Getting Answers

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I was now sat in large office that was very spacious but also nicely decorated, although it was obviously more towards a man's taste. Big double doors led the entryway into the office and towards the back of the office sat Romain at a large oak desk. The whole room had a woodsy smell to it with a faint smell of pine to it. Behind him stood large ceiling to floor windows with ferns littering the corners of each wall. He had a Mac book infront of him whilst he was seated in a black leather chair and directly infront of his desk, two large black leather chairs occupied the space.

To the left and right of the office housed large black bookshelves that were filled with tons and tons of books. Currently we were sat on the black leather sofas adjacent to the book shelves as we waited for Romaine to finish up his phone call. 

Raine had come to retrieve me after my shower as I didn't know my way around as yet. I noticed that even though we were coming to his dad's office he didn't just walk in, he knocked and waited for his father's permission before he entered. So now here we were waiting, me not so patiently as I was very, very anxious to know what important business warranted a meeting in the office with the Blacks.

I was soon to get my answer as Romain finished up his call and apologized for the wait. He stood and walked over to a globe ornament placed randomly in the black decorated room that looked out of place. Before I could even question what he was doing, he opened it revealing a vast collection of alcohol inside. My thinking that it looked very random in the room went out of the window then. He poured himself a whiskey before he turned to us. "Would you both like a drink?"

"No, I'm good thanks." After all it wasn't even 3 in the afternoon just yet. 

"I'll have the same as you dad, may just need it." I look at Raine wondering why he would make such a comment and my stomach only did flips with the unknown of what was to come. After pouring Raine his drink, Romain pulls a chair over to sit infront of us.

"So Raye, I know that you have a lot of questions. I'm hoping that I can help clear some of those up today. Although I really wish your dad was here to do it instead of me." Suddenly the double doors opened and in walked Rosa looking like an angel floating across the room to her husband. 

"Sorry dear, got held up with an idiot on the phone!" She says as she rolls her eyes. Romain stands and offers his chair to Rosa and retrieves one for himself. He kisses the back of her hand when he sits and they lace their fingers together. In the short amount of time that I've known them I can see just how much he loves his wife and showers her with much adoration.

He turns his attention to us once more. "Your dad came to us yesterday after he was concerned about you being followed. He gave the description of the vehicle that you described to him and the registration of the vehicle. We did a search and found out it belongs to the Masters Mafia."

My stomach drops and my eyes widen with surprise. "The ... Mafia?" No he couldn't have said what I thought he said right?
Fuck my life! This can't be! Nope! Nah uh! No way!
Romain could clearly see the surprise and confusion etched on my face as he spoke up calmly, something I thought a built man like him was incapable of when I first met him.

"Listen to me very carefully Raye. I'm sure your father told you the story behind him and your mother's meeting?" I nod to confirm so. "Well when we did our search and it came up with this, we were a little confused but Ryan is still doing his digging for us. It seems the Masters family have taken a liking to you. Why? We don't know. It could be tied to your mom, it could be something else entirely. The guys who attacked you yesterday were Masters goons. My guess is your dad figured this out and that's when he reached out to us for help to protect you if anything was to happen to him and of course I agreed. He's one of my most trusted and dearest friend."

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