[Chapter 9]

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It's an early Sunday morning. It's abit cloudy outside but not as cloudy as the thoughts in my head.

As I sit and wait in the bleacher benches, reoccurring thoughts of my whole life situation keep popping up in my head. No matter how many times I distract myself by watching my brothers team train or play on my phone, reality is just always there tapping me on the shoulder. Telling me to look around and face it, and to do something about it because its just not going to just be ignored for a long time. But I just don't know what to do.

Dane is beyond furious at my parents, my father hasn't said one word to me but continues to give me unreadable expressions, my mother is oddly affectionate and sad sounding. My family and life is at a mess at the moment.

The sudden sound of a quick whistle being blown distracts me from my drowning thoughts, and I begin to peer towards the players who are spreading out into a wide formation.

"I brought you coffee.", I hear Enrico approach me from my right. He gives me a quick smile before handing me a disposable coffee cup.

I smile briefly. "Thanks."

He sits next to me taking a sip out of his warm beverage.

The mystery of my parents being in Enrico's car was finally solved. Conveniently-somehow- Enrico noticed a couple holding two large suitcases trying to get directions from local Spaniards. Enrico explained to me that he knew that they were my parents, exactly by the similarities in facial features. Long story short, Enrico ended up giving them a ride since he told them I was living with him. Imagine the looks on their faces when they found out when a random stranger came up to them claiming that your daughter lives with me.

I began to watch the team play, passing the ball precisely to one another as the defenders tried gaining possession of the ball. It was mesmerizing to watch really, this beautiful game. How the players look so determined on the field. How they are willing to work so hard to become the best. All the players are such skilled individuals, even Dane. I'm really surprised that he shows this much passion on the field. I don't think I've ever seen this much love for something in his eyes in a long time. And I would do anything to make it stay that way. Even if it means I have to go back home with my parents to minimize his distraction on & off field.

"Naomi, hello?" 

I blinked suddenly at the calling of my name. Enrico released a chuckle at my sudden reaction. "I've been calling your name like eight times already. Is everything okay?"


"Yeah," I laugh a little to distract my true emotion from surfacing. "Just had a late night sleep that's all."

"Oh right. Well, if you feel like crashing somewhere else my house is always going to have it's doors open for you."

"Thanks. Really. It means alot."

He nods. "Don't worry about it and you're welcome."

"And Enrico," I say. He turns to look at me. Etching a half smile, "I'm sorry about my brother and how he lashed out on you last night."

He grins, "Oh stop. I understand where he's coming from. As a brother its actually his right to be this protective."

I smile at this before taking a sip out of the warm flat white coffee. Spain supplies great coffee. It makes Starbucks at home taste like water.

I watched as Dane began moving with the ball with great agility, confusing a few team mates before passing it to Ricardo. He made football look so much more mesmerizing to watch. He was so graceful with the ball. Ricardo would often throw in a few humiliating tricks before passing it back to Dane who finished with a goal.

His side of the team began to cheer as Dane mockingly made a celebration like there was a crowd yelling is name. He was soon tackled to the ground as the other players congratulated him. I chuckled at this before shaking my head when they began to start dancing in some type of tango.

Even though they seem like professional athletes, its hard to believe how much humor they still have within them.

I heard the last whistle blow and the players raced to the locker rooms.

Enrico and I then made our way back inside the inside of the stadium where I visited Dane the first time I came here.

There stood Caroline speaking to the receptionist, laughing along in conversation. She probably came here to pick up Ricardo.

When she finally saw us approaching, she bid a quick goodbye to the lady before walking towards us.

"Naomi, I was just looking for you."

It seemed as if everytime Caroline ran into me she was always in some desperate search for me. It was never a random running into me, she was just always already looking for me.

"My parents are having a dinner party planned tomorrow evening and they invited the team as well you and your family. It would make your parents feel better.", she gave a sympathetic smile.

I nodded, " Sure, I'll tell them."

"Great, then I'll see you tomorrow then?"


She squealed in excitement before embracing me into a quick tight hug. "And dont feel obligated to wear anything fancy, its just a dinner gathering with family and friends."

We linger in conversation while waiting for the boys to come out. Caroline discusses a few things about the party while Enrico complains about everything. Mainly the things their father planned for the party.

Its obvious. Enrico and his father are not in the right terms, I've encountered it at the party last week. I took a rough guess and assumed that he hated him because he was Enrico's step father but they resemble in features so evidently so that assumption  was crossed off. Whatever the reason was, it seemed serious since he isnt regarding his father as his own.

Cheering and chattering begin to fill the hallways as the boys begin to approach us in their casual outfit. They probably changed from their training gear, and I was glad. Men stink, its as simple as that.

Ricardo was talking to another fellow team mate while Dane was laughing alongside with Cristiano. I remembered him from the night Irina dressed me up. Apparently,  he's a big deal in football history. Dane said once that he is actually the best player in the world. To me, that seemed over the top but I cant say much because my interest in football is not that high. I've only started noticing it because of Dane.

Danes familiar eyes meets mine, and his face instantly  grins in realisation. "Everyone, I want you to meet my younger sister Naomi."

All eyes are on me now and I mentally picture me punching Dane in the face. I've never liked being the centre of attention.

"Hello." I wave awkwardly at them.

One by one they all begin to greet me with their names. Some even exchanged kisses on both cheeks, while some just ended up giving me a polite hug. It was hard to keep track with all the exotic names. I couldn't  eveb hardly pranounce them.

My favourite however was an interesting individual. He was curly haired and his name was Marcelo. He had a thick Brazilian accent and abit short in height compared to the rest of the players. He was considered the 'Class Clown' who joked about everything and everyone. He was super friendly.

Sergio was a hearthrob thats all I can say. He was immaculately good looking. it was beyond human measure. I'm lucky that I am relatively good at keeping my composure  around goodlooking men, but if it were other girls they'd drop dead and faint on the ground if he exchanged cheek kisses to them.

"Ready?", Dane asked after the coversation with the other players finished.

I nod happily in response. "Yeah."

My mood was suddenly  starting to feel much better after meeting my brothers team mates.

Just a filler chapter :P

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