[Chapter 3]

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a/n: pic of Enrico on the media tab.




The next morning I woke up feeling abit uneasy. My head was throbbing and I felt dehydrated. My tongue was like sandpaper. My eyes weren't agreeing to open ,as it numerously closed whenever I tried opening them.

"Urgh," I groaned for the billionth time today. "I'm never drinking again."

After a few minutes of laying in bed and staring outside my window, I finally regained enough energy to get up from my laying position, to a sitting position.

My thoughts soon drift off to the party when I see the long navy blue dress hanging in my open closet. A smile creeps on my lips when I think of how long I spent talking to Enrico, and how he made me laugh countlessly.

In my brain he's labelled as 'TheMisunderstoodHottie'because my first impression of him was totally different to when I actually got to know him. He has a great sense of humor, slightly mysterious but not too mysterious, very well mannered, sweet and to top it all he's dripping in good looks.

By a few acts last night, I could tell that his relationship with Caroline and her father wasn't very stable. I didn't want to think too much of it since it wasn't really my business.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a knock on my door. I panicked slightly but realized I was wearing a shirt as my PJ's.

"Come in," I say lightly, feeling the throb near my Temple's ache, making me close my eyes to dwell with the agrivating pain which is building up in my head.

I hear the door creek open. I look up to see Ricardo holding a glass of water in one hand and a packet of tablets in the other.

"I just gave Dane his dose, so I thought you'd probably need it too." Ricardo says, as he approaches my side.

"Thank you," I smile as he hand me the glass and packet. "How come you didn't wake up with a hangover?"

Ricardo shrugs, "I don't drink."

"Oh. May I ask why?"

"I'm a Christian so, excessive drinking is a foul. I do drink wine during meals but other than that I choose not to.", he confesses.

I begin to realize how unalike we are. Maybe not dramatically but in some obvious cases, he contrasts me.

"Is Caroline a Christian too?", I blurt out without thinking but Ricardo doesn't seem phased about it.

"I'm helping her reach out to be one and she really seems to be commited to it."

"That's nice." Iguess.

Ricardo simply smiles at my statement. "It really is."

After I take two tablets before chugging down the tall glass of water, Ricardo leaves so I can freshen myself up.

Ricardo is so humble and kind hearted that always lures my attention to. Not sure if it's a sudden act of interest but it's very heart warming to know he's a real genuine guy.

Or maybe it was because human nature allows me to find the rarest of gems, the most intriguing.

I haven't really had much of an experience with a lot of guys. Shane always avoided me from dating other guys, and I wouldn't blame him because majority of the guys were either: up themselves, arrogant, selfish, or party city animals who only cared about banging the hottest girl. It was vile but true.

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