sirius' dramatic entry gets ruined

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Hogwarts 1976, Unknown Location, Scotland

James sighs dreamily gazing at his obsession-ahem-lady love, Oh how beautiful she looked when-uh-when....James shook his head, his thoughts strangely muddled as he tried to remember when his Lily-Flower (who? the same girl who said you aren't worth her time? who looks down her nose at you, and screeches at you whenever you are in her vicinity? The one who doesn't follow the ways of magic? Wake Up James, she is a mudbl- why can't you remember? You must remember) looked the most beautiful. But before he could go any further with the train of thought, a bright light enveloped him and suddenly he was falling.


Sirius subtly glances at his baby brother-ahem-Regulus-he should stay in character- to see him just as confused as Sirius, frowning softly as he surveys the room.

The Gryffindor takes in the people who had been dumped just like him in the middle of a surprisingly peaceful day (he should have known the peace wouldn't have lasted). It seemed like the whole school was there. He nodded to the heirs discreetly they when met his eyes.

He is about to announce his presence when screaming interrupts his dramatic reveal. Every eye falls on the falling source of the sound which sounds very familiar (like prongs when the water is a little too cold) as a flailing body lands next to him in a heap.

He pouts, and there goes his plan of drawing attention to himself.

The room laughs at his best mate's misfortune when a resounding BANG! is heard.

His family and several other Purebloods and Ministry workers appear.

He grins to himself, more chaos, how marvelous!


Regulus' brain goes miles and kilometers in seconds as he analyzes his current situation, he notes the presence of his friends and brother among the other students of the school.


The sound comes after the laughter and distracts him, he looks up to see his family among other gathered people, nudging his friends in their ribs he signs them towards the area where his family along with the Malfoys, the Rosiers, and the Lestranges are standing whispering among each other discreetly.

Evans, Rabastan, and Barty nod at him and follow his lead toward their families (well except Barty, but he follows them regardless, anything is better than his father's displeasure in seeing him donned in Slytherin robes).

Greeting the Lords first, he moves to sit next to his friends on the nearby couch, smiling slightly at his family. (he nearly exhales in relief when he finds two of them missing, their existence still a secret.)


The students reunite with their families, some smiling, some grimacing, hugs, and uncharacteristic smiles are exchanged whereas some ice cold facade rebuilds and scowls make way on faces.

The screen lights up, drawing attention their attention to it, a girl and a boy are shown sitting donned in pureblood robes and heir rings displayed on their fingers.

Some of the audience show their distaste at the show of wealth and status, an image of a snobby Slytherin forming in their minds while others nod in approval.

"Merry meet," they say together.

The girl is beautiful her features striking resemblance to Potter, some think with curiosity and others with disdain.

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