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     Evelyn's shoulders dropped in relief at the sound of an obnoxiously loud ring of a bell. Her last class of the day was finally over. She steadily stuffed her supplies into her bag as she listened in to the chattering of her classmates.

     "Hey, Ev!" her friend, Emily called out to her.

     "Hey Emily!" Evelyn pulled an earbud out to hear her friend.

     "So I'm having a party this weekend and you're invited!" Emily beamed. "Bring your brother too."

     "Not happening," Evelyn laughed. "I'll ask my parents if I can go, if they say no I'll just guilt them or something."

     "Alright, sounds good," the blonde giddily grinned. The pair had reached the doors that lead to the parking lot. "I'll see you Saturday at eight?"

     Evelyn was going to answer, but her mind went blank when her eyes landed on a white pickup truck pulling up in front of them. Her heart thumped in nervousness. She recognized it, but this was not her father's car. The window rolled down and her worst fears came to life. There was Troy, sitting in the driver's seat and smirking at her.

     "Hop in, Ev!" he sneered.

     Evelyn sighed. She felt Emily's manicured fingers tug on her sweatshirt. "Who is that? Is that your boyfriend? He's really cute," Emily whispered, words jumbling together.

     "That's troy. He's not my boyfriend, you can have him," Evelyn whispered back in an exasperated tone. 

     "Alright, thanks. You should totally bring him to the party!" Emily gushed.

     "No!" the brunette responded with wide eyes.

     "Please, Ev! I'll love you forever and ever," she begged.

     "Ugh, fine," Evelyn sighed, wanting nothing but to please her sweet friend. "I'll see you Saturday."

     "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'll see you then," she winked at the two, but Evelyn noticed she had her focus on Troy.

     "What was that all about?" Troy laughed as Evelyn sat in the passenger seat.

     "Emily... is interesting," Evelyn ran a stressed hand through her hair, "and you and I are going to a party on Saturday."

     "What?" Troy's eyebrows raised in confusion.

     "Yeah, don't tell her I told you this but... she thinks you're really cute," Evelyn's face contorted in disgust. Troy might have been good-looking on the outside, but his personality was a whole different story. Emily was in for a big surprise.

     "That's nice," Troy was skeptical, "but I don't think I'll be joining you."

     "Are you serious?!" Evelyn exclaimed.


     "Like really serious? You're not coming?"

     "Dead serious. High school parties aren't my thing."

     "Oh come on, Troy! You always force me to do things I don't want to do," the girl whined. "Do this one teeny tiny favor for me please! Have you ever even been to one?"

     "Fine," Troy groaned. Evelyn couldn't hold back her smile. She liked how the roles had switched between the two.

     The air was still for a while after that last statement. Evelyn was still angry at Troy for what he'd done the previous day— or more like what he hadn't done the previous day. "Why did you pick me up, Troy?" Evelyn asked angrily as the thoughts came back to her.

     "Your parents are busy. Carson didn't want to so J volunteered to get you because that's what friends do," Troy reached over to squeeze her arm. He had a smug look on his face that made Evelyn's blood boil.

     "Oh, shut up!" she rolled her eyes.

     "Excuse me? That is no way to talk to your best friend!"

     "I wish you would stop calling us best friends! We are not best friends, not even close!" she snapped.

     "Why, Ev? We're basically two peas in a pod!" Troy leaned over to her, nudging her shoulder with the top of his head and messing up his already messy set of curls.

      "Yes, two peas in a pod! You know, you are such an amazing friend, Troy! It's not like you see people picking on me and do absolutely nothing about it," Evelyn's voice slightly broke in sadness. She hadn't expected anything more from Troy, but it still hurt knowing he'd go to this extent just to humiliate her, for what? She crossed her arms and kept her eyes fixed on the scenery outside of the window.

     "Is that what this is about, Ev?" Troy's shoulders dropped.

     "Yes! You are literally going out of your way to embarrass me. I can't stand you!" she paused to wipe away a tear that had somehow slipped out of her eye, "and stop calling me that!"

    "I'm sorry for not defending you, Evelyn," Troy apologized mockingly. Evelyn didn't answer. "Do you forgive me?"


    "What do I have to do to make it up to you, friend?" Evelyn sighed. "I'm already going to this stupid party with you. That not enough?" the girl stayed silent.

    "Ev," he whined. "Why are you being like this?"

     "Because I know you don't actually care enough to be sincere," Troy almost felt bad, but she was right.

     "Oh, stop it."

     "I'm not gonna."

     "Evelyn," he gasped dramatically, "seriously, tell me what I have to do to make it up to you."

     "I can't force you to be my friend," Troy hated her stubbornness, but he couldn't complain; he was the exact same way.

     "Who said you had to force me?"

Evelyn's head turned to look at him, allowing him to catch a glimpse of her watering eyes. "Just shut up and drive, Troy," she was tired of arguing with him, it was just as useful as speaking to a brick wall.

sorry guys i'll write the party
i hope you enjoyed this married
couple arguing haha. it's kind
of a filler but i promise this book
isn't going to turn into a bunch
of fillers like annoyance did (which
reminds me i have to write for that
sorry for any mistakes
vote and commentttt
wc: 954

A Wild Thing - Troy OttoWhere stories live. Discover now