Wake up Call

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Justina's POV

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" The folder I was just about to open was now being clutched tightly between my fingers like an eagle with her first catch of the day. I lift it in my clutches and wave it infront of me.

"Jason what is this?" I ask bravely willing my voice not to betray me.

"That's none of your fucking business." He growls back at me and I recoil.

"It has my friend's name on it Jason! That makes it my business. Now why the hell do you have a folder with Raye's name on it?" He storms over to me with so much rage and fury in his eyes that I have no choice but to back away from him. I have never seen him so angry to the point of seeing the flames of hell in his eyes. I'm cornered between him and the wall when his hands reach for my neck as he slams me up against the wall. The heat that is radiating off him would usually get me riled up but right now it was only scaring me. I couldn't even deny it.

"You couldn't just mind your own fucking business? You couldn't just come here when I told you too and left when I said? You couldn't just get fucked and be satisfied with just that?" I look at the man infront of me and he isn't the same man I first met. His eyes were bloodshot and nostrils flared and I can't help but think, when did he break.

I'm sure he can sense my fear as I start noticeably shaking. I try not to show it but at this point I have no more control over my body. "Just please tell me what's going on, I thought couples talk?"

He looks at me before he starts howling with laughter like a mad man. "Couples?" He asks before he starts laughing again hysterically, like he's just heard the best joke of the century. He struggles to catch his breath and his grip around my neck loosens in doing so. "Darling, when are you gonna get it into your thick skull? You were an easy fuck. You were only helping me get to my real goal. You just had to go and fuck it up though didn't you? Sneaking around and shit! You could have had the best of both worlds with me. You give a good blow job. I'll give you that."

He grabs the folder from me, releasing me in the process and drops the folder on the table. I cough to catch my breath and look up in time to see a few pictures had fallen out from the folder. It's pictures of Raye shopping with Valerie, pictures of her at a restaurant and one of her running. They are all of Raye, up close and personal.

He catches me looking at them and quickly shoves them back into the folder. He walks over to filing cabinet and shoves the folder back inside whilst he starts talking. "When I first saw Raye, I knew I just had to have her. She was feisty and fiery; a nice challenge. You however, tell you what you wanted to hear and your legs spread quicker than a wild bush fire. Some information I had to fuck it out of you but once I had the basics I could easily find the rest. Seems like your friend Raye has some powerful people behind her though. She's hard to track and everytime my guys get close to getting her, guards show up unexpectedly. I didn't think she was that important. All I've managed so far after having someone else track her for me, is pictures."

I stare at him as he talks, looking like a mad man who is trying to convince the CIA that aliens exist and he's seen them. "See I found out a while ago her mother was a daughter of another mafia. They were small but coming through the ranks quite quickly and powerful too. My dad betrayed them, killed them all and took Raye's mother as his prize. She was to be his wife and bare him an heir. Raye's dad got jealous, kidnapped her and took her away. Dad never stopped searching for her. So what are the chances that I so happen to be in love with this woman's daughter? I call that fate. Wouldn't you?"

He turns to me as he asks the rhetorical question before he continues. "Dad taught me all I needed to know about this life. For years I couldn't understand his obsession with this woman. My mother was just a replacement to have an heir, he didn't love her. Even on his deathbed he was going on about this woman. I think he got close because before he died, he whispered one word to me ... Flores. I couldn't make sense of it at the time. Until you told me her name, whilst fucking of course."

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