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Evelyn woke to the sound of her siblings yelling about something. "Shut up!" she wanted to yell at them, but she was too tired to even be bothered. She tried to fall back asleep, arms wrapped around her pillow. She was right about to fall asleep when... "Evelyn!" her mother barged in.

     "What?" the brunette groaned.

     "You have to wake up!"

     "Why?" she asked, pulling her blanket over her head.

     "Because!" Michelle scolded. She walked over to her daughter and pulled the blanket away from her. the sunlight had stunned her. "You sleep too much for a sixteen year old girl."

     "No, I don't think I sleep enough," Evelyn countered.

     "It's almost one pm," Michelle gave her daughter a strict look.

     "Alright, I'll get up," Evelyn stood, understanding what her mother was insinuating. She went along with her normal routine.

"There she is!" Her father, Scott, cheered when he saw her walking down the stairs.

"She's not dead?" Carson mocked. Carson was older than her by a few years. He was nineteen and she was sixteen.

"We thought you'd never wake up!" Katie laughed from the dining table. Katie was a year younger, she was fifteen.

"What are you kids up to today?" Scott asked from the kitchen. Evelyn figured he was cooking up some random nutritious, exotic meal for the family to eat for dinner. She was curious, but was not looking forward to doing so.

"Nothing much, really. I'm probably just going to invite the guys over to work on some music," Carson was part of an unnamed rock band. he swears they're going to come up with something soon, and that it's going to be 'revolutionary', but Evelyn doubts it.

"I'm going shopping shopping with Chloe!" Her sister chirped excitedly.

"What about you, Ev? You doing anything fun?" Scott questioned.

"What do you think, dad?" Evelyn asked rhetorically. She watched her father sigh. She knew he felt guilty for keeping her in such a place, but he truly believed that was the safest place for his family to be.

"You still don't have any friends?" Carson teased from the couch across from her.

"You still don't have a job?" Evelyn shot back.

Carson dramatically clutched his chest. "Rude!" Evelyn stuck her tongue out at him.

"Let's be nice!" Michelle spoke as she walked into the living room.

"He started it!"

"No she did!"

"You are both so immature!" Katie poked fun at them from afar. The two rolled their eyes.

"But seriously honey," Michelle started, "You're sixteen. I'm tired of seeing you sit on your butt all day. Go out and have fun! Do whatever you want. Get into trouble, I don't care! Just please go do something."

Evelyn stared at her mother with a blank face. "I really don't know what you expect me to do. If I try to make any friends here, I will get spit on!" she exclaimed. Carson began to laugh, but Scott soon shut him down with just one look.

"You could go shopping with your sister," Scott suggested. Katie widened her eyes. "Or not," he whispered.

"It's almost summer, Ev. I'm not gonna let you sit in this house 24/7 again. You need to at least get some fresh air."

"But mom!" the young girl groaned.

"No buts! Today you're gonna run me some errands. go get ready."

i'm excited for this oh em gee!!!
i hope y'all enjoyyyy
wc: 579

A Wild Thing - Troy OttoWhere stories live. Discover now