shall we, mi amor?

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Alphard Black was not kind, he was born with a golden spoon and had learned casual cruelty at his mother's lap, the slurs of blood were engraved in his mind to the point that he didn't see anything wrong with it.

He remembered the way Walburga was sold to cousin Orion the day mother decided she was old enough, remembered how young she was married to a man who loved another. He was eleven and had decided the day he watched as the once cousins were married in what was a loveless union, that Alphard Black would be free. He would not be a pawn in his parent's game, and would not end up as another bid to the seat of family head.

Mother had scorned him and told him he had no ambition, no will. She was wrong. Alphard had the biggest ambition of them all---to be free and in a family like his freedom was costly.

He wanted to be like Aunt Cassie, she who had made a name for herself in an Era when watched were often considered broodmare, she who gave the Lord Black an ultimatum and left England with her head held high and dignity not lost, she who made Arcturus Black bow before her wishes. An unmarried witch, a spinster, there must be something with her, they whispered. They whispered and whispered until they couldn't. For they had forgotten the nightmare that was Cassiopeia Black. Oh she hid herself well behind her eccentricities---who would suspect a witch wearing a yellow sundress?

He had always had a taste for seas and ships, they had fascinated him---so one fine midnight as he lay restless in his covers he had decided to become a pirate. He had left behind his family in a desperate bid for freedom.

Alphard wanted to weep, as he saw the state of his house in a few years, he wanted to rage at the world for bringing the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black so low----he wanted to spew curses at himself for running away and not being there, for letting his nephews and nieces suffer for his freedom, his dream, his desire.

He watched with a smile on his face but beneath it lurked a shadow that no one else could glimpse at.


The chief warlock Jason Warwick looked down at the arguing lords with impatience and disdain. Having enough of their childish rabble he brought down his hand on his desk with force, silencing the court of magic at once.

"So fierce." Peter shudders.

The camera takes a sweeping shot at the gathered people, most of them are seen gulping as their eyes are fixed on the cracks decorating on the table.

"How---what?" Barty questions stuttering unable to believe the power of an online man's fist can do so much damage.

"Do not underestimate him, boy. He was a hit wizard in his time." Corvus informs.

CW WARWICK: Enough! I the Chief Warlock of this sitting demand silence.

No one dares to even breathe loudly as they see the thunderous face of the CW.

"I would be quiet too, after that." Marlene stresses.

WARWICK(smiles): My Lord and Ladies of the Wizengamot, I welcome you to the meeting of 4th November_____ on behalf of the Wizengamot and ministry, the claiming ceremony as always will be the opening act of this honorable gathering.

"Ooh, time for drama~" Sirius sings.

Lighted wands are raised all over the room in agreement.

WARWICK(continues): The claimants may present themselves now.

Lucius Malfoy nods at his wife, who sits stone-faced next to him. He inclines his head towards the Black Seat.

Lucius looks at the screen unmoving.

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