Chapter 16: Fire and Water don't Mix

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(Leafys pov)
Firey and I quickly got up, both trying to be careful to not step on any glass from the broken window.

"WHY I OUTA- WHO DID THIS?!" Flower angrily walked towards the shattered glass. Everyone quickly pointed at the two only ones that could have done it. The guards, I couldn't believe they were here!?

"L-Leafy...I thought you said no one was gonna like...follow you.." match said, shaken up.

"I did! I just, didn't think they would actually bring someone here..." I slowly started walking towards the guards, but firey quickly held my hand.

"Leafy..." firey looked at me worriedly. I put my hand on top of his.

"I got this firey, I promise" I say, letting go of his hand. I quickly make my way to the guards, teardrop and blocky.

"YOU HAVE SOME NERVE BREAKING MY WINDOW" flower shouted. I turned to see as she was still mad, looked like she was ready to run towards the two. Needle tried holding onto her so she wouldn't try anything, and ruby tried calming down.

"D-Don't mind her-" I nervously said.

"Yeahhh that was an accident, my aim isn't getting better" blocky said.

"Who the hell were you trying to hit then!?" Gelatin shouted.

"Not the point, leafy, you have to come with us" blocky started, "Cherry blossoms orders."

I didn't trust this one bit, "what happens if I come back..."

"...I'm not really sure?" Blocky nervously shrugged.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me..." coiny facepalmed himself.

"Listen, we are just here to do our job, you'll face whatever punishment she gives you back with us, we reallyyyy don't want any problems here."

"Well you made it a problem when you broke my window!" flower yelled. Everyone angrily looked at her. "I-I mean, when you almost hit leafy and firey!" It was like everyone facepalmed themselves at the same time hearing her remark.

"Firey..." blocky said, he look at his direction, "I see..." he took a step towards teardrop, where the two exchanged looks at each other. I took a few steps back, if anything, they had something planned. I just wasn't expecting it to be a shocking plan.

"You know whattt, you two look like you're busy!" I said, "I'll just go and be out of your way! Sounds good?" I got nervous.

"Hmm" blocky finally looked in my direction, "nah, sorry!" He said, pulling a rope and quickly tying me up.

"WHA- HEY!?" I felt tight with the rope, trying to free myself but it was no use! I was stuck!

"LEAFY!" Everyone shouted. Firey tried to get to me, but teardrop got in the way, pointing the spear at him.

"LET HER GO" Firey said, trying to step away.

"Alright teardrop! I'll take her back! You take care of the fire element, remember what cherry blossom said!"

"Wait w-what!? What are you gonna do to firey!?" I tried to get out of the rope, but it was no use. I was stuck! "no no no leave him alone! Cherry blossom want me to go back right!??"

"Of course she wants you to come back!" Blocky tried reassuring me, "but she doesn't want any more interference."

Teardrop pointed the spear closer to firey, he stepped away farther. However, it seemed like teardrop was hesitant on anything she was trying to do.

"Firey!" Gelatin yelled, "move out of the way!"

"Huh!?" Firey quickly did, and as soon as he did gelatin threw his fork from earlier to teardrop. She instantly dropped her spear trying to remove the fork. Firey ran to grab the spear that was previously thrown at us and ran to me.

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