lucius gets covered in spit

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Lily was brave, a Gryffindor who dared befriend a Slytherin, a girl who dared to be better than the 'purebloods', a mud blood who dared to challenge the status quo. She was young and alone with only Severus to lean on when had to set on a journey to explore a world where she knew no one and no one knew her. A world for which she had left behind her family, her sister. A world that no matter how amazing and fascinating was dangerous. She had left the world she knew for a world she didn't.

Her name was a taboo in Sev's house, the division so great that he could even speak of her in their presence. Mud blood was a dangerous thing to be.

He came to her with a grandfatherly smile, a face so easy to trust, a headmaster who listened. And listen he did, as she spoke and spoke and spoke. Listened he did as she spilled out her heart in front of a man who acted as if he cared. Spoiler Alert: he didn't.

But she was young, young, and oh so naive, alone in a world where her childhood friend deserted her because of the color of her robes, alone in a world where the blood flowing through her veins made her a third-class citizen.

They despised her, those new blokes whom Severus hung out with--they sneered and insulted her mere name, the slurs rolling in their tongue as if it was natural and maybe it was. They were raised to believe, that she was not even worth enough to clean their shoes much less score better than them. James was a nuisance, his proclamation of love embarrassed her, she did not like the stares, the whispers, and the rumors, 'look at her seducing the Potter heir in hopes of a higher status, look at her reject him to keep his attention, look at her---the whore, look at her----


He had made her life a living hell, if it was not for Marlene and Dorcas and Alice, she would have--she would have!

What would have you done, Lily? You could not do anything! They will not fear mud blood, they won't!

They will, she had decided out of spite, they will. She would become a mud blood, they would respect her. She will make them realize that blood doesn't define people.

It was a suggestion at first, whispered slyly in the ear of a little girl eager to prove herself, to climb the social hierarchy and change it, 'What if you had James Potter to defend you, my dear girl?' It was an innocent inquiry, a friendship with the Heir Potter would surely enhance her prospects and make the bullies think twice before sneering at her, but that arrogant toerag was too full of himself, it was his confessions that started it, the bullying, the name calling. 'here, my dear girl just a drop, and James would be eager to defend, to protect you!'

She had accepted it without knowing what it had, meant. She should have. Had she checked she would have known it was Amortentia she was dosing her housemate on, she would have not fallen into the never-ending trap of repeating it again and again and again just in case anyone found out, and would not have made herself the perfect prey of blackmail. But she did not. She did not.

Her demise was near she knew, knew it as she saw the glint in Sirius Black's eyes, knew it as she looked at sweet bookish Remus and found him growling and knew it when sweet sweet Peter glared at her with hate.

Stupid little girl, bringer of her own ruination.

She should have stopped and begged for forgiveness, yet she continued on and died sacrificing herself to protect the most precious thing for James ever, making it so that he could not help but feel some gratitude towards his abuser.

Lily was a coward.


The screen shows the exterior of a remote manor, the camera zooms in to the door where a lone woman is seen standing on the verge of entering it.

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