regulus makes foolish decisions

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The screen lit up again, this time it showed a silver mansion, with Blackmoor Manor, Unknown Location written on the left corner.

Gasps were heard as they took in the magnificence that was the Black family manor.

Proud glints shone in silver orbs as the appreciation of their family manor was made own, inflating their ego ( just a lil' bit).

The doors of the manor open, and the camera goes past the door climbing the staircases to the living room.

Background Voice: Every family magick has a way of marking its heir, the one whose command they all shall follow.

Many people stare at the screen intrigued, they don't know, there is something like family Magick, sentient no less!

The camera stops as a door is shown, and screams echo in the air. A hand reaches out and pushes it, revealing a dining table with every Black sitting on one of the chairs, Lord Black at the head.

"Hey, look that's me!" Sirius shouts excitedly pointing at a small boy sitting next to another smaller boy, both nearly identical and adorable.

Many coo at the boys.

Regulus sighed, a little flustered with the attention.

Sirius pokes a rather pale-looking Regulus in the rib almost shaking with excitement.

Sirius: Reggie, Reggie! We arl gowing to be biwg bro-thwers!

Regulus bites his lip. Silver eyes big and wide, lips twisted in a pout.

Regulus: But whawt if they didn't l-i-k-e, me?

So cute, the thought echoes in everyone's head followed by another, big brothers? There are more Black's, that too from the mainline?

Several dark families frown wondering why they didn't know about another black?

The 'light' scoffs, another dark wizard.

Barty, Rabastan and Evan look at Regulus, questioning him with their eyes, why didn't you tell us?

Remus looks at Sirius, why didn't you mention a sibling? What secrets are you hiding? Why doesn't James look surprised?

Sirius: Buwt why won't they like you, you arl my litwle brow-ther. Don't worrlie.

Regulus: Buwt...

Regulus and Sirius smile in remembrance.

Screams echo again, as the camera moves yet again and reaches the black family tapestry, branches of the tree extending and spreading forming two new images of a girl and a boy,intervened together.

Twins? why wasn't there an announcement?
Great! two new 'death eaters'.
Barty Crouch Sr. thought snidely, hypocrisy curling his thoughts as if his mother was not a Black witch.

Bright light erupts from the tapestry. The screams changed into harsh pants, two cries ring through the manor.
Walburga is shown extending the girl child towards Arcturus Black and the boy towards Orion a soft smile on both their lips.
Walburga Black: The stars shine brightly upon them, the magic has marked the girl.
Orion Black: Then, I shall honour the will of stars and name thee Perseus, for thou shall destroy every hurdle that comes 'i thy way.

Magic erupted again, finishing the naming of the firstborn twin. Eyes widened in awe as they watched the display.

'His name itself is the destroyer, a death eater in making.'

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