Baby Tina

840 30 7

Roman's POV

04:30 AM




"Fuck Sake!" I groan as I turn over and check the time. Four fucking thirty! I'm tired as fuck! This past week has been horrendous! Dealing with shipments, hunting down a small gang who thought they could steal from us and helping out at the other warehouses. We had to set up another 5 warehouses and it was becoming too much too handle. I couldn't split myself in five.

Dad managed to set up a meeting with the Russians who were coming over soon to help with the distributions of weapons and gear and I couldn't fucking wait! The last three weeks have been packing weapons ready to ship and sorting out contracts as the Spaniards wanted extra shipment this month. So yeah I've been extremely busy.

Every night I come home, my soon to be wife and Queen is either up with a tub of ice cream or fast asleep. My little girl is gonna come out a tub of Salted Caramel ice cream for sure. 

I say my little girl but every time we go to find out the actual sex, she's either showing us all bottom or she's got her legs crossed, a little lady already. She's stubborn! Just like her mother!


One thing I won't complain about just yet ... the amount of sex we have. It's almost every night and just the sleeping pill we both need. Her body has changed and I was loving it. I've loved feeling her move in her mother's tummy and the dips and curves of my woman was a turn on.

Raye will be getting pregnant again! And soon!!

"Who's fucking ringing at this time of day?" I've only been asleep for two hours. I came in at 01:30, showered and snuggled in bed behind my Fiance. I drifted off to sleep almost instantly when I had her in my arms. Now, some annoying fuck is ringing either her phone or mine. I don't know because I just wanna sleep and I haven't got time to concentrate on who's phone is getting thrown against the wall soon.

I feel Raye move and stretch across to the bedside table. "Hello." Her sleepy voice just as sexy as her normal voice. I roll over onto my back and pull the duvet up and over my head and pull Raye's pillow into my chest.

"OK, we'll meet you there." I was just about to drift back off to sleep when Raye taps me. I don't come out straightaway, instead I just roll right back over and pull her into me snuggling closely between her breasts. "Babe."


"Justina's water just broke babe. We gotta head to the hospital."

"That baby has the worse timing! Can she not wait until a little later?"

"That's not how it works babe." I shift myself so I was now lying on top of her. I kiss her and then I dip to her belly to speak to my princess. 

Yeah, yeah I know. We don't officially know the sex, but I know that's a girl Raye is cooking up in there. "Now you lookey here princess, when you make your grand entrance, please pick a decent time of day. Daddy loves sleep, not as much as you and mommy, but please make sure it's not at this time OK princess? Right, I love you!"

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