where do you think cousin bella gets it from?

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Sirius was the brawn, Kaidy the brains, and Percy the heart---what was Regulus? Irrelevant, in the grand scheme of things, probably meant to drown trying to foolishly and recklessly betray the dark lord. He wanted to curse out at his future self for behaving like a stupid Gryffindor. How dare he leave his friends and family behind in heartbreak? He was supposed to be better than that, he was supposed to be the support---the spare.

Ah, Regulus huffed in realization, he was spiraling from the overload of information not meant for mere mortals like them. But self-doubt was unlike him, he has always been so sure of his place in the world and where he belonged----but was he? Seeing yourself almost die does that to you, he supposes. Makes you wonder about greater things. Things that just didn't matter before.

Now on the matter of his best friend---See, Regulus liked to think of himself as level-headed and calm, at least as calm as a Black could be. But for once---just this once---he wanted to resort to violence, he wanted to embrace the madness his family line had been cursed with. Just this once. Promise.

He wanted to laugh as Barty Crouch Sr. bleeds on the pearly white floor of his ballroom, he wanted to waltz upon his corpse with the son he disowned. The son he cast away.

He breathes in and makes eye contact with his father who looks at him knowingly. Regulus Black decides then, he would offer his beloved the blood of his ex-father as wine. He would make him Barty Black.

He shook his head, where is this coming from?

His heartbeat sped up, he took another deep breath and tried to calmly analyze the situation in his mind. There was something he couldn't process. When did Barty become his beloved? How? Is this mutual? No, this must be the delusion of his mad brain, he could not end his friendship on mere speculation. He needed evidence. Yes, evidence. But how does one confirm if his feeling is reciprocated?

He smiles, he knows the answer, he has seen Sirius charm enough ladies to know.


The camera followed the back of a man in chains dressed in tattered robes. Around him were armed Aurors with wands ready for any sign of the wrong movement. The mood of the scene was depressing as dementors hung around leaving behind wisps of black smoke as they circled around the prisoner their skeleton hands waiting for a chance to snatch their prey.

The camera changed its angle it slowly moved upwards and forward simultaneously, showing the front of the man, it was agonizingly slow as it reached the neck of the man and then focused on his face. The man looked years older but those silver eyes could not be mistaken, the days near the dementors were hard on him and it showed by his sunken cheeks and pale skin color. SIRIUS BLACK.

James breathed in sharply, They had no right to put Padfoot in Azkaban without a trial. NO RIGHT.

The chains clinked against the marble floor as he was dragged in amidst gasps, the Aurors stopped near a chair with cuffs on it. Sirius Black sat on the chair with all the grace of a king who had come to hold his court. The chains that made him look small were now just a decoration that made him look more intimidating.

Orion smiled fondly.

The screen took a sweeping shot of the whole room, At the head of the court, a large dais looked down on the accused, filled with Ministry officials and the Chief Warlock. The Lords of Wizengamot sat around on their seats divided by their allegiance in a circle around the Arena.

Reporters in the public viewing section were frantically clicking photos, not willing to miss a good shot of the first trial to be given after imprisonment. MINISTRY FAILS AGAIN! SIRIUS BLACK INNOCENT OR A PLOT BY THE BLACKS TO RELEASE THEIR HEIR? IS ALKAID BLACK ONLY A PLACEHOLDER FOR THE BLACK HEADSHIP BEFORE THE MALE HEIR RETURNS?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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