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warning: fighing i guess lol

Evelyn was sprawled out on the couch, dreading the moment her mother came and gave her a task. After minutes of picking at her nails and listening to Carson hum a random tune, Michelle appeared. "This is a list of things I need from the pantry. You're old enough sign for things so do it," she demanded.

     "But I'm just a kid," Evelyn complained sarcastically as she got up.

    "Go!" Michelle rolled her eyes.

     So Evelyn skipped out of the house. She murmured a small prayer as she walked out the door. It was rare to see Evelyn around the ranch by herself. Usually if she was seen by herself, it meant that her family was very close by, and nobody wanted to mess with them, so they left her alone. This was not the case today.

She walked the uneven paths carefully. Her eyes were focused on her shoes while her mind was focused on counting her steps. Looking up, she gazed into the distance. She saw pens that held cows, pigs, and chickens. Beside those pens were stables for horses. Always having loved animals, Evelyn wished she could get closer to those creatures. She wanted to help take care of them, and possibly make a job out of it; but she was quickly reminded of where she lived. She'd never be taken seriously.

Evelyn's heart beat faster and her palms grew sweatier as she stepped even closer to Otto's house. "You got this Ev, you're just doing your mom a favor," she muttered to herself. She gulped as she realized how close the pantry was. This was the closest she'd ever been to the house without her family right next to her.

She gulped, stepping up to the cellar's entrance. Evelyn rubbed her face with her hands, wanting to run away and pretend this never happened, but she was yanked out of her head when somebody spoke. "You gonna go in or not?" a mean voice snapped.

"Sorry," Evelyn whispered before moving forward. Her eyebrows knitted together nervously. She took cautious, baby steps toward the lady working the pantry.

"Excuse me?" Evelyn called out shakily. The woman's head snapped toward her, and her stomach twisted. As Evelyn had expected, she'd been given a dirty look. She swore that if looks could kill, she'd be six feet underground.

"What?" the worker scowled.

"Um- I'm running some errands for my mother. I have the note and everything," evelyn rambled, "I've never been here before and I don't know how it works."

"Okay... and what do you want me to do about that?" Evelyn stopped to take a good look at her, something she had not thought to do. She didn't look much older than Evelyn. She aggressively chewed bubblegum, her slightly frizzy blonde hair was straightened, and her lip gloss was freshly coated. Evelyn figured that this woman wanted to be there no more than she did.

"Could you help me out?" Evelyn's shoulders dropped in partial defeat.

"Go get what you need and come sign for it!" the blonde exclaimed. "Or is that too much for your tiny brain to understand?"

Evelyn scoffed before turning away and rolling her eyes. She hated this ranch. She did her best to find everything, but her surroundings were so unfamiliar. Eventually giving up, Evelyn went to sign for the items she carried in a bag.

She looked up, making eye contact with the bleach-blonde bully from before. "Have a nice day!" she smiled sarcastically. Evelyn's blood boiled; she wanted to pounce at her, and wipe that smug smile off of her caked face, but she was too mature.

Evelyn jogged up the steps, the humid, summer air hitting her in the face. She held onto her bags, taking more of the scenery in.

She sighed, having had enough of the nasty looks the ranchers shot at her. Her held titled toward the ground. She had no other choice than to just watch her shoes pat the sand below her.

Evelyn had now reached a pretty secluded area of the ranch. She was relieved. It was finally over, she lived through her first errand, and she did it all by herself.

"Well, well. If it isn't little Ms. Rapunzel!"

Evelyn looked up, feeling uneasy.

"What? Did the evil godmother finally let you out of your tower?" the clan of teenagers stood in front of her, laughing. Evelyn stared at them blankly. If only they knew that the 'evil godmother' was the one that made her leave the tower in the first place.

"Oh, lighten up, Clifford! We've practically never talked to you. You're always hiding behind your parents," the girl, who Evelyn assumed was the group leader, teased.

"Yeah, sorry about that," Evelyn furrowed her eyebrows, not knowing what else to say.

"Evelyn, you could almost be friends with us," the ring leader started, "You know, if you weren't so... brown."

Evelyn let out a breathy laugh. "As if I'd ever want to be friends with you freaks!" she tried to push past the group, but it didn't work. One of the boys grabbed her wrist. "Let go!" she protested. This didn't work either. Instead, he pulled her close to his chest, restraining her even more.

"You're so entitled, you brat!" the girl shouted, slapping Evelyn with all the power she could muster.
Evelyn's head turned to the side. Her bags were now abandoned, laying on the floor and serving no purpose.

Tears sprung to her eyes, but she wasn't going to let herself cry, not in front of them at least. She tried thrashing against the boy holding her in place. That didn't work, as he was too big for her to overpower.

The other boy stepped in front of her, evilly smirking at her before throwing a mean punch to her cheek. "C'mon guys, she's not worth any more of our time," the leader growled.

The boy standing behind Evelyn pushed her to the ground, the sudden force making her chin slam onto the hard surface. Not only that, but she landed on her bags. Bags that were filled with cans and boxes of all sorts. All the wind was knocked out of her. He placed a foot on her back, not letting her move. "Talk to us like that again, you don't even want to know what we'll do," he snarled, spitting on the ground next to her before removing his foot and walking away.

Evelyn frowned. The pain in her face and ribs was becoming more noticeable the longer she laid there. She heard footsteps walking toward her, and she prayed that whoever it was, was not going to hurt her (even more). Evelyn heard the footsteps stop. She looked up to see the one and only, a boy she recognized to be Troy Otto. Her heart dropped. He only chuckled before continuing on his stroll.

She couldn't hold her tears in any longer. Evelyn stood, grabbed the smashed bags, and started running home.

"Run your own stupid errands next time!" she cried. She dropped the items on the wood floors. Before anyone could react, she ran up to her room, holding her busted chin and bruised stomach.

stawppp im kinda
proud of this chapter..
even though it's only
evelyn getting beat up haha
vote and comment please
wc: 1231

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