james gets some bad news

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Tears shine in the eyes of the Blacks, they hold on---do not show weakness in front of outsiders---they try. It's hard to cover your grief when eyes scrutinize you, looking for a sign that you are affected and that maybe you too are a human.

Black Madness grips Bellatrix as she cackles in disbelief scaring people around her--- Regulus stares at the screen disconnected from reality, as he witnesses his own death.

Sirius inhales sharply to contain his sobs, his grip on Prongs the only thing keeping him afloat, as he stares hard at his little brother to stop himself from falling into the dark abyss of grief and losing his sanity---to remind himself his Reggie is alive.

Narcissa's hand comes up to her mouth and she pales rapidly. She clenches her eyes shut tight once and then opens them---composed again but Andromeda can feel the tremors in her hands as she holds them. They both tremble but do not show any weakness.

Melania and Arcturus both hold on to each other, pale but stoic in their grief.

Walhurga wails, breaking the facade of the perfect lady, she cries and cries and cries in the arms of her husband who holds her tightly to support her and himself.

Barty, Rabastan, and Evans hug Regulus as tears fall from their eyes, hurt beyond belief on behalf of the friend they loved.

Yet, the screen does not stop for the grieving, does not give them time to mourn. It flashes through a series of murders and funerals of Marlene Mckinnon, Mary Mcdonald, Emmeline Vance, Evans Rosier, Corvus Lestrange, and Melania Black, and stops at the image of a crying James Potter holding a rose in his hand, standing in front of a grave.

Arcturus Black hears his heart breaking into shards and feels them cut his soul as he remembers the glimpse given by the screen of his beloved's funeral. He reaches out to feel the hand next to him, anything to ground him to reality, to make his heart believe that Mel is alive.

Marlene and Mary still in horror, at the scene of their own deaths, of possible future. Lily brings both her friends into a hug as they shake in her embrace.

Evan breathes in sharply at his brutal murder, he glances at his pale friends puts on a smile, and whistles lowly, "Guess I go down with a bang. Invite strippers to my funeral, Rab."

Rabastian chuckles wetly, unable to believe Evan would joke at a time like this. His father's burning body was still in his mind.

Others near him laugh a bit too.

The environment lightens up a bit, before sobering up again.

Rodolphus sits stone-faced, eyes fixed on the screen, lest he breaks his emotionless facade and starts sobbing.

Orion Black and Corvus Lestrange seem to be in a trance, Abraxas Malfoy laughs mockingly in his mind, Is this the greatness you promised, Tom? The future where we will be accepted and not scorned for our dark magic? Where no wizard will ever suffer at the hands of a muggle?

James wonders who else he will lose.

The tears do not stop falling, from James' eyes, but the somber background music stops abruptly. A female voice narrates the story further.

The voice: There are no victors in wars, only victims.

The image zooms in once towards the gravestone showing the name LILY EVANS on it, beneath which in cursive script stand the words, Always.

Severus chokes on his sob, his dearest friend, his unrequited love, dead.

Lily lets out a strangled cry at the site of her grave, Marlene and Mary supporting her as she did them.

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