27 - Back again

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-Ydris's POV-

Before he was able to witness Garnok coming to Jorvik, Ydris found an easy way to get back to Pandoria. He hasn't been here in ages, nostalgia came upon him. Good memories, but also bad ones. In the end he was just sad, because he knew nothing like those happy memories would ever come back. In fact, he felt like he was never going to be happy again, no he knew it.

[Y/N] being dead was also the death of his heart and soul. Before he met her, he wondered what being in love was like but he had also always been scared of it, knowing it makes him vulnerable. Ydris let out a dry laugh. He should have known from the start that this wasn't going to end well, he fell for a human after all, her life would have ended sooner or later. But that was way too soon. Still, the moment he started feeling things he never felt before there was no going back anyways. Even though he knew that he could get hurt, he couldn't help but yearn for [Y/N]'s love.

Being back felt weird, he didn't know what to think but it wasn't too bad. A lot calmer than the last time he was here. No screams, no pain, except the one in his heart of course.

He took some steps and went down a cave. Every step he took felt so foreign, yet so familiar. At the end of the tunnel the wide purple sky spread above him. And infront of him were pink crystal shards, refecting the light of the stars. Something felt odd about them, like they got broken. Not far away he saw a way bigger crystal that seemed broken, those shards were probably from there. It looked like something used to be trapped in there.

For some reason this scene made him curious and he tried to inspect his surroundings when he noticed hooveprints?! Is that were [Y/N] had been? There were a lot of them actually, all of them leading up the cave he came from. Except for those which only seemed to come from somewhere else to the point he was standing.

Without thinking too much Ydris followed them to a remote place. From afar he saw a crystal laying there too. But it looked off. Why was it laying on the ground and not emerging from the ground? Ydris approached it in curiosity and the closer he got, the more familiar it was. As he realized he got paralized in disbelief. Was that.. [Y/N]?!?

He broke down onto his knees and crawled over to his passed dove. He was trembling and tears started flooding his eyes. He took her crystal form into his arms. How could someone be this close but yet so far?

But then he realized, that was just a crystal. What if he broke it? But so gentle that it wouldn't end up with a shard in his hands, but [Y/N] in his arms?

Ydris took his glove off and put his hand on [Y/N]'s cheek. It felt smooth like glass. He slowly put his magic on her, being as careful as possible. "Please work..." he sobbed. Slowly the crystal shell started melting and revealed [Y/N]'s real form. Her now soft lifeless body sunk into his arms. He was glad he could actually hug her now. Her body wasn't cold yet, but not warm either. He gave her a kiss on the lips. Was it wrong to do that? He had to feel her. He kissed her again and looked at her gorgeous face. His hands were cupping her cheek and his finger wiped away a strand of hair.

A silent groan escaped [Y/N]'s lips. No- that couldn't be. Was she alive? Was there a possibility of her being his once again? That's what he wanted. A dream that felt impossible to fulfill, that lead him to destruction. But not anymore. If she wakes up again they can finally be together, all his misery would be gone.

"[Y/N].. please wake up!" he gently shook her. "I need you to be with me, you are my everything!" But her eyes were still closed. "God, say something!"

-[Y/N]s POV-

I felt cold, but warmer than before. I was struggling to remember what happened. My eyes were still closed, the sounds i heard were still muffled. But I remember the urge to go home and to see someone special. Was I not at home? Where was I then? I tried to force my eyes open and got blinded by the purple sky. Seeing colors again made me feel warmth and at ease. The stars were sparkling in the endless sky, Fluffy clouds got carried by the wind and changed their shape. Oh how beautiful life was. I still couldn't hear my surroundings properly so I closed my eyes again to focus on the distant voice I was hearing.

"No, don't close them.." the person whimpered. "Please my dove don't leave me, not again. You fill me with life like nothing else ever did. Who am I without you? I am desperate, longing to be with you. All I want is your smile to brighten up my day, your lips to kiss me, your hands to hold mine..."

I decided to open my eyes again to see who that charming guy was.

-Ydris' POV-

He knew that there was hope, he knew [Y/N] was alive. His heart was racing with excitement, worry and a lot of other things he couldn't put into words. Her eyes opened again and blankly stared at him. He stared back into hers, waiting for any kind for response.

"Please, [Y/N] say something." He frowned in worry.

Her facial features slowly turned into a soft smile.

"Half the time I get too flattered to say something.." Ydris let out a laugh in relief and tightly hugged [Y/N] body, wanting to feel every inch of it.

"I am so glad you are alive, I missed you so much. Please never do that again, I felt like dying without you." [Y/N] responded his hug, but she was still weak.

"What happened, where are the others and [H/N]? Why are you here?" She looked at him.

"I don't know the details, but your friends are back and so is the one who was trapped here. They couldn't save you but I could." She seemed shocked by the fact that they left her here but then she responded

"I am glad they are alright" Soon realisation kicked in and she stared shedding tears as well. "I am so glad to see you Ydris! I thought I would never see you again, even though this was the only wish I had!" she cried and also pulled him into a thight, loving hug. Ydris finally felt fullfilled and was glad to hear those words from his beloved. They both had the same wish of seeing each other again.

He smiled at [Y/N] and pressed his lips against hers. Oh he never thought he would feel them like this again. The warmth made him feel like a bright ignited candle, no way more than that, he couldn't have put it into words.

"As much as I would like to keep kissing you, I think we should return home."

All the joy Ydris felt made him suppress reality that awaited him in Jorvik. He felt his face go pale.

"My dove... I don't know if there is a world you would like to return to."

Author's Note:

Be happy while you still can :)

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