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     2:42. It was 2:42 on a Wednesday morning and Evelyn had to be up in less than three hours. She laid in her bed miserably, frowning at the fact that she had yet to fall asleep. She had a big test to take that day at school, and considering her current situation, there was no way she was going to do good on it. Rolling over, Evelyn sighed. She was growing impatient.

     On a very impulsive decision, Evelyn sat up. It couldn't hurt for her to get a bit of fresh air, right? Who would even be awake at such a late hour? Sighing, she stood and grabbed her shoes.

     She opened her bedroom door as quietly as she could, her breathing coming to a halt as she listened for any sign of life in the house. There was nothing. Everybody was asleep. She tiptoed her way to the staircase. She then made it downstairs with no problem, but when she reached the front door, she knew she had to be extra careful. She grabbed the handle and twisted it slowly, cringing when it made the slightest noise. She didn't pull it too hard. She decided that she should just slip through the small crack, so that's what she did.

     Evelyn's shoulders dropped in relief at the feeling of the cool nighttime air hitting her skin. The thought of going to school the next day had completely left her mind. She pulled on her shoes and tied them before getting up to walk nowhere in particular. She hoped that this would tire her out enough to fall asleep, because that's what she was mostly focused on. Maybe if she were tired enough in a few hours, she would tell her parents she didn't felt too sick to attend school.

     Though it was May in southern california, the atmosphere was quite chilly. She hugged her sweatshirt close to her, regretting going out with just that and shorts on.

      Evelyn peacefully strolled down a path she'd been down before. She didn't want to go anywhere unfamiliar because it was dark and she didn't want to get lost. Everything was going perfectly fine until all of a sudden she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist. She let out a terrified scream. Her heart was racing, and she wondered if she was stuck in a nightmare.

     She panicked and tried run out of instinct but the arms were too strong for her. She felt herself get turned around, and was met with a familiar face. Evelyn felt herself become furious at who she saw. it had to be troy. He was laughing as if it were some funny joke.

     "That wasn't funny you freak!" she pushed him away. He leaned back, face crinkled as he laughed.

     "I just came to hug you. Did you think you were getting kidnapped or something?" Troy held his stomach, which had began to hurt amidst his fit of laughter.

     "Yes! it's three in the morning, Troy! You can't just do that!" Evelyn scolded as she ran a hand through her messy long hair. "You literally almost scared me to death."

     He grinned mockingly. "I grabbed you for two seconds. You didn't hear me coming?"

     "Obviously not," Evelyn crossed her arms.

     "Whatever, now I know you're paranoid," he chuckled, "but enough of that, what are you doing out here so late? Does your dad know you're doing this?"

     "No. Does yours?"

     "He doesn't have to," Troy answered simply and started walking. Evelyn followed. "You have to be more careful. Be glad it was just me and not some weirdo."

     "So was that supposed to be a lesson?" Evelyn asked, feeling more at ease.

     "No, that was me messing with you, but it could be if you want it to!" he smiled, leaning into her. She rolled her eyes. Typical. "But you didn't answer my other question. Why are you out here so late?"

A Wild Thing - Troy OttoWhere stories live. Discover now