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As if time was repeating itself, Evelyn laid in her dark room, completely unable to fall asleep, but she couldn't see Troy. The day had been rough. Her sad tears turned to angry ones. She couldn't believe her boyfriend. Usually he was so laid back and understanding, but he was being so weird.

She had a plan to talk to Troy the following day. though she was incredibly angry at him for acting so rude and strange toward her, she didn't want to lose him. She still cared for him so very much. They could talk it through. Surely they could.

     She was afraid, and she had no motivation to do anything. She still didn't know what she did wrong. She doubted it was Ethan he was really bothered about. It had to be something else.

     Evelyn sighed, the pressure in her eyes returning as she thought of the questions she had no answer to. Why couldn't anything ever go her way? She was quick to wipe the tears that fell. If she allowed herself to cry now, she would never fall asleep.

     Part of her expected the door to open at any moment— or at least part of her hoped. With every minute that passed, she grew more and more anxious. She just wanted to make her amends with her boyfriend and make everything go back to normal, but it was so hard.

     She was getting aggravated now. If she couldn't be with Troy, then she wanted to be asleep. But she couldn't have either, and that upset her.

     Evelyn never checked the time, but she eventually found a way to fall asleep.

     Her slumber was short-lived, however, because she was awoken by the feeling of someone climbing into her bed. She'd never been so relieved to be woken up before.

     "Ev?" the voice whispered.

     "Troy?" Evelyn turned to face him, trying her best to push down her negative thoughts and feelings.

     "Ev, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for treating you so bad and bringing up Ethan."

     Evelyn barely let him finish. "It's okay. I just want things to be normal again."

     "I'm sorry for screwing it all up," Troy's hand trailed slightly under her sweatshirt to rest on her stomach. Evelyn sighed at this feeling. It'd only been two days since she had him like this, but all the stress that came in between made it feel like two years.

     "You didn't. I just wanna know what happened," Evelyn frowned. Thankfully she kept her curtains open, otherwise she wouldn't be able to read Troy's face.

     Troy didn't respond right away. Evelyn watched as he, for whatever reason, struggled to put an answer together. "I don't know," he finally came up with.

     "Is that it?" Evelyn questioned in a hushed tone. She was expecting more, so much more. She already figured her boyfriend wasn't one to open up about his emotions, but this was different. This actually concerned her. What was he thinking about that made him act so mean toward her?

     "I wish I could give you a better answer," Evelyn almost doubted this.

     "Are you serious? You don't know why you freaked out on me? Twice?" she looked at Troy with a look that was practically begging him for a better answer.

     "I know you're upset," Troy's eyes focused on his hand. He rubbed gentle circles into Evelyn's skin, making her almost forget that she had to be angry at him. "I'll make it up to you, I promise."

     "All I'm asking for right now is an explanation! You can't tell me you said all those things to me for no reason," she grabbed Troy's hand, pausing the soft traces he was making. She didn't want to fight with him, she wanted the exact opposite, but she couldn't just let go of what he said to her. He said he didn't mean any of it, but she refused to believe that it all just came out of nowhere.

"I told you, I wish I could give you a better explanation, Evelyn, but I can't!" Troy snapped. it was such a simple sentence, but the anger in his voice made it hit Evelyn like a train. She just looked away from him, grabbed his hand, placed it back at his side, and turned away. She wished he never came in the first place. She couldn't understand why this situation was hard to resolve.

Evelyn laid on her side, praying that Troy would get the hint and leave, but she knew it was unlikely. She tried to be as silent as she could and keep the tears to a minimum. She didn't think making amends with Troy would be this stressful.

"Ev, are you crying?" Troy asked after hearing Evelyn quietly sniffle.

"No" she did her best to respond firmly. It didn't work.

     She heard Troy sigh, and it made even more tears come out of her eyes. Instead of him getting angry at her like she thought he would, he moved to wrap his arm around her tensed body. "I'm so sorry," was all he repeated, over and over again. Evelyn wanted to accept it, but the stubborn part of her still wanted that explanation. "You know I don't have the most experience with relationships. I screwed up, I know I did. I never meant anything I said, Evelyn. I really care about you."

     Now Evelyn was crying even harder. she was overwhelmed as a result of her confusing feelings and Troy's sappy words. "I really care about you too, Troy."

     "Do you forgive me?" he chuckled, speaking into her hair. Evelyn nodded, turning around to cuddle up to her boyfriend.

lol y'all thought they were
gonna break up!!! NOT today!!!!
i don't really like how sappy troy
is in this chapter but it makes
sense to me and it'll make sense
to you too in a little while. anyways
i've been having like the toughest
week ever so i apologize if i don't
update. sorry this chap is so short
and boring and sorry if i made any
wc: 1017

A Wild Thing - Troy OttoWhere stories live. Discover now