remus always knows.

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Growing up in a cold house of carefully crafted masks, a place where galleons were given instead of smiles and etiquette was taught before words. Lucius had everything yet nothing at all, he had grown up spoiled, and his wishes were completed before they were even spoken, yet. Yet there remained an ache for affection, an emptiness that cannot be chased away.

He worshipped his father once, had made an altar in his name in the depth of his cupboard, and had wanted to be just like him. But all that admiration died a premature death the moment he stepped foot into Hogwarts and realized that fathers are supposed to love you, to smile at you and ruffle your hair, they are supposed to praise you and Abraxas Malfoy for all he was a good politician, an admired man was not a good father. He was never a father at all, just a distant guardian who gave you everything you desired except---except love.

He had found quiet happiness in Narcissa. Cissa, who was lovely and nice, Cissa, who looked at him with the warmth he had never had the privilege of knowing, Cissa his sun and moon and stars and flowers. Cissa who he loved. Cissa who he married.

Cissa, who betrayed him.

Narcissa, who was more a spy than a wife. Lucius' ambition was great but it was all for family, he could understand his future self quite well, after all for him the only remaining heir of the Black fortune was Draco, their son. Was he too let the title go? Was he to let Cissa's family end with her? No of course not.

For all they whispered of his greed they forgot to mention that all Lucius Malfoy had ever done was for his family.

Lucius stood on the precipice of betrayal, his world crumbling around him as the one he loved and trusted above all else revealed her true colors. Narcissa, his wife, has dealt a devastating blow by exposing his plans to her family, thrusting him into the crosshairs of their wrath.

The weight of her betrayal presses heavily upon his shoulders, threatening to crush him under its burden. How could she have betrayed him so callously, casting aside their shared ambitions and familial loyalty? The shock reverberates through his veins, a venomous poison seeping into every crevice of his being.

His mind spins with a whirlwind of emotions---anger, betrayal, and hurt. He feels the sting of wounded pride, the ache of a shattered trust. The world he had carefully constructed, built upon the foundation of a united front with Narcissa, was reduced to rubble in an instant.

The tendrils of doubt crept into his consciousness. How could he have been so blind? Were there signs he had overlooked, warnings unheeded? Questions danced in his mind, tormenting him with their relentless pursuit of truth.

He should have seen it coming, should have seen the darkening of her eyes behind the perfectly crafted facade, should have known that her loyalty would always remain to her family first, not to him---never to him.

(---but are you not family too? A voice asked in the confines of his mind)

Lucius wanted to laugh and disappear. He wanted to cry and lament. How he wishes he could turn back time and make everything alright. Maybe his father was correct after all, love was a weakness. And by God, he was still weak for Narcissa.


The screen changes to a cloaked figure stealthily following a brunette man, who quickens his pace as if sensing someone behind him. The camera focuses on the man's back as he takes detours and finally disappears into a closed alley.

The cloaked figure hesitates at the mouth of the alley, wand at the ready, prepared to cast spells at the first sign of danger.

Suddenly, a commotion erupts among the trash bins lining the street. The hooded figure cautiously approaches, wand pointed at the source of the noise.

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