outside. Her face written with confusion.

I follow my gaze towards hers. Oh my god.

It's Dane. He's dragging something behind him and it doesn't take long to realize that its my suitcase. I'm honestly in utter shock right now. I soon here voices coming out of the main door and it doesn't take long till I see Ricardo calling out to Dane who looks flustered in anger.

I unbuckle my seat belt in a quick bolt, opening the door to feel a light breeze brush against me. I pace across the lawn and soon after I hear Caroline shutting her door.

" What is going on!", I call out to get their attention but only Ricardo turns to look. He has both hands over his head, panicking.

Despite hearing my voice, Dane continues to drag my suitcase until he reaches the back of his car trunk. I rush over to him but Ricardo stops me,

"Naomi, wait!"

I turn to look at Ricardo, his dark hair sticking in every direction from the contact of his hands.

"Wait? He's being immature and I'm standing against it!"

Ricardo winces a little bit at the tone of my voice. "We can resolve this without any anger, please."

Ricardo's eyes are filled with so much worry and desperation. It almost made me calm for a split second. Almost seemed as if he was trying to take all my burden from me again, like that that time we sat on the couch back at the apartment and how he was trying to make me feel better. Not like my own brother who basically turned bitter on me when he knew I came here by myself.

Caroline approaches to Ricardos side in an embrace. Ricardo mumbles something in his mother tongue before giving her a quick peck on her forehead. I dont why I find myself gazing towards them, maybe in a sense loneliness or wanting what they have. But my small voice tells me to look away.

Ricardo spares a glance at me, making me in reaction turn around. I tuck a strand of lose hair behind my ear, fiddling with my fingers before clearing my throat.


Anger begins to boil within me when I hear the trunk close in a powerful force.

"Dane, stop it!", I yell.
"No, Naomi!", his voice towers over mine. " You're coming back to the apartment and that's final."

"I'm not going anywhere! Why do you have to treat me like some little child?! Ever since I've stepped a single foot in your midst you've been so arrogant and mean about everything I do."

Dane chest begins to rise up and down as he clenches his jaw. He closes his eyes,

"Naomi. I'm not going to repeat myself. Get I'm the car before I create an even bigger scene and you won't like it."

When he opens his eyes again, he looks dead straight into mine. I don't fail to give him a harsh glare, swearing colorful words in my head.

"Dane, you bett-"

"Enough!", A voice interrupts.

Dane and I turn our heads in a jolt. Our eyes meeting the voice that somehow overpowered us. My throat was beginning to feel dry as my eyes widened in shock at what my eyes stumbled upon. I felt a shiver of shock running through me and my palms became sweaty. Dane shifted in his spot, obviously just as shocked and out of words as I am. This can't be happening, not right now.

"Mom?" "Dad?"

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