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     The sunlight crept into evelyn's room as she lazily sprawled out on her bed. She had her nose buried in some romance novel she was reading for school. She absolutely despised summer reading, but the book was somewhat interesting, so she didn't mind.

     It'd been a couple days since her and Troy's first kiss, and she could not stop thinking about it. She was sure it was all she would ever think about for the rest of her life. It was perfect. It felt like they were in their own little world, and nothing, nothing else mattered because all they had was each other. She'd give anything to relive that moment, with Troy holding her in silence, the only noise being the small waves crashing on the shore. She knew she couldn't go back though, so she focused on the future. She was excited for it... if only Troy would visit her.

     Troy hadn't come around since that night, and it really worried Evelyn. Did he not like it? Was she too awkward? Was this all he wanted— to get her to catch feelings and then just leave her when she came to terms with her infatuation? The thought alone made her stomach twist and turn. "Maybe he's just busy," Katie tried to reason with Evelyn when they were talking one night. Maybe he was, maybe Evelyn was just being her usual timid, untrusting self.

     Evelyn sighed as she reached a particular part of the novel. The love interest finally asked out the main character. After months of pining and wanting each other, they got together. 'Lucky', she thought with a huff. She hoped and hoped and hoped that Troy would come around soon. She didn't want to go to him first in fears of embarrassing herself. She didn't want to make herself seem more desperate than she already had. "Labels are stupid anyway," she muttered to herself, angrily shutting the book and tossing it across her bed.

     She threw herself back against her pillows. Now she had nothing to do. Katie was out doing whatever with her popular friends and Carson was down in the basement practicing with his band. She could visit Susie, but she could see from her window that it was a pretty busy day, and the last thing she wanted was to cause trouble for her lovely neighbors.

     She laid there for what felt like three hours, just staring at her ceiling. Summer break was always bittersweet. On one hand, she didn't have to worry about school. On the other, she had nothing else to do besides laying in her bed for hours, having no other choice than to count the popcorn on her ceiling and listen to the same records she'd listened to hundreds of times now. She was bored out of her mind. She needed him. She needed his spontaneity. She needed his spunky, teasing personality. She needed Troy.

     She was quickly pulled out of her thoughts when she heard her bedroom door open. Her head turned toward it at an insane speed, she swore she almost got whiplash. Her lips immediately curled up into a smile when she saw who'd opened it. It was the person she wanted to see most. "Perfect timing," she sat up onto her knees. Her cheeks flushed at the sight of him. All she felt was pure infatuation for the boy who'd just entered her room.

     "Someone miss me?" Troy teased, shutting the door and coming over to sit on Evelyn's bed.

     "No, not really," she shook her head, fixing her eyes on her bedroom floor.

     "I think someone's lying," he gripped the sides of her sweatshirt, not taking his eyes off of her flushed face. Her cheeks only got redder as she felt his stare.

     "Why would I be?" she laughed awkwardly. Her eyes looked everywhere but at him. This was until his hands tugged at her sweatshirt, pulling her forward and pretty much forcing her to look him in the eye. "Troy," she breathed. staring at his face, she felt like all the air had been knocked out of her lungs. God, what was he doing to her?

"Ev," he responded with a grin, pulling her down so that she was laying beside him. "Too far," he muttered. He wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her in. Her head was now laying on his chest. "So how was your week, Ev?

"Boring. I haven't had any excitement since we went to the beach," she groaned, trying to subtly hint that she missed him, and she really enjoyed the moments they'd shared together that night. 

     "You had fun?"


     "I bet I can guess why."

     "Shut up," she buried her face into Troy's chest at the teasing comment. He laughed, running his fingers through her hair.

     "You're so cute when you blush, Ev."

     She rolled onto her side, covering her face so that troy couldn't see the effect he had on her. "Stop," she whined into her hands. Troy reached over to pull them away from her face.

     "If you had that much fun, we should do it more often. Not too often though, the last thing I need is for carson to find out and skin me," he joked. Evelyn was now laid on her back while Troy hovered above her, still resting on his side.

     "That makes two of us," Evelyn appreciated the subject change. Troy's warm hand came up to cup her flushed cheek. Her breath hitched at the touch. She'd never get used to it. Her eyes met his and it felt like the most surreal thing ever.

     "Can I kiss you?" he asked softly while running his thumb over her lips.

     Her smile only grew with every word he spoke. "You don't have to ask."

     Troy didn't waste any time, he connected their lips for the third time without any hesitation. Evelyn didn't mind at all. In fact, she appreciated it. Her arms wrapped around Troy's neck while he moved his to the spaces beside her to stabilize himself better. Their lips moved in sync until they had to pull away for stupid oxygen. Evelyn didn't want to moment to end, but it had to.

     "I missed that," Troy chuckled, pressing his forehead against hers. their noses rubbed together, and Evelyn grinned at the soft touch.

     Evelyn somehow pulled him even closer to her. "That's why you should visit more often! I was worried you forgot about me."

     Troy pulled away a bit. "I don't think I could ever forget this pretty face, no matter how hard I tried."

     Evelyn felt her face get even redder. This boy was going to be the death of her. "So don't try," she replied the only way she knew how to.

     "Trust me, I don't plan on it."

i'm back w another
update at 2am ayeeee!!!
so umm cute little chapter
i guess. i think there's
going to be like a lot of
these kinds of chapters until
the next biggg part of the
story happens, but maybe not
if that's not what y'all want...
soo let me know if u guys want more
chapters like these or not haha
hope you enjoyed this, vote +
comment and i'm so sorry for
any mistakes it's so late!!!
wc: 1219

A Wild Thing - Troy OttoWhere stories live. Discover now