Chapter 8: Bad to Good

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(Fireys pov)
I wake up to the noise of my phone, it's a call from coiny, why is he calling me??? We literally live in the same apartment-
still startled, i decided to pick up

"What do you want..." I mumbled, half asleep still. "Why are you calling me anyway...we live in the same apartment..."

"Yeah okay that's the problem" coiny mentioned, on the call. "We live in the apartment but uhhh-"

As he said that, i looked around to realize I had slept outside

"Shoot! No no! I didn't realize! I'll be there in a bit!"

"Firey wait-" i hung up and got up. I looked around to see that, i was on the other side of the barrier, so it didn't mean i fell asleep where leafy was. I began making my way back to the apartment.

It was clear to me now, as I walked I seemed more closer to home than I thought. This must've meant that I was too tired to even walk halfway back. I suppose that's my fault for not being able to sleep the other day.


I had made it back to the apartment, as I opened the door and tried to catch my breath, I saw both coiny and gelatin standing by the entrance.

"Where were you!" Gelatin exclaimed "we've been waiting here for who knows what!"

"Okay okay I'm sorry, i didn't realize i stayed outside for the night" i at least smiled a little to make my apology sincere.

"At least it wasn't raining, that would've been a different story" coiny said.

"Fair point, but is there any way i can make it up to you?" For the most part this was for gelatin. I think it's only right anyways considering that I haven't really been with them both since I've been spending my time with leafy.

"Bake some cookies and I'll accept that apology!" Gelatin said. Right, cookies-

"Okay fine, i'll make cookies for you," I went to the kitchen to try and make those cookies now so i could go with leafy but...

"You guyssss, we ran out of cookie dough, in fact, we ran out of toast as well, and most of the stuff we had."

Coiny came to the kitchen, "hm, i guess we gotta go grocery shopping again, hey gelatin how much money do we have left?"

"Not much! But probably good enough to get some stuff!"

"Great! You guys go get that stuff, and I'll just go on and-" as soon as i was about to leave, coiny grabbed my hand.

"Oh no you dont," he said, "since you're now coming out of the house, i think you could be a hand with this."

"Wait wait wait! Going to the woods, going to the grocery store, what's the difference with those? There aren't objects in the woods!"

"Cmon firey, you've been avoiding objects for years! Why dont you at least talk to one-" My mouth opened, but coiny interrupted me before I could even speak. "Someone that isn't me, or gelatin, or pin."


Next thing I knew was that I was dragged with them to the grocery store, i wouldn't have cared if I had told leafy that I was going there! I couldn't even believe it, I just had to hope that we wouldn't take long.

(Leafys pov)

I'm headed to the spot! I couldn't wait to talk to firey again! I enjoy the conversations so much! Even if I do get off topic we always have a great time! As I get to the spot I stand there for a bit.

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