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     Evelyn had managed to get a good night of sleep that night, but still woke up feeling incredibly exhausted. She knew her parents wouldn't let her skip school for no reason, especially after she just took a sick day, so she just had to power through it. Thankfully it was a Friday.

     She spent most of her classes that day with her head down in her arms. She played it off to her friends that she just had trouble sleeping, but in reality she spent the night sulking in self-pity. She dreaded the moment she'd once again have to go home and lay all by herself in her dark room. She thought she could try and find an area outside to sit in so that she wasn't locked up in her bedroom all night, but part of her knew Troy would inevitably find her and ruin it.

     When the day was finally over, Evelyn took her time walking across campus like she did everyday. She was in no rush. Pushing open the main doors to her school, her eyes laid on a familiar pickup truck that did not belong to her father. Evelyn stopped in her tracks. Troy was there to pick her up, again. Throwing her head back and groaning in frustration, she seriously considered just walking back to the ranch, but the practical side of her knew she wouldn't make it. She sighed before beginning to walk again.

     Troy playfully widened his eyes when Evelyn opened the passenger door. "You look like you got hit by a bus," he commented, referencing her lazy outfit, tired eyes, and smudged mascara. Evelyn gifted him a blank stare in return.

     "I hope you know that you are actually the worst person," she rolled her eyes before getting in his truck. She could already tell that this was going to be the longest car ride of her life.

     "Come on, you don't believe that."

     "Oh, you'd be so surprised," Evelyn shut her eyes and leaned her head back against the headrest. She prayed and prayed that Troy would keep quiet, but she knew better.

     "So how was your day at school?" he suddenly asked. His hand gripped her thigh, slightly shaking it to fully gain evelyn's attention.

     "Fine," she mumbled dismissively.

     "You learn anything new?"

     "No," Evelyn gritted her teeth.

     "You're telling me you go to school for seven hours a day and don't learn a thing?" Troy faked being shocked to tick Evelyn off. He reveled in the way he was annoying the girl in the seat beside him.

    "Please leave me alone," Evelyn rubbed her eyelids, accidentally smudging her mascara even more.

     "You know I miss you when you're at school," Troy changed the subject. His right hand still laid on her uncovered thigh. It was too hot that day to wear sweatpants or jeans, so Evelyn opted for shorts. She regretted it though, not liking the feeling of Troy's calloused skin on her own.

     Evelyn sighed. She was losing her patience very quickly. This was doing nothing but making the state she was in even worse. "Don't say that."

     "Why not, Ev?"

     "You don't mean it, so don't say it."

     Troy tutted. "You're wrong, Ev."

     "No I'm not. Even if I was, you somehow find a way to see me everyday," Evelyn crossed her arms. She bitterly accepted the fact that Troy was not going to leave her alone any time soon.

    "That's not enough," he whined, squeezing her thigh. Evelyn rolled her eyes as she fought the urge to slap his hand away.

     Soon, they were back at the ranch. Evelyn hated the feeling of it.

A Wild Thing - Troy OttoWhere stories live. Discover now